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营销人,关键时刻要挺身而出(Marketing people, the key moment to come forward)Coming forward, this idiom has reminded me countless times the heroes who saved the people from burning water and fire, sacrificing themselves and seeking happiness. In these days of war, it is easy for these heroes to come forward. Peace will be heroes, but these Heroes is the business elite, the economic field, known in the workplace, master marketing giant. Because their success has also been achieved by countless times.In the workplace marketing, to become the top style, promote a region, an enterprise, a nation or even a countrys economic strength of the force, then, from the beginning of the eye, focus on the future, need the initial bedding which come forward as their occupation growth. Because the marketing people a step by step up occupation also need courage and wisdom. This is not only to stand up after the logical thinking of the scientific process, also need marketing at the critical moment to show themselves, to their cries and cries, even the limelight or show.Marketing itself is like products, only when it is sold to reflect its value, otherwise the backlog in the warehouse is caused by dust and cold, a product must have good sales and market prospects, crying will play a great impetus. Similarly, life needs marketing, the road to growth is painful, the butterfly in the pupa is ugly and painful, but once broken through the shackles of the pupa, it will be transformed into a beautiful butterfly, to get the real freedom of body and mind. Marketing people need to have a broad platform for its wonderful interpretation, we need more to excellent performance, who is not only a kind of pride, is also a kind of wisdom, is also a kind of attitude and method.The same choice, different resultsLi Li and Wang Liang did not know before, but they all entered the A enterprise in the same year to do the product sale, respectively took the A enterprise two prefecture level area managers. In their first year as a sales manager at the A level, two of them achieved good results. What is puzzling is that Li Li and Wang Liang worked in the A business for 5 years, but the difference is that they are 5 years later, their marketing career in different. In A enterprises Li Li 5 years later still in his regional marketing manager, and in the A company after 5 years of this Wang Liang is not 5 years ago that Wang Liang, Wang Liang has become the A companys marketing director, Li Li became the head on.Do people often say in marketing, marketing will change a person, also can make a person; will also make a person, low-spirited poguanziposhuai; and also can make a person lost from the vast army and only the former marketing breathing raised marketing dust.Li Li is still on the mark, and Wang Liang is getting on with his career. Is that by accident? Of course not. Its a sure thing. Because Wang Liang not only understand the critical moment to stand up, good performance of their own, increase their A business and marketing in the workplace is more self weight, he thought, in the marketing idea, and the wisdom of the forward-looking and more people understand marketing.The inspiration of red vest under the same performanceMarketing people exist in this Li Li and Wang Liang in the workplace in the development of any other type of phenomenon is very common, which is a lot of marketing people insurmountable gap and psychological barriers. In fact, when Li Li and Wang Liang came to A in the first year, their performance was very close. But Li Li is the one who will do things, not love the marketing people, he believes that as long as things done, superiors will see is, Li Li of old ideas in the era of planned economy still cling incomplete. But the reality of society and modern marketing has subverted the only do things, silence is golden approach, at least in the marketing industry, this concept is not suitable for a long.Wang Liang does not think so, his ideas update fast, and he can observe the situation, observe the changes in enterprise resources. Wang Liang found that in the companys hundreds of prefecture level marketing managers in order to be outstanding, you need to be different from the performance of their own,Otherwise, the company leader cant see you at all. Because there are so many people who complete the task, what leaders will favor you?It reminded Wang Liang of the story: a construction site, the foreman supervision basically are workers wearing a blue vest they work, because the worker is very much, the foreman is a busy man, so he thought to find a deputy for yourself. On that day, he found that among the many blue vest workers, a worker was wearing a bright red vest, very eye-catching. The workers do not much difference with other workers, but he is dazzlingly beautiful red waistcoat will attract the attention of the cant help. Later, the red vest became the foremans deputy.The s
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