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户口本翻译框架Household Register Note 1. The Household Register possess legal effectiveness in certifying a citizens personal identity and his relationship with other members of his family. It serves as a main basis, on which residential register organs conduct a census and check-up of household register. When personnel from residential register organs conduct such a census or check-up, householders and members of the household shall take the initiative to hand over this household register for control. 2. Householders shall take good care of household registers. Unauthorized smearing alteration, assignment or lending is strictly prohibited. If the Household Register is lost, this situation must be informed to the household registration organ in time. 3. The rights of making records in the household registers shall belong to residential register organs. No other units or individuals are allowed to make any registers in the household registers. 4. In case of any changes in the number of persons or register items in this household, the householder shall apply for changes of registration at residential register organs against this household register. 5. In case whole household move out of the residential register jurisdiction area, the householder shall apply for cancellation of this household register. No.007903870 Type of Household Non-agricultural Family Household Name of Householder Household No. Address Special seal for household of provincial public security organ: Special seal for household of household registration organ: Signet of Handler: Issued on: Registration of Alteration of Address Address After Alteration Date of Alteration Signet of Handler Registration Card of Permanent Resident Non-agricultural Family Household Date of Registration: Name Householder or Relationship to the Householder Householder Former Name Sex Birthplace Nationality Native Place Date of Birth Other Address in This City (County) Religion ID Card No. Height Blood Type Educational Level Marital Status Military Service Place of Work Occupation When and Where Moved to This City (County) When and Where Moved to This Address Signet of Handler: Date of Registration: Records of Alteration and Modification of Registration Items Items Alteration After Alteration Date of Alteration Signet of Handler Registration Card of Permanent Resident Non-agricultural Family Household Date of Registration: Name Householder or Relationship to the Householder Former Name Sex Birthplace Nationality Native Place Date of Birth Other Address in This City (County) Religion ID Card No. Height Blood Type Educational Level Marital Status Military Service Place of Work Occupation When and Where Moved to This City (County) When and Where Moved to This Address Signet o
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