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Welcome to TC Senior School!,Our new school is a place _I will spend _ years. And I am in Class _with my hardworking _ and kind teachers. Besides, It is _a good class _I like it a lot. I hope I can make _and _ my dream here.,progress,where,?,such,that,Our school,realize,classmates,Self-introduction,It may be our first time to meet each other, so it is necessary for us to make a self introduction.,Self-introduction,I like/love/enjoy(doing sth). I am fond of. I am interested in My hobby is./ My hobbies are .is my favorite. I am a person who,Hobbies,Name,Age,I am ./ My name is,Im 17 years old.,Im a 17- year- old girl.,Qualities品质,性格特点,Self-introduction,Hello, everyone. Im _and I graduated from_. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, Im fond of _. In my free time, I spend much time in_. In a word, Im a person who_.,(doing sth),Your new life and new English learning,How to adapt your Senior life?,2.同学变化,1.环境与心理的变化,3.教师变化,4.教学方式变化,Open, active, happy ,helpful,English learning: A big challenge or a piece of cake?,How to improve and succeed?,Your challenge,2.教材跨度难度变化,1.害怕,遗忘,没信心,有差距,3.高中英语教学方法?,4.高中学生英语学习方法?,1500-1600词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配 常用语言形式的基本结构和基本的语法知识 (高考要求)3500词,700-800个习惯用语或固定搭配,教材容量大,大量的语法点、知识点,句子结构更为复杂 侧重提高阅读能力且加大阅读材料的份量 内容涉及文学、教育、天文、科技、金融、电脑网络等诸方面,初中,高中,教材内容形象直观,知识单一,题型简单,课时较充足 课堂容量小,进度慢,教师在课堂教学时用大量的时间练习一个词汇、句型或一个语法点,学生也有足够时间进行巩固 教材内容多,知识综合性强,课时减少 课堂容量大,进度快,对各类型题巩固强化时间不多。 侧重对各个知识点进行精讲精练,讲究系统知识的学习、归纳,引导学生举一反三。,初中,高中,学习依赖性强,机械性记忆和练习 学生要自主学习,勤于思考,善于归纳总结,主动质疑 高一新生,沿用初中学法,学习困难较多,完成当天作业都很困难,更没有预习、复习及总结等自我消化自我调整的时间。不利于良好学法的形成和学习质量的提高。,初中,高中,结果,Advice on learning English,Attitude is everything!,Practice makes perfect! ( rules,skills,),active, careful, confident, clever cheerful,Advice from graduates,1. go go go, never let it go 不轻言放弃。,3、do do do, do by yourself 作业认真按时独立完成。,2、read, read ,read,read aloud 多背诵一些好文章和好句子。,4. write,write, write write well and everywhere. 勤记笔记,注重书写 5,listen,listen, listen, lisen to your teacher (注意认真倾听老师的课堂和学习建议),一套作业本(听写本,作业本,) 一本笔记本(质量过硬,厚度够分类) 一本作文收集本(范文、好句子) 一本字典 一套好笔(颜色多,书写流畅),学习要求六个一,Demands from your teacher,听: 说: 读: 写:,本周学习计划:,英文书法,calligraphy “书法都是书写,但并非所有的书写都可称为书法。” DaBoll “字乃人之衣冠”,5分,5分,24分,主要书体,意大利体 意大利体又称斜体行书,其特点是倾斜。它通过挺拔的竖笔、秀长的椭圆、尖尖的棱角、粗细的变化体现出既洒脱又不失庄重的风格,给人以苍劲、挺拔、浑厚的感觉。,手写印刷体,兼有斜体行书接近印刷体的特点 不必形成尖尖的棱角,避免了许多由重到轻,由轻到重粗细变化的过渡 秀中带刚,挺中带圆,排列整齐,简洁明快。 没有连写,速度却快。,Self-learning,1. preview New words and expressions 2. review recite the text and read the notebook,Thank you !,联系方式:32238772 We chat:18055617152,Lets practice right now!,My new class is a place _I will spend the next 2 years. It is a class _hardworking and kind students. Besides, It is _a good class _I like it a lot. I hope I can make _and _ my dream here.,progress,where,with,such,that,My school,realize,Self-introduction,Hello, everyone. Im _and I graduated from_. As a 17-year-old boy/girl, Im fond of _. In my free time, I spend much time in_. In a word, Im a person who_.,(doing sth),
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