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Lesson 101-102一、单项选择( ) 1.Mr.Liwouldliketo_usaninterestingstory.A.tell B.talk C.say D.speak( ) 2.Is Frank a member _ the Y.H.A.A. of B. in C. with D. at( ) 3.They were in Japan last month,_? A. did they B.werent they C. didnt they D. were they( ) 4.-Youarenotgoingouttoday,areyou?-_.Iwanttogoshopping.A.Yes,ImnotB.No,ImnotC.Yes,IamD.No,Iam( ) 5.Leo has just arrived _ London. A. at B. to C. in D. for( )6.She didnt go to school yesterday, _ ?A. did she B. didnt she C. does she D. doesnt she( ) 7.Please write _ me if you have time.A. for B. to C. at D. with( ) 8.Please read the letter _ me !A. to B. with C. at D. in( )9.I hope you _ well.A. all are B. are all C. are all of D. all of are( )10.I cant hear you. Please speak _ , David.A. out B. on C. up D. loud二、填空1.Itisntsnowinghardnow,_?2.Youhaventseenthefilmyet,_?3.Marystudiedveryhard,_?4.Motherhascookedthemeal,_?5.Youhaveasister,_?三、按照要求改写下列句子1. She says, “I hope you are all well.” (改为间接引语) 2. The girl says, “Ive finished my homework.” (改为间接引语) 3. He says, “ My father will come back. ” (改为间接引语) 4. Jane says that she is a nurse. (改为直接引语) 5. Jimmy says he will write a letter soon. (改为直接引语) 6. The headmaster says he is glad to see us. (改为直接引语) 7. Rose has already left. (附加上反意疑问句) 8. You didnt study French Last year. (附加上反意疑问句) 9. She cant play the piano, can she? (对此反意疑问句做出回答“不,她会”) 10. Jack came to the party last week, didnt he? (对反意疑问句做出回答“不,他没有来。”)
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