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必修 2,Unit 2 The Olympic Games,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:Pausanias and Li Yan情景:Pausanias是来自古希腊的作家, 他在采访2012伦敦奥运会的志愿者李燕。任务:请你扮演Pausanias,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演Li Yan,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1现在主要有哪两种奥运会?_,2奥运会多长时间举办一次?_3任何运动员都可以参加奥运会吗?_4妇女可以参加奥运会吗?_5选手们是为了争夺什么?_6哪三个词体现了奥运精神?_,1Q:What are the two main Olympics?A:They are the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympic games.2Q:How often are the Olympics held?A:Every four years.3Q:Can any athlete take part in the Olympic Games?A:No. Only those who have reached agreed standard are admitted as competitors.4Q:Can women take part in the games?A:Yes. Women even play an important part in some events.,5Q:What do the competitors compete for?A:They want to see who is able to run faster,jump higher and throw further.6Q:What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympics?A:Swifter,higher and stronger.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。提示词:the Olympics,every four years,standard,motto_,There are two main Olympics,the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. They are both held every four years. Only the athletes who have reached agreed standard can be admitted as competitors. In modern Olympics,women can not only take part in the games,but they play an important part in some events. All the competitiors compete with each other to see who is able to run faster,jump higher and throw further,which indicates the motto of the Olympics:Swifter,higher and stronger.,.写出下列必考单词1古代的,古老的adj._2奖章,勋章,纪念章n._3运动员,运动选手n._4健身房,体育馆n._5愚蠢的,傻的adj._6志愿者;义务做某事n. & v_7现在,如今adv._8祖国,本土n._,9座右铭,格言,警句n._10罚款v._11便宜货;讨价还价,讲条件n.&v._12海报,招贴n._13容许,承认,接纳v._14收费,控诉,主管v._答案:1ancient2.medal3.athlete 4gymnasium (gym)5.foolish 6volunteer7.nowadays8.Homeland 9motto10.fine11.bargain12poster13.admit14.charge,.写出下列单词的变化形式1比赛;竞争v._;比赛;竞争n._;竞争者n._;竞争的adj._2取代,替代,更换v._;更换,接替者,替代品n._3魔术,巫术n._;巫术的;有魔力的adj._;魔术师n._4面谈;采访n.&v._;主持面试者,采访者n._;参加面试者n._,5.规则的,定期的adj._;不规则的adj._ 6物理的;身体的adj._;身体上,肉体上adv._ 7.希望n.&v._;有希望的adj._;绝望的adj._8做广告;登广告v._;广告n._;登广告的人n._9傻瓜n._;愚弄v._;愚蠢的;傻的adj._;愚蠢n._10允诺;答应n.&v._;有希望的,有前途的adj._,答案:1compete;competition;competitor competitive2replace;replacement3magic;magical;magician4interview;interviewer;interviewee 5regular;irregular6physical;physically7hope;hopeful;hopeless8advertise;advertisement;advertiser9fool;fool;foolish;foolishness10promise;promising, 活学活用,用所给单词的正确形式填空1My secretary left us a month ago and we expect a more capable person to _ him,so we are advertising for a _.(place)2Youre _ yourself if you think its OK to smoke. Stop making a _ of yourself. (foolish)3As a good _,you must be highly _ in order to win a _.(compete)4She was one of the 3 hundred _ who competed for the only post in that company. However,she impressed all the three _in the first three minutes of the interview. (interview),5The young _(act) was awarded the most _ (promise) newcomer (最有前途新人奖) for her part of the movie.6_ and chemistry belong to_ Science,while geography and biology belong to Natural Science. (physical)答案:1replace;replacement2fooling;fool3competitor;competitive;competition4interviewees;interviewers5actress;promising 6Physics;Physical,.翻译下列必背短语1参加;参与_2一组;一套_3也;又_4陆续地;一个接一个地_5过去常常(做某事)_6讨价还价_7为了(纪念或表示敬意)而_8允诺做某事_,9事实上_10被录取_11在现代_12起重要作用 _答案:1take part in2.a set of3.as well as4one after another5.used to (do sth.)6make a bargain7.in honour of8promise to do sth.9.as a matter of fact10.be admitted11.in modern times12.play an important part/role in,
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