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Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 第一课时Section A 1a-2cLearning Goals: In this lesson, the students will learn to use “must, might, could, and cant” to make inferences. The Ss should master when to use “must, might, could, and cant” to make inferences after finishing the listening and speaking tasks. The Ss can also learn how to make inferences according to the phenomenon.Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Pre-listening activities1. PreviewAsk the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.(1)玩具车 _(2)她最喜欢的作家 _(3)在野餐时 _(4)听古典音乐 _(5)发带 _(6)棒球 _Ask the Ss to translate the following sentences.(1)-这是谁的书?-它一定是Mary的。_(2)它一定属于Carla._(设计说明:本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。)2. Lead in(1)Show two photos of a boy and a girl. Tell the Ss the boy is Tom and he likes listening to music and playing soccer. The girl is Lucy and she has long hair and likes playing tennis. They are both learning English. Then show the Ss the following things:a CD, a soccer ball, a hair band, a tennis ball and an English book. Tell the Ss these things are Toms and Lucys. These things belong to Tom and Lucy. Help the Ss understand what “belong to” means. Let the Ss guess which things belong to Tom and which things belong to Lucy. First, give the Ss an example.e.g. Whose CD is this? -The CD must be Toms. Because he likes listening to music. So it cant belong to Lucy.(2) Have the Ss try making the similar guesses with the soccer ball, the hair band and the tennis ball in groups of two. (3)For the English book, lead the Ss to guess like : The English book might / could belong to Tom or Lucy. Because they are both learning English. (设计说明:先给学生们创设易于理解的语用情景,并逐步引导学生们在实际运用中初步感知如何依据事实做推测。)Step II. While-listening activities1. Listen and find the general idea.(1) Show the picture of a picnic in 1a and ask the Ss to write the things they see in the right column in the chart.ClothingFun thingsKitchen thingshatvolleyballplates(2) Tell the Ss that the people at the picnic are talking about something. Ask the Ss to listen to their conversation and find out:What are they talking about ?_A. They are talking about the picnic.B. They are talking about the weather.C. They are talking about whose things those are.2. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas(1)Ask the Ss to listen again and match each person with a thing and a reason.PersonThingReasonJanes little brotherMaryCarla Deng Wen Gracevolleyball toy carmagazine book CDHemingway is her favorite author.She loves volleyball.He was the only little kid at the picnic.She always listens to classical music.He loves cats.(2) Check the Ss answers and ask the Ss to answer with complete sentences like:The volleyball must be Carlas / belong to Carla. Because she loves volleyball. (3) Then, ask the Ss to listen to the tape a third time and finish the tape scripts.Girl1: volleyball is this?Boy1: be Carlas. She loves .Girl1:How this car?Girl2:Oh, that toy car must to Janes brother. He was the little kid at the . And the must belong to Deng Wen. He cats.Boy1:Oh, and look, a book.Girl2:Oh, yeah This must be Marys. Hemingway is her .Girl1:OK and how about this ?Girl2:Hmmmm The CD belong to Grace. She always listens to music.(4) Check the Ss answers.3. Listen and find the general idea.(1) Show a picture of a backpack to the Ss and tell the Ss Bob and Anna found the backpack in front of their school. Ask the Ss to listen to Bob and Annas conversation and find out:What is the conversation about? Its about _.A. Bob and Anna want to know what is in the backpackB. Bob and Anna want to know whose backpack it is (2) Check the Ss answers.4. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas(1) Ask the Ss to listen again and write down the things in the backpack.Things
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