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Wyrbls托福测验比较常考的个词组汇总13 / 13 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途生命是永恒不断的创造,因为在它内部蕴含着过剩的精力,它不断流溢,越出时间和空间的界限,它不停地追求,以形形色色的自我表现的形式表现出来。泰戈尔托福考试比较常考的150个词组汇总be equal to be known as in relation to protectfrom be able to be obtained from serve as interest in at least contribute to live in belong to result from transformsintosbe based on come from begin to start doing devote to settle down comesintoscontract with be familiar with in danger of be obtained from familiarity with be capable of give up doing strive to sharewith range fromtoconcentrate on ask for be famous for take charge of be able to do ability to do to a great extent meet ones goal break away from be adapted to soas to in comparison with do no harm to be woven from be made of substitute for benefit from be involved in be dividedsintosbe dedicated to it is estimated that consist of take place play a key role be related to begin doing rest on date back to be valuable for the ratio oftomake up in nature comment on carry on morethan give off depend on be inclined to be destined to a cluster of be subjected to in spite of account for be rich in in the future feed on no more than be made from be viewed as give way to spenddoing convertinto be originated from as far as is known permit sb to do Joinwithuse up interfere with deal with be resistant to in connection with look for spread to a minimum of start to think of differ from be considered to be typical of be noted for bringto light regardless of native to close to be composed of be appreciated for be force to do Changeintoby means of run for be suited for a great deal succeed in doing be supposed to in honor of not more than in history be filled with shieldfrom focus attention on useto dogrant sb sth on account of bare of in response to rank first among in addition to be found in be associated with be typical of the use of rely on be derived from be credited with doing be known for act on together with be similar to according to at one time due to contrary to refer to be concerned with bring about a number of be dependent on specialize in doing tend to lead to
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