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The hot drama,The drama is talking about the story that can five single, independent career women who live in the Ode to Joy apartment building find fulfillment on their own terms?,这部电视剧讲述的是同住在一个叫做“欢乐颂”公寓的5个单身独立的职业女性是否能实现各自的追求的故事。,我们羡慕着曲筱绡,崇拜着安迪,渴望成为樊胜美,以为自己是关雎尔,却不小心活成了邱莹莹。,We admire Qu Xiao Xiao, adore An di,long to be Fan Sheng Mei,think we were Guan Qu Er,but we have become Qiu Ying Ying.,Let me take a look at the sprout of mystery of show with all of you today.,为什么这五个女孩子能引起大家的共鸣呢?今天就让我和大家一起来看看这部剧的谜之萌点吧。,Why do these five girls led to a resonance.,She is every girls ultimate dream,An Di (Liu Tao) is a successful business woman who has returned to China after studying in New York to find her younger brother.,Overseas returnees Competent Mighty Unromantic,overseas returnees 海归 Overseas returnees have not curious, but An Di is undoubtedly the best overseas returnees. 海归早就不稀奇了,但安迪无疑是海归中的佼佼者。,She is a senior business elite studying from New York and a executive in the investment company.,她是 纽约归国的高级商业精英,投资公司高管。,Competent 能力出众,Be a executive in the investment company and become the best overseas returnees, An Di has a outstanding competence without doubt.,能当上公司的高管,成为海归中的佼佼者,安迪的工作能力必然是十分出众的。,The formulaic speech and behaviour and the vast amounts of knowledge reserve is impressive.,精准如公式的言谈举止和海量的知识储备令人印象深刻,3 强势 mighty As a traditional able woman, An Di is necessarily capable and experienced. 作为一个传统意义上的“女强人”,安迪必然是强势干练的。,Unromantic 感情迟钝 An Di has a successful career, but the emotion is very slow, of course, it may also be the price of the successful career women 安迪事业成功,但是对情感却殊为迟钝,当然这可能也是成为事业成功的女强人的代价吧。,当关雎尔执意要干涉邱莹莹和白主管的恋情的时候,安迪教育她: We should respect a friends values and give them kind advice when our opinions differ. But we cant interfere. Only offer help when it is needed. Adults take responsibility for what they do. 我们尊重朋友的价值观,当和朋友意见相左的时候,我们可以提醒,但绝不能插手,只能在他们困难的时候提供适当的援助。成年人都需要为自己的选择承担后果。,Qu Xiao Xiao (Wang Zi Wen) is only 25 but already owns her own small business. She must be the writers favorite role. Natural beauty and wealth, but also understanding of worldly wisdom, and cunning as a foxy.,Rich second generation Sophisticated Cunning astute,rich second generation 富二代 The first label is rich second generation,She was born in a nouveau riche family,wear the brand-name clothes. 曲筱绡身上的第一个标签就是“富二代”,出生自新兴富裕家庭,身着名牌服饰。,sophisticated 世故 Living in the rich family,Qu is understanding the of wordly wisdom.Play something by ear and more bark than bite,she is very skilled,therefore,the “sophisticated”suits her very much. 在富裕的环境里长大,曲筱绡对人情世故十分熟稔。看人下菜,刀子嘴的行为也是驾轻就熟,故而,“世故”这个词再适合她不过。,cunning 狡猾、慧黠 Be called as a coquetish young girl is just because Qu is enough eutrapelia and cunning. 被称为小妖精自然是因为曲筱绡足够机智与狡黠,,astute 精明 She is very astute as a rich second generation,maybe she have seen many things,”astute” has been her overclothes. 作为富二代的曲筱绡也很是精明,可能见多了世事,“精明”已经成为了她的外衣。,Like a elder sister, Experienced social burnish and still not changed her mind.Talking with her own experience in teaching the other two new social girl,Fan Sheng Mei (Jiang Xin) grew up in poverty but has shed her “Princess of the Streets” background to work for a multinational company.,Mature Loyal to friends Realistic,成熟 mature She reminds people of the heartthrob in the Pink Lady, has experienced the baptism of the years, accumulated the experience of time, they send out a mature charm in time , became the representative of “light ripe female” 樊胜美很大程度上会让人想到粉红女郎里的“万人迷”,经历过岁月的洗礼,累积了时间的经验,他们在时光里散发出成熟的魅力,成为“轻熟女”的代表。,仗义 loyal to friends She protects the girls living with her,and she hit the supervisor house for Qiu Ying Ying. She has the tendency of personal heroism, loyals to friends and braves in the life 樊胜美努力保护着同宿舍的两个女孩,为邱莹莹砸了白主管的房子。其人有着个人英雄主义的倾向,生活中仗义、勇敢。,Bad girls are there for good boys to grow up, and jerks are for good girls to grow up. The point is that you should be adaptable to circumstances. Cheap people are not worthy of your time.,坏女孩是好男孩用来成长的,渣男更是让好女孩用来成长的。关键是,要拿得起放得下,廉价的人,更不值得在他身上浪费青春。,现实 realistic,在邱莹莹要搬出之际,关雎尔一心挽留,樊胜美教育关雎尔: All good things must come to an end. You should remember that no one can accompany you forever except yourself. 天下无不散的筵席,你记住啊,除了你自己,谁都不可能跟你一辈子。,作为从小镇中走出来的姑娘,在努力拼搏的同时却背负着家庭压力,樊胜美不得不学会了现实,抛却不切实际的幻想。,As the girl away from the town, but hard work with family pressure at the same time, she have to learn the reality and give up the unrealistic fantasy.,She like each of us who is just out of school,Qiu Ying Ying (Andy Yang Zi) is a 20-year-old small-town girl who is trying to make it in the big city.,Foodie Naive Reckless,foodie 吃货 There is nothing to eat a meal cant solve, if not, then two meal 邱莹莹的吃货属性无需多述,在她这里真的是“没有什么是吃一顿不能解决的,如果不行,那就两顿。”,nave 幼稚 She is the representative of “too young too naive”,as a babe in arms,she needs to learn many things,she is too nave but not a blonde. 邱莹莹应当就是“too young too naive”的代表了,作为涉世未深的(a babe in arms)职场新新人,为人处世方面有太多的要学,她“傻白甜”里只做到了“傻” .,Reckless 莽撞 In the work and
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