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Unit 4 What would you do?(SectionB1a-2c)Teaching goals:Talk about personalitiesGet the students to grasp the new words: energetic, confident, permission, herself.Listen, describe and talk about personalities.Talk about embarrassing situations(worries/problems)Get the students to grasp the sentence structure:“What would you do if.?” (目标引领,用一段话表述了本节课的知识、能力和情感目标。)Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step 1 PreviewLook at p29, put the following into Chinese or English.1. 在公共场所_2. 变得紧张_3. 做演讲_4. 未经准许_5. be in a movie_6. be friends with sb._7. introduce oneself_8. ask ones permission_(预学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。)Step2 Revision.What would you do if.I would if.Step3 Warming up and new words.Talk about the personality words of famous people or familiar friends.T: Im outgoing and kind. What are you like?S1: Im shy.S2: Im quiet.S3: Im outgoing.T: OK .Look at the pictures. Can you tell me what they are like?S1: He is confident.(Bill Gates)S2: He is energetic.(Liu Xiang )S3:T: You did a good job .Different people have different personality. Maybe someone is confident, someone is energetic, someone is creative(利用班上同学来举例,贴近生活,学生更容易理解,同时温习旧词,引出新词,选择学生感兴趣 的图片,激发学生的学习热情。通过引导,让学生更容易接受新词。)Step4 Lead inT: As you know, different people have different personality. What kind of people are you?S4: Im.(导入要联系所学的内容,使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习。)Show some pictures. Ask the students to try to say what they are like.S1: Hes funny.S2: Hes confident.S3: Hes energetic.S4: Hes creative.(用图画使学生更直观地去练习)Step5 1a and1bT: Very good. Now Lets come to 1a Use the words from the box to complete the definitions. Then ask some students to say their answers. T: Do you have any other difficulties? Can you tell me?Ss can say any difficulty that they have, even in Chinese.Step 6 Listening and Speaking (2aP29) Listening for the general idea听取大意T: OK. Weve known our personalities. Celia is asking Bill questions from a personality survey . Listen and get the main idea. Whats Celia asking about?( )A. how to be confident.B. what you would do if you were in embarrassing situations (worries/problems).C. Bills personality.(先听大意,理解文段)Listening for the specific ideas听取细节T: Celia is asking Bill questions from a personality survey .Check the questions Celia asks.How confident are you?_What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?a. Id say that another student could do it better.b. Id say I had a cold.c. Id say yes._What would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without permission?a. Id tell him to ask my permission before he borrows something next time.b. I wouldnt say anythingc. I would start borrowing his clothes without permission._What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?a. Id say yes.b. Id say no.c. Id ask if my friends could be in a movie too._What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new student?a. Id introduce myself.b. Id wait for him/her to introduce himself/herself to me.c. Id invite him/her to have dinner at my house.Check the answers.2b Listen again. Circle Bills responses.T: What would you do if you were in embarrassing situations (worries/problems).Now lets listen again and Circle Bills responses.Listen again and fill in the blanks.Celia: I just did a _ _in Teen Time magazine. It tells you how_ you are.Bill: Oh? _did you do, Celia?Celia: I_ know _.But its a really _test. You should _ it, Bill.Bill: OKCelia:_ _question 1?_ _ _ _if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school.Bill:_ _I had a cold and couldnt speak. I had a cold and couldnt speak. I would be afraid to _ _ _in front of the whole school.Celia: How about this _question? What would you do if someone asked you to _a movie?Bill: Oh,Id say _.Id be too_.Whats the _question?Celia: Lets_.Listen and repeat(先听大意,然后再听细节,初步用听的技能获取、处理和传递所需信息。理解文段后,进行听力模仿,感知英语发音特点,提高口语表达水平。)Step7 2cT: We heard just now what Bill would do if he had worries/problems . What about you? And how about your friends? Please make conversations using the information from 2a and 2b. Ask the students to act out the dialogues in 2c. Sample dialogue 1:S1: What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?.S2: Id say yes.Sample dialogue 2:S3: What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school?S4: Id say I had a cold.Step 8 Post-listening activities听后活动T: Youve known the result of Bills pers
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