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广西师范大学 硕士学位论文 关于外语教师对学生的课堂反馈研究 姓名:李红 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:课程与教学论英语 指导教师:李晓 20080401 iv 关于外语教师对学生的课堂反馈研究关于外语教师对学生的课堂反馈研究 研究生:李 红 年级:2004 级 学科专业:课程与教学论 指导老师:李 晓 教授 研究方向:英语教学论 中中 文文 摘摘 要要 教学反馈作为课堂教学过程中的一个重要因素,已经越来越受到老师和研究者的重 视。教师对学生的反馈有三种非常重要的作用,即激发功能,检测功能,调控功能。因此, 作为课堂互动的中心环节,教师反馈是非常重要的。 本文阐述了一些教师反馈的方法,其中包括直接反馈和间接反馈,正反馈和负反馈, 及时反馈和延时反馈。正反馈可以激起学生学习的信心和兴趣,在很多老师眼中,它比负 反馈好。但一些研究者认为教师反馈的目的是让学生有一个正确的自我认识。所以,有时 候老师需要给学生一些负反馈。为了让学生们更直接清楚地知道他们表现得好与不好,一 些教师倾向于给学生直接反馈。一些老师认为,间接反馈可以很好的保护学生的自尊心。 关于什么时间反馈,没有一个简单的答案。这基本上是由老师对语言习得系统的理解决定 的。教师对错误的及时反馈可以预防学生在学习过程中错误的积累。另一方面,在一些情 况下,一部分学生需要老师的延时反馈。当然,老师该怎么给学生反馈并不是一个简单易 答的问题。但是,很明显,学生需要老师的课堂反馈。因此,老师要根据不同的情况给不 同的学生不同的反馈。 本研究的受试为广西师范大学和桂林工学院的大学英语教师和非英语专业学生,调查 方法为问卷调查。调查结果显示在大多数学生的看来,老师应该给学生课堂反馈。在很多 老师的实践过程中,他们注意到了给学生反馈。但是,在另一方面,只有一些学生认为老 师注意到了。跟大多数学生的观点一样,很多老师主张他们应该努力引导学生答对。许多 老师认为他们应该在学生表达完以后只给学生正反馈,即表扬,但是在很多学生的眼中, 他们更喜欢老师的及时反馈。几乎所有的学生都认为老师的课堂反馈很有用,因为它可以 让他们知道他们的优点和不足。在所有老师和大部分学生看来,对不同的学生,老师应该 选择不同的反馈方式。 本文的结论是,教师课堂反馈在培养学生在逆境中求胜的意志和尝试的勇气都是非常 重要的。老师应该找到适应不同学生的不同的反馈方法,以保证教师反馈的有效性。 关键词:关键词:课堂反馈; 反馈方法; 反馈时间; 英语教学 v A Research on the Foreign Language Teacher Feedback to Students in Class Postgraduate: Li Hong Grade: 2004 Major Field of Study: Curriculum Chenoweth et al, 1983). Ellis (1985) defines feedback as “ responses to efforts by the learner to communicate. Feedback can involve such functions as corrections, acknowledgement, requests for clarification, and back channel cues such as “Mmm” (Ellis, 1985:296). According to Crookes and Rulon (1988), feedback is the correct use by a native speaker (NS) of a grammatical instruction to suggest that some item has been used incorrectly in an immediately preceding nonnative speaker (NNS) utterance (Crookes and Rulon, 1988). Tomasello and Herron(1989) conclude that students learn best when they generate a hypothesis and receive immediate feedback and thus claim that this creates the best conditions under which learners might cognitively compare their own production to the target language (Tomasello usually with the objective of improving this performance. According to Stealer (1997), “feedback can be defined as output, usually displayed to tell students how successful they have been in solving problems or to provide information about the quality of their response to a testlike event” (Ellis, 1985:339 ). Feedback is not only used for correction, but also sends motivating messages. Wiseman and Hunt (2001) define the teacher feedback as “information provided to students by teachers, generally in oral or written form, that lets them know the status of their learning process; the more specific, regular, and in depth the feedback is, the more narrow, Actually, it includes verbal feedback and non-verbal feedback (Wiseman, 1985). Praising any relevant comment or other encouraging forms, etc. is the verbal feedback. On the other hand, eye contact, gestures, facial expression or silence is the non-verbal feedback. When the teacher gives an 4 expression in his eyes as affirmation, he is applying the non-verbal feedback. Wu Ping (2000) proposes that the feedback includes three aspects: (1) it is specially used by non-primary speakers; (2) it generally has shortened and fixed forms; (3) it contains no new information. At the same time, Wu also quotes Duncan and Fiske(1985)s classification of feedback into six types: 1) fixed words, phrases and utterances, like mhm, yeah, surely, I see, etc. 2) sentences completion, 3) request for clarification, 4) brief restatement, 5) nodding or shaking heads, and 6) smiling. Lyster and Ranta (1997; cited in Wiseman and Hunt, 2001) describe 6 different kinds of feedback in foreign language classroom. The teacher feedback includes: 1) Explicit correction (teacher provides correct form ); 2) Requests for clarification (teacher indicates the need for clarification); 3) Metalinguistic feedback (teacher comments without providing correct form); 4) Elicitation (teacher asks students to reformulate response); 5) Repetition (teacher repeats, in isolation, the students error); 6) Reformulation (teacher recasts). It the book A Course in Language Teaching: Practice and Theory written by Ur Penny and published in 2000, feedback is defined as : in the context of teaching in general, feedback is information that is given to the learner about his or her performance of a learning task, usually with the objective of improving this performance. Hu Zhuanglin (2001) provides some examples of feedback in language teaching: the word “Yes, right!”, said to a learner who has answered a question; a grade of 70% on an exam; a raised eyebrow in response to a mistake in grammar; comments written in the margin of an essay. He divides feedback into two components: assessment and correction. In assessment, the learner is simply informed how well or badly he or she has performed. A percentage grade on an exam would be one example; or the response “No” to an attempted answer to a question in class; or a comment such as:
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