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2019届吉林通化外国语学校九年级下期第一次月考英语考试【含答案及解析】25 / 25 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途2019届吉林通化外国语学校九年级下期第一次月考英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分一、单词拼写1. 根据句意击首字母提示完成单词。 1. He thinks leaning English g_ is too long. 2. Lucy was so upset this morning.Because she f_ the English exam. 3. Now children s_ talk to their parents.They always have their own ideas. 4. Dont talk loudly in p_. 5.You re s_ to shake hands . 二、单项填空2. The football cant be Lilys , because she doesnt like it .She likes playing_guitar. A. / _ B. the_ C. a 3. The shoes are yours .Put _on , please. A. it_ B.they_ C. them 4. -My aunt goes to climb mountains every Sunday. -Oh? But she _hate climbing mountains . A.used to B.was used to C.is used to 5. There are a lot of _everywhere in autumn. A.leafes_ B.leaves_ C.leafs 6. -I want to borrow the book , but I dont know how long it may _ -For two weeks. A. borrow_ B.be borrowed_ C. be kept 7. They havent decided _ next yet. A.how to do_ B.what to do_ C.what to do it 8. Let the children go away .they are making too much _here. A.voice_ B.noisy_ C.noise 9. Do most people _Chinese food _ fast food in China ? A. prefer ; to_ B.prefer ; of_ C.prefer ; for 10. -I missed yesterdays concert ._ -_!It was really great. A.Good luck B. What a pity C.Sounds great 11. They arrived _Shanghai _ a cold morning . A. in ; in B. in ; on C.at ; on 12. Study hard , _you will get better grades. A.and_ B.or_ C.but 13. -Could you please tell me _?_ -Its next to the post office . A.where is the supermarket B.where was the supermarket C.where the supermarket is 14. The old man lives _ , but he never feels _. A.alone ; alone_ B. lonely ; alone_ C.alone ; lonely 15. The girl _is in red is my sister . A.who_ B.which_ C.what 16. -_ have you had this bike ? -For two years. A.How long B.How soon C .How far 三、补全对话17. 完成对话 从方框中选择正确选项,并将其字母序号写在对话后面的横线上。(方框中有一项是多余的) A : Excuse me. Can you tell me if there is a good place to see a movie? B : 1. I think City House is the best .A new action movie is on there . A : 2. B : Because the seats there are comfortable and the price is low .Also its quite near. A : Thanks. 3. B : Go down this street and walk about three blocks and turn left .You are on Center Street .Walk straight , and you can see it on the right . A : 4. B : No , its not far from here , just ten minuteswalk. A : Thanks a lot . B : 5. 18. 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话意义连贯、完整。 A : Do you know the earthquake in China not long ago? B : 1. _. But I only know a little about the earthquake. A : Many people died and got hurt in the earthquake. B : 2._.Where did it happen? A : It happened in Yaan , Sichuan Province. B : 3._? A : It happened on April 20th , 2013. B : 4._? A : We should try our best to help them. B : 5. _. 四、选词填空19. 短文填空 从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,并将其字母序号写在短文后面的横线上。(方 框中有两个选项是多余的)p20. ly:宋体; font-size:10.5ptA.for B.sure C.happy D.patient E.if F.kids G.with H.less I.done J.First K.this L.more There are many problems between parents and their children. Some parents dont understand their 1. ,and many of them even argue with each other. If I am a parent, how will I get along 2. my child? Well, I think there are many ways._ 3. , Ill encourage my child to do things he or
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