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lion Tiger Wolf Fox kangaroo elephant giraffe /drf / milu deer antelope leopard Golden monkey Crocodile /krkdail/ Hippo red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤) Am I cute? However, Many wild animals like pandas are dying out. Do you want me to live long? Giant panda How do you feel when seeing these? Happy? Sad? Angry? Indifferent? (无所谓) I feel very angry and I think we should do something to help them. They are dying out! Why are they dying out? pollution too much hunting habitat destruction Causes of Endangerment Too much hunting Pollution Habitat destruction Reasons: Ways to help the wild animals Stop hunting Stop pollution Protect their habitat What should we do to help wild animals? Flying carpet, Id like to see some wild animals. Lets go! Where will Daisy go and what will she see? Lets go with Daisy. step Listen to the tape and do the following exercises. 1.What places did Daisy go? A.Tibet China B. rain forest C. WWF D. Zimbabwe 2.How many animals did she meet? What are they? A. antelope B. elephant C. mosquitoes D. monkey 3.What helps Daisy meet the wildlife? A.By a flying chair B.By a flying broom(扫把) C.By a flying carpet What is the main idea of this passage? A.Daisy had a real and wonderful travel and learnt a lot from it. B.Daisy realized the importance of wildlife protection by travelling in a flying carpet. C.Daisy talked with three wild animals in a rainforest and learned a lot. Step Skimming Skim through the passage and find out the main idea of this passage. Step Scanning(Scan through the passage and do the following ture or false questions.) 1.Daisy saw many antelopes in Tibet. 2.Daisys sweater was made of sheep wool. 3.Daisy felt sad when she heard the antelope was endangered. 4.The elephant used to be well protected in Zimbabwe. 5.In Zimbabwe, tourists love to see elephants. 6.The farmers in Zimbabwe get nothing from the elephants now. 7.This is a real story in Daisys life. only one antelope usednt some money Step Intensive reading Para.11.Place: _ 2.Animal:_ 3.What happened to them? _ _ _ 4.Result: their numbers are decreasing rapidly. Tibet antelope They are being hunted for the fur under its stomach. Para.2 1.Place: _ 2.Animal:_ 3.What happened to them? _ _ _ 4.Result: their numbers are increasing rapidly. At first: Later: Zimbabwe elephant hunted by farmers being protected Para.3 now, being protected, and their numbers are increasing. Protecting himself from mosquitoes by rubbing millipede on to his body One day, Daisy _a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful _to _with an _in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their _which can be used to make _like hers. In three years they may all be_. Later, she _to Zimbabew where she talked with an _ and got to know the farmers there no longer _them. Thats because the _ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of_. At last she _at the thick rain _where a monkey told her “ No rain forest, no _and no_.” although finally everything was_, she had _so much. dreamed chairtalk antelope fur sweaters goneflew elephant hunted government money arrived forest animals drugs gonelearned Task 5 Fill in the blanks Make up dialogues The first one: Daisy and the antelope The second one: Daisy and the elephant The third one: Daisy and the monkey Pair work What should we do to protect wildlife? Discussion We should learn more about wildlife . tell our friends and family the importance of protecting wildlife. educate people to join in wildlife protection . stop hunting and killing wildlife. build more protection zones or reserves to make wildlife live freely and comfortably let wildlife live in the wild in the future pass more laws to protect wildlife. We should prevent people from polluting the environment.
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