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文 化 路 一 小 宋洁 Exercise Book Unit 4 When is Easter? A Lets spell Class Name PEP Primary English 5B A Lets spell Unit 4 When is Easter? So many things for you to learn about, so many ways to sing a song. Which words can you remember? (你能记住哪些单词?) Which words can you remember? (你能记住哪些单词?) third three thin then thirteen thirty month maths this these those that father mother brother birthday Activity 1 Circle the words you hear. (圈出所听到的单词) third three thin then thirteen thirty month maths this these those that father mother brother birthday Activity 1 Circle the words you hear. (圈出所听到的单词) third three thin then thirteen thirty month maths this these those that father mother brother birthday Activity 1 Circle the words you hear. (圈出所听到的单词) / 发音要领: 1、舌尖稍稍伸出露出齿外,轻放于上下门齿之间 ; 2、发音的时候气流从舌头和上齿的缝隙中挤出; 3、千万不要紧咬舌尖,轻轻咬一咬就行了; 4、清辅音,发音时喉咙不振动。 thank thin Thursday / 发音要领: 1、舌尖稍稍伸出露出齿外,轻放于上下门齿之间; 2、发音的时候气流从舌头和上齿的缝隙中挤出; 3、千万不要紧咬舌尖,轻轻咬一咬就行了; 4、浊辅音,发音时喉咙要振动。 they their that Tip:(提示) 看见“th”就轻轻咬舌。 / 清辅音,发音时喉咙不振动。 / 浊辅音,发音时喉咙要振动。 Activity 2 / this three that thin maths mother thirteen brother Activity 2 / this three that thin maths mother thirteen brother Activity 2 / this three that thin maths mother thirteen brother Activity 3 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand / Activity 3 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand / Activity 3 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand / Activity 4 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand father mother brother together other/ Activity 4 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand father mother brother together other/ Activity 4 Thursday think father they thin three them the thirteen month mother their mouth brother tooth this thank than these thick together thirty there thing third that throat health other throw though breath then thirsty those thousand father mother brother together other/ Thursday thing throat / think thank throw / thin thick thirsty / three thirteen thirty third thousand / they them their this these that those / the / though / than / there then / month mouth tooth health breath / 字母th在一起,辨它读音要仔细, /两个请铭记,不同词性有规律, /在“名动形数”里,/藏“代冠连介副”。 th字母组合的发音规则: Activity 5 Read the phrases to your partners. this and that north and south then and there fathers brothers the other day through thick and thin Activity 5 Read the sentences to your partners. 1、Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy,wealthy and wise. 2、Where there is a will,there is a way. 3、There must be more to life than having everything. “Where I live, everything is very small. What I need is a sheep. Draw me a sheep.” So then I made a drawing. He looked at it carefully, then he said: “No. This sheep is already very sickly.Make me another.” So I made another drawing. My friend smiled gently and indulgently. “You see yourself,” he said,“that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns.” So then I did my drawing over once more. 宽容地 公羊 犄角 But it was rejected too, just like the others. “This one is too old. I want a sheep that will live a long time.” By this time my patience was exhausted, because I was in a hurry to start taking my engine apart. So I tossed off this drawing. 拒绝 耗尽的 轻而易举 完成某事 “Where I live, everything is very small. What I need is a sheep. Draw me a sheep.” So then I made a drawing. He looked at it carefully, then he said: “No. This sheep is already very sickly.Make me another.” So I made another drawing. My friend smiled gently and indulgently. “You see yourself,” he said,“that this is not a sheep. This is a ram. It has horns.” So then I did my drawing over once more. 宽容地 公羊 犄角 But it was rejected
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