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专四英语口语测验roleplay题目9 / 9 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Task Three: Role-play1. A: Recently, the number of students who apply for double majors has been increasing. You are also considering about such an application. You go to student B and ask for his/her opinion. Student B tries to encourage you to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, you still have some reservations and do not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember you should initiate the conversation.1. B: Student A is considering about an application for double majors, which you think is a good idea. You try to encourage student A to take this challenge by analyzing the advantages of doing so. However, student A has some reservations and does not want to make a final decision in a rush. Remember, it is your partner who should initiate the conversation.2. A: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student B express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember you should initiate the conversation.2. B: Recently a student has been enrolled in the graduate school of Zhongshan University because of his contribution to the fight against SARS. You and your classmate Student A express your opinions on whether the university is justified in doing so. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation.3. A: You are a freshman but you dont feel happy at all. Instead you are depressed because you think the college you enter is an ordinary one. You curse your fate and cannot see any light of hope in your life. One day you decide to have a talk with your teacher, so you enter his/her office. Remember you must initiate the conversation.3. B: You are a university teacher. Student A is a freshman but he/she doesnt feel happy at all. Instead he/she is depressed because he/she thinks the college he enters is an ordinary one. He/she curses his fate and cannot see any light of hope in his/her life. One day, he/she enters your office with the intention of having a talk with you. Remember he/she initiates the conversation. 4. A: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to train good members of society while your friend insists that it is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. Remember you should initiate the conversation. 4. B: You and your friend are discussing the aim of university education. However, you hold different opinions. You think university education is primarily to create and cultivate scientists, artists, politicians, philosophers, poets, novelists, etc. while your friend insists that it is primarily to train good members of society. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation. 5. A: You and student B will be on holiday next week and intend to travel to Xinjiang. As you have just read an article in the newspaper about a plane accident, you think it is too dangerous to travel by plane and decide to go somewhere else by train. However, Student B thinks differently and insists on traveling by air. Remember you should start the conversation.5. B: You and student A will be on holiday next week and intend to travel to Xinjiang. As student A has just read an article in the newspaper about a plane accident, he/she thinks it is too dangerous to travel by plane and decide to go somewhere else by train. However, you think differently and insist on traveling by air. Remember it is your partner who initiates the conversation.6. A: You are a freshman in the university. You learn that many students do part-time jobs to get some money and some social experience. You have just decided to find a job as a tutor. Now you go to see a sophomore and ask for advice as to how to find a part-time job, the average payment of a job as a tutor, what difficulties one usually comes across, and how to do the job successfully. Your friend tries to give you various information, which you find very helpful. Remember that you should initiate the conversation.6. B: You are a sophomore in the university. A freshman of your department comes to ask for advice as to how to find a part-time job, the average payment of a job as a tutor, what difficulties one usually comes across, and how to do the job successfully. You try to give him/her various information, which he finds very helpful. Remember that it is your partner who initiates the conversation. 7. A: You are a literature fan. Your friend comes to you to seek advice on what to read during his five-day holiday. You recommend several books
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