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Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第二课时 听说课Section A (1a-3c ) Page 3133【Teaching and learning Goals】:In this lesson, the students will identify the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns and get to know the rules of noun plural forms. Students will also learn how to ask and express someones likes and dislikes about food with the sentence pattern Do you like.? Yes, I do./No, I dont. They can get the information about their classmates favorite food or other things.【Teaching and learning steps】:Step I. Pre-listening activities1.Preview(1)Brainstorm:T: Lets have a small game named“brainstorm”.Please list as many words as you can about the names of some food- vegetables and fruits .And get students to write down the words, then check who writes the most words in the class. And encourage him or her.Then ask students to check answers for 1a.d i f h b g c j e a (2)Look at p32, put the following into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.(a)约翰的生日晚餐(b)下周(c)考虑,思考(d)怎么样?(e)你是正确的。/你说得对。(3)Put the following into Chinese.(a)Do you like salad? (b)Do they like pears? (c)Does she like tomatoes? (d)We dont like hamburgers._(e)He likes ice-cream._(设计意图:(1)部分以头脑风暴的方式激发学生对上一节课单词的记忆,不仅能说出来,更要比一比谁写得多,写得准确。(2)(3)部分可以让学生们通过预习重点单词、短语和句子,对本节课的内容有初步了解,为学习新内容扫清障;并能培养学生发现问题的能力。)2.Warming up and leading in(1)The teacher shows students a basketball. T: Whats this in English? Ss: Its a basketball. T:I have a basketball. Do you have a basketball?(asks a girl student)S1: No, I dont.T: Does she have a basketball?(asks other students)Ss: No, she doesnt.T: Do you have a basketball?(asks a boy student) S2: Yes ,I do.T: Does he have a basketball? (asks other students)Ss: Yes, he does. T:I like basketballs. Do you like basketballs? Ss: (helped by the teacher)Yes, I do. /No, I dont.(2)The teacher shows students some oranges.T: What are these in English?Ss: Theyre oranges.T:I have two oranges. Do you have oranges?Ss: No, I dont.T:I like oranges. Do you like oranges?Ss: (helped by the teacher)Yes, I do./No, I dont.(3)The teacher shows a video.T: Does the girl in the video have an orange?Ss: Yes, she does.T: Does she like oranges?Ss: (helped by the teacher)Yes, she does.T: Does the boy in the video have a banana?Ss: Yes, he does.T: Does he like bananas?Ss: (helped by the teacher)No,he doesnt.(设计意图:(1)部分是复习第五单元所学习的句型为本单元的学习做过渡性铺垫,(2)部分以实物展现的方式导入新课所要学习的句型Do you like.?(3)部分以视频的方式熟悉(2)部分的句型,并引出Does she/he like?该部分的视频主人公是我们班自己的学生,可引起学生们关注同伴或同学对食物的喜恶,增加彼此的了解。)Step II. While-listening activities1.Listening for the general idea of 1b Tell the students that the people in the following conversations are talking about something. Ask the students to listen to the conversations and find out:The main idea of the three conversations in 1b is to talk about.A sports they like and dislikeB food they like and dislikeC school things they like and dislikeAsk students to check the answer: B2. Listen to the conversations more carefully and find the specific ideasAsk the Ss to listen again and number the conversations1-3. Then ask the Ss to check the answers.2 1 33. 2a (1) Show Ss pictures about food, and lead them to say the food.strawberries tomatoes pears hamburgers salad oranges ice-cream bananas (2) Students listen to the conversation and circle the food they hear. Then check answers.4. Listen to the conversations more carefully and find the specific ideas(1) Listen again and fill in the blanks of 2b.Lets have_No,I dont like_I like _.Do you like _?No?Oh,noI dont like_Do you like_?Yes,I do. (2)Check answers of 2b.(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们听大意和听细节信息的能力,所以先帮助学生听出每个对话的大意再去完成后面对应的细节题。)Step III. Post-listening activities1. Ask students to read the conversation in 2b by following the tape. Then make a short report according to the conversation.For example: The girl likes_. The boy likes_, too. But he doesnt like_ or _.(设计意图:本部分的内容重在培养学生们跟读磁带复述的能力,同时通过对所听内容的改写引导学生更好地内化语言知识。)2. Pair work and group work(1) Show Ss pictures about food ,and students ask and answer their like and dislike.The teacher can make a sample.T: Do you like hamburgers? (asks a boy student)S1: No, I dont.T: Does he like hamburgers?S2: No, he doesnt.T: Do you like salad? (asks a girl student)S3:Yes,I do.T: Does she like salad?S4:Yes,she does.Then give the Ss some time to practice and ask several pairs to talk about their likes and dislikes. (设计意图:此部分重在引领学生根据听力部分,通过模仿对话,来恰当的运用本节课的重点句型。
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