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全球化与“第三条道路”郑 伟目 录导论 “第三条道路”:西方中左翼政党的理论选择和政治变革第一章 “第三条道路”提出的时代背景第一节 全球化与“第三条道路”第二节 冷战时代的结束与“第三条道路”第二章 “第三条道路”理论的形成和发展状况第一节 “第三条道路”的理论来源第二节 历史上“第三条道路”第三节 当代西方的“第三条道路”第三章 超越左与右“第三条道路”的价值取向第一节 当代西方左与右的发展趋势第二节 超越左与右:当代西方中左翼政党的政治坐标第四章 “第三条道路”的政治观第一节 从“解放政治”到“生活政治”第二节 全球化与民族国家第三节 “民主制度的民主化”第四节 政治基础的变革第五章 “第三条道路”的经济观第一节 国家经济职能的调整第二节 新型混合经济第六章“第三条道路”的社会福利观第一节 风险社会的来临第二节 传统的福利社会模式第三节 挑战与重建:积极的福利政策第四节 从福利走向工作第七章 “第三条道路”的社会观第一节 积极的公民社会第三节 重建家庭第二节 生态环境问题第八章 “第三条道路”的外交观第一节 社会民主主义的国际主义立场第二节 布莱尔主义外交政策的形成第三节“第三条道路”的“新干涉主义”余论:“第三条道路”对当代中国的借鉴意义文献索引后记ABSTRACT In the late period of 1990s, the theory of “the third way” began to spring up in the western world. Some of left-centre parties regarded it as the basis of their theory and the creed of their administration. In the modern world and after Cold War, facing the challenge of globalization, the left-centre parties and theorists in the western developed countries made a theoretical choice and made a political transformation on how the western parties won the support of electorates. Beyond left and right is a distinct character of “the third way”. But it doesnt seek for the middle road between left and right. Beyond left and right it tries to rebuild a “radical politics”. The radical politics includes the main contexts such as: On the political outlook, “the third way” puts forward a series of relatively systemized political theories. It claims that in the age of globalization the sovereignty of state-state is impacted to a certain degree. But the condition doesnt mean that the state power is decreasing, in contrast, the state power is widened. “The third way” brings forward “emancipatory politics” and “life politics”; claims that politics should pay attention to real-life problems. Aiming at the crisis of the modern western democracy system, it puts forward the concrete conformation. Based on the structure change of the modern western society, it adjusts the electorate basis and makes the society democracy party enlarge the effect on the middle estate.On the economic outlook, “the third way” tries to search for a kind of the reasonable tensile force between state intervention and market adjustment. State and government must take on their responsibilities on state macro-control. As far as the concrete management being concerned,state lets proprietors manage in the market all by itself and does not control it too much. Abandoning the pursuit of public-owned system, it transforms the mixed economy between traditional public-owned system and private system into“new-patterned mixed economy” which combines state intervention with market adjustment.On the social welfare policies, it claims that the safety net patterned welfare state in which state is the whole show should be transformed into society investing state. State should mobilize all the social aspects to invest social welfare and security. At the same time, state should combine welfare and employment with education and training; build a positive system of welfare system. In addition, it deceases social members dependence on welfare system and makes persons build up responsibility consciousness. It combines rights with responsibilities and emphasizes that no responsibilities means having no rights.On the social outlook, “the third way” emphasizes it important that government and civil society set up cooperative and companionate relations. It requires that state cultivate positive civil society and rebuild community and family, make government and non-governmental organization, community and family take on responsibilities of solving social problems together. On the problems of environment, it requires that state combine the development of economy with the administration of environment and avoid the old road of first pollution then administration, regard the administration of environment as an important problem. Meantime, it claims all countries of the world should enforce collaboration on the administration of environment and etc.导论 “第三条道路”:西方中左翼政党的理论选择和政治变革20世纪90年代后期,“第三条道路”理论在西方开始兴起,并被一些中左翼政党作为理论基础和施政纲领。“第三条道路”理论的提出,绝非少数理论家和政治家们的心血来潮或标新立异,而是有着深刻的理论根源和现实的社会基础的。从理论上来说,它是西方发达资本主义国家的理论家和政治家们,在当今世界冷战结束以后,面对全球化的挑战,对于西方政党如何赢得选民的支持所做出的一种理论选择和政治变革。“第三条道路”的兴起,首先与当今时代的变化,有着直接的关系。当前国际形势的变化主要表现在两个方面:一是经济全球化的趋势的日益明显,一是东西方两大阵营之间冷战的结束。这两个方面,对西方政党的执政纲领都提出了新的挑战。一方面,从上个世纪末开始,世界经济全球化的趋向日益明显。国际间的经济交往日益频繁,超越国家、民族和地区界限的各种全球性机构不断出现,国际金融资本在全球范围内的自由流动加强,以及国际间人口流动性的增强,都标示着经济全球化的特征。经济全球化已经成为一种客观的趋势。经济的全球化对世界各国来说,既是机遇又是挑战。它提出了许多新的问题,如民族国家之间的界限问题、国家的职能问题、政府在经济和社会生活中的作用问题等,都需要各国执政党从理论上做出相应解释和回答。西方中左翼政党,从这种现实背景出发,对上述问题做出了自己的回答,并对自己的施政纲领做出相应的调整。同时,全球化时代又是一个高风险的时代,迫切需要执政党提高管理风险的能力。吉登斯说,全球化时代的世界,是一个“失控的世界”,“我们从来不能成为我们自己的主人,但是我们能够而且必须找到驯服这个失控世界的方法”。 (英)安东尼吉登斯:失控的世界全球化如何重塑我们的生活,引言第5页,周红云译,江西人民出版社,2001年。在某种意义上来说,“第三条道路”理论,就是当代西方中左翼政党“驯服这个失控世界”的方法。另一方面,冷战的结束,也需要西方资本主义政党对其政策做出调整。20世纪80年代末90年代初,世界社会主义运动遭受到
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