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必修 1,Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero,Part A模仿朗读,Part B角色扮演,角色:John and Jack情景:John向Jack了解Elias的故事。任务:请你扮演John,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演Jack,根据课文内容回答你的提问。1Elias第一次见到Mandela时有几岁了?_,2他当时处于什么麻烦中?_3Mandela是如何帮他解决这个问题的?_4当Mandela组建ANC时,Elias 做了什么? _5为什么Elias乐意帮助Mandela炸毁一些政府建筑尽管他不喜欢暴力?_,答案:1Q:How old was Elias when he first met Mandela?A:12 years old.2Q:What kind of trouble was he in at that time?A:He needed a passbook to stay in Johannesburg3Q:How did Mandela help him solve the problem?A:Mandela told him how to find the right papers.4Q:What did Elias do when Mandela organized the ANC?A:He joined it at once.,5Q:Why was Elias willing to help Mandela blow up some government buildings though he didnt like violence?A:Because he knew it would help the black people achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.,Part C故事复述,请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。提示词:Elias,Mandela,passbook,join,blow up,equal_,Elias was 12 when he met Mandela for the first time.At that time,he needed a passbook to get a good job and so he turned to Mandela who told him how to get it.When Mandela set up the ANC,he joined it at once.Although he didnt like violence,Elias was willing to help blow up some government buildings because he knew it would help the black people achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.,.写出下列必考单词1法则,原则,原理n._2质量,品质n._3报酬,奖金;奖赏n.&vt._4共和国,共和政体 n_5指导,引导 n_6同盟,联盟,联合会 n_7舞台,阶段,时期 n_8投票,选举,表决 n&v._,9乐意的,自愿的 adj._10总统,会长,校长,行长 n_答案:1principle2.quality3.reward4republic5.guidance6.league7stage8.vote9.willing10.president,.写出下列单词的变化形式1活跃的,积极的adj._;不积极的adj._;活动 n_2残忍,残酷n._;残忍的,残酷的adj._;残忍地,残酷地adv._3教育,训练 v_;教育n._;有教养的,受过教育的adj._4慷慨,大方n._;慷慨的,大方的adj._;慷慨地,大方地adv._,5献身,专心于 v_;忠诚,专心n._;忠实的,深爱的adj._6和平,平静,安宁n._;和平的,宁静的adj._;和平地,宁静地adv._7法律的,依照法律的adj._;非法的 adj._;非法地 adv._8暴力的,凶暴的 adj._;暴力n._9希望n.&v._;有希望的adj._;无望地,绝望地adv._ 10公平的 adj._;不公平的 adj._,答案:1active;inactive;activity2cruelty;cruel;cruelly3educate;education;educated4generosity;generous;generously5devote;devotion;devoted6peace;peaceful;peacefully7legal;illegal;illegally8violent;violence9hope;hopeful;hopelessly10fair;unfair, 活学活用,用所给单词的适当形式填空1A child receives its early _ at home. A well_ mother will have a great influence on her childs future. (educate)2Although he is quite old,he leads an _ life. His _ include tennis and painting. (act)3After years of fighting the people longed for _.They wanted to live _.(peaceful),4I dont think it _ to let them know the topic in advance. No,its _! (fair)5He was _ and he treated them with _ and thoughtfulness. (generously)6Mr. Johnson was a _ teacher because he had had his teacher _ for more than ten years. (quality)7_,you can pass the examination and then your life will be changed. So dont feel so _because I think your future is full of _.Lets _ for the best,OK?(hope),答案:1education;educated2.active;activities3peace;peacefully4.fair;unfair5generous;generosity6qualified;qualification7Hopefully;hopeless;hope;hope,.翻译下列必背短语1把某人关进监狱_2设立,建立_3丧失信心或勇气_4事实上_5使充气,爆炸_6失业_7被判处(徒刑) _,8担心,担忧_9上台,当权_10学费_答案:1put sb.in prison2.set up3.lose heart4.as a matter of fact5.blow up6out of work7.be sentenced to8worry about/be worried about9come to power10.school fee, 活学活用,根据括号中的解释,用恰当的短语完成下列句子1A group of people _ an organization to support him.(formed) 2She failed this time,but she did not _.(feel discouraged)3There is no point in _ things that you cant change.(be anxious about)4She _ for a year.(be jobless,be without work),5After _,he carried out a series of reforms.(control politically)6I thought the work would be difficult._,its very easy.(in fact,actually)答案:1set up2.lose heart3worrying about4.has been out of work5coming to power6.As a matter of fact,
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