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Lesson 34 On the Farm! 教学目标: 1. Master animals and phrases. 2. 能够把所学知识运用在日常生活之中, 通过学习本课的几种农场动物,使学生更加 热爱生活。 教学重点:Master many kinds of animals and their habit. Warming up Like our human being, animals have their own places to live too, so do you know where do they live? Like bird, fish and horse? New words 词汇 countryside feed pick friendly quickly moo n. 郊外;乡村 v. 喂;喂养 v. 采摘;选择 adj. 友好的;有爱的 adv. 快;迅速 onom. 牛叫声 Language points Language points Useful expressions and structures: What do you like to do here? I like to feed the animals and pick vegetables and fruit. 【解析】 like to do sth. 喜欢做某事 点拨: 1What do you like to do here? 你在这喜欢做什么?。 e.g. I like to feed the animals. 或 Li Ming likes to pick fruit. Exercises 1. I can see a black _ (马) in the picture. 2. There are a lot of _ (绵羊) on the farm. 3. Look! The bird is _ (飞). horse sheep flying . 根据提示及句意完成单词或词组。 1. A lion likes to eat _. A. meatB. bread C. fruit D. grass 2. Old MacDonald _ a farm. A. haveB. having C. had D. to have . 选择正确答案。 Homework Do you like the animals of the farm? Do you like the song? Please talk about some animals and their sounds.
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