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上海电大工商学位英语复习资料 作者: 日期:8 2007年4月工商学位模拟试题(1)一、语音题(红色为正确答案)1.noticeA. stomachsB. housesC. mouthsD. reasonable2.behind A. sinkB. blindC. thinkD. English3. waist A. paintB. curtainC. portraitD. said4. irregular A. skirtB. mirrorC. circleD. firmly5. nut A. musicB. humanC. hugeD. lung6.essay A. holidayB. saysC. awayD. mayor7. bulletin A. buryB. PrussianC. bulletD. punishment8. creature A. effect B. energy C. reduce D. belief9. mountain A. explain B. remain C. campaign D. captain10. counter A. country B. south C. tough D. enough二、词汇题1. The news you told me the other day has yet to be_. A. affirmed B. informed C. conformed D. confirmed2. The textile industry _greatly to the economy of Hong Kong. A. adds B. amounts C. contributes D. leads3. The leaves are _ down to the ground when autumn comes. A. dropping B. following C. putting D. falling4. Do you think she has any _ to refuse Johns invitation? A. reason B. cause C. motive D. point5.The hunter _ on his back with his eyes half closed. A. laid B. lied C. lay D. lain6.The little girl, who got home very late, was greatly relieved when she found out she had been_. A. saved B. nudged C. spared D. encouraged7.It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be. A. impression B. reaction C. comment D. opinion8. My friend was full of _ for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car. A. pride B. surprise C. admiration D. jealousy9. It is because he is too young _ he does not understand what has happened. A. that B. so C. so that D. therefore10. Your little girl is becoming very rude. You _scold her. A. may B. can C. ought D. ought to三、语法结构1. Emily is too young to _in the house without a babysitter. A. leave B. be leaving C. leaves D. be left2. What time does my flight leave _Tuesday? A. at B. in C. by D. on3. The size of the people, _ we had expected, was a thousand. A. whom B. who C. as D. that4. The manufacturers _ carried out one of the Chairmans proposals, but they didnt. A. must have B. couldnt have C. ought to have D. shouldnt have5. _ send your motorcycle to be repaired? Youd better not drive it any more. A. Why B. Why not C. Why dont D. Why didnt6. Please listen to me. Its inappropriate for you to persist in _ this. A. to do B. do C. doing D. having done7. He is one of the students who_ always on time. A. is B. are C. was D. be8. _ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. A. Each B. Any C. either D. one9. He had difficulties making himself understood, but we didnt _impatience. A. show no sign of B. make an exhibition of C. show any sign of D. make any exhibition of10. It wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us. A. that B. which C. as D. what四、词形变换1. (boy) He was born in China, spent his _in England, and now he is an American citizen.(boyhood)2. (promote) He looks happy today. I guess he has got a _.(promotion)3. (lie) No one would like to make friends with him, for he has been found a _.(liar)4. (solve)We will not give up until we find a satisfactory _to the problem.(solution)5. (able)Airplanes _ people to travel great distances rapidly.(enable)五、阅读理解1. As a young girl, Elizabeth Barrett (Browning英国作家勃朗宁) ruptured a blood vessel on the lungs which did not heal. The physician consigned her to a milder climate for the winter and she went Devonshire for restoration. Among the members of her family who accompanied her to those healing shores was her eldest brother.For a whole year they lived side by side in affectionate companionship, she all the while being greatly benefited by mild sea breezes of Torquay.One summer morning her brother went board a small sailboat with two friends for a trip of several hours around the coast. Just as the vessel came in sight of the window where Miss Barrett sat watching, the boat struck a sunken reef; and all who were in it went down and perished in the sea, before assistant could be rendered. None of the bodies were ever found although the whole village, full of sympathy, assembled in search. This was the tragedy which utterly prostrated for some years afterwards the health and soul of Elizabeth Barrett. Somehow she felt that she herself had in some measure been the
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