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广东药学院 硕士学位论文 光学活性N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺的合成方法研究 姓名:黄洁玉 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:药物化学 指导教师:林汉森 20100501 广东药学院硕士研究生学位论文 I 中文摘要中文摘要 N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺是一种重要的有机中间体,可广泛应用于医药及化工行业 中。由于文献报道的制备工艺收率较低,且条件要求高,不适合于工业生产,因此对 其合成工艺进行研究,实现其工业化生产具有十分重要的意义。目前市场上销售的几 乎都是化学合成方法而得到的,本论文针对氧化苯乙烯甲胺法合成路线工艺存在的 原料浪费严重、反应收率不稳定以及产率低的问题,对其制备工艺进行改进,以现有 的实验条件,优化合成工艺条件,为其工业化生产提供更加合理的工艺。 本论文的研究内容主要有以下三方面内容: 1、利用正交方法对其合成工艺条件进行优化。以 N甲基羟基苯乙胺为 重要分析指标,通过单因素试验及正交试验 L9(34)得出较优工艺条件。在单因素试 验中考察反应原料氧化苯乙烯与甲胺的投料量、反应时间、反应温度和后处理溶剂乙 醚的量对产率的影响,得出最佳投料比是 n(氧化苯乙烯)n(甲胺)16,反应温 度为 3,反应时间为 6 天。依据单因素试验结论,进行正交试验,得出氧化苯乙烯 甲胺合成法的较优条件为反应原料甲胺与氧化苯乙烯摩尔比为 61, 反应时间为 9 天,反应温度为 9时,N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺的收率均能稳定在 59.5%以上,最高可 达 65.5%。 2、考察了不同催化剂对反应收率的影响。本文选用高氯酸锌六水化合物和磷钼 酸-中性氧化铝二种催化剂进行了研究, 实验结果表明, 使用催化剂可以缩短反应的时 间且反应温度比较温和,室温下就可以得到,但目标产物的最终产率还没有达到预期 目标。 3、利用拆分方法制备其光活体。在完成 N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺消旋体的工艺优 化,得到收率较高且较稳定的基础上,再将得到的 N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺消旋体进行 化学拆分方法研究。我们通过尝试,选择有效的拆分剂 D(+)和 L() 二苯甲酰基酒石酸进行拆分,得到了 R()N甲基羟基苯乙胺和 S (+)N甲基羟基苯乙胺的产物,收率达到 78%左右,产物的 ee 值待测。 关键字N甲基羟基苯乙胺,合成工艺优化,催化剂,手性拆分 广东药学院硕士研究生学位论文 i Study on the synthesis of optically active N-methyl- -hydroxyl-phenylethylamine Huang Jieyu (Medicicnal Chemistry) Supervisor: Lin Hansen Professor Abstract N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine is a kind of important organic chemical intermediate, which can be used widely in the field of medicine and other fine chemicals industry. Because of the low productivity of synthesis route reported on the literature and the strict conditions, it does not suit in the industrial production. Therefore, it is very important to improve in synthesis technology of N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine and to realize its commercial process. Presently, most of N-methyl-hydroxyl -phenylethylamine which are sold in the market are mainly made from methods of synthesis which is used the synthesis route of styrene oxide methylamine. However, there are some shortcomings, such as serious waste of raw materials, reaction yield unstable and low product yield. The thesis is to make some improvements in the craft of preparation, and use the existing conditions to optimize the conditions of the synthesis craft, to provide a basis for industrial production. In this research, single factor experiments and orthogonal L9(34) experiment were applied to selected the optimum technology, and fixing the yield of N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine as index. In the single factor experiments, we examined the effect of relevant factors on the yield of N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine, such as adding amount(styrene oxide and methylamine), reaction time , reaction temperature and solvent. The optimum condition were, respectively, the molar ration: n(styrene oxide)n(methylamine)=16. The reaction temperature was 3. The reaction time was about 6 days. Based on the single factor 广东药学院硕士研究生学位论文 ii experiments, the optimum technology was selected by using of orthogonal L9(34) experiment. The optimal technology were the molar ration: n(styrene oxide)n(methylamine)=16, The reaction temperature was 9. The reaction time was about 9 days. The yield of N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine was between59.5% and 65.5%. We also explored preliminary the catalyst on the yield in the reaction. In the thesis, Zincperchlorate Hexahydrate and Phosphomolybdic acid hydrate-Neutral alumina were selected to study in the reaction. The results showed that the reaction time was shorten and the reaction was more moderate than which was at room temperature. It is suitable for industrial production. However, the ultimate yield of target product do not meet expectations. Finally, preparation of optically active N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine was by chrial resolution. On the basis of getting racemic modification N-methyl- - hydroxyl-phenylethylamine, we were split it. Through related references and tests, chiral reagent D-(+)- dibenzoyl -tartaric acid and L-(-)- dibenzoyl -tartaric acid were successful applied in chemical resolution of -hydroxyl-phenylethylamine to get R-products and S-products with yield of about 78%. Keywords: N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenylethylamine, Optimication for synthesis route, Catalyst, Chiral separation 广东药学院学位论文原创性声明广东药学院学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明: 本人所呈交的学位论文,系我个人在导师的指导下 进行研究工作所取得的成果。 除文中已特别加以标注和致谢的地方外, 不 包含其它个人或机构已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。 对本研究做出贡献的 其它个人和集体, 均已在文中明确说明和致谢。 本人充分意识到本声明的 法律结果完全由本人承担。 学位论文作者签名: 日 期: 年 月 日 学位论文使用授权的声明学位论文使用授权的声明 本人完全了解广东药学院有关保留和使用学位论文的规定, 学校有权 保留和向有关部门或机构送交本论文的复印件和电子版, 允许论文被查阅 和借阅。 学校可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库, 可以 采用影印、缩印或其它复印手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 保密论文在解密后适用本声明。 论文作者签名: 论文导师签名: 日 期: 年 月 日 广东药学院硕士研究生学位论文 1 第一章第一章 概述概述 N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺,又名-(甲氨甲基)苯甲醇,-(甲基氨甲基)苄醇,盐 穗 木 碱 , 其 英 文 名 为 N-methyl- -hydroxyl-phenlethylamine 2-(methylamine ) -1-phenyl-ethano,-(methylaminomethyl)benzyl alcohol,halostachine。其结构式如图 1-1。 图 1-1 N甲基羟基苯乙胺结构 Fig.1-1 The structure of N-N-methyl-hydroxyl-phenlethylamine N甲基羟基苯乙胺是一个氨基苯乙醇类衍生物, 其结构中含有一个手性 碳。 消旋体 N-甲基-羟基苯乙胺在常温常压下是白色针状晶体, 其熔点为 7476, 沸点为 105107(0.2mm) 。室温下稳定性较好,对酸、碱稳定,不易吸潮和氧
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