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安徽大学 硕士学位论文 企业供应链信息一体化研究-以图书行业为例 姓名:董尹 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:情报学 指导教师:汪传雷 2010-05 摘 要 I 摘摘 要要 随着经济全球化、 竞争国际化和 IT 普用化, 市场资源组合发生了翻天覆地 的变化,企业逐步由单一专业化向纵向一体化和横向一体化方向发展,单个企 业的竟争优势已不再凸现,竞争的模式已由企业间的竞争逐步转变成为供应链 之间的竞争。庞大的供应链网络正在飞速形成,信息化对供应链管理越来越重 要。信息流作为供应链中三大主要流之一,起桥梁作用,是供应链的控制手段。 因此,运用信息经济学中的博弈论将传统供应链上下游企业间的买卖对立关系 演变成以消费者为中心、具有高效运作、快速反应市场的动态联盟的关系,进 而促进整个供应链中各节点企业相互协调,实现信息一体化,形成一个具有共 同组织目标的供应链管理系统,同时借助良好的信息一体化激励机制,保障供 应链中信息顺畅准确的传递,协调节点企业间的关系,使得原来的零和博弈变 为双方长期的战略合作伙伴关系,利用强强联合的策略,发挥整个供应链的竞 争优势,达到共赢目的。 通过对企业供应链信息一体化的研究,发展和完善了企业供应链信息流管 理理论,弥补了目前研究的不足,进一步认识企业供应链信息一体化的实质和 网络特性,掌握供应链企业行为特征,促进企业供应链信息战略联盟的形成, 支持供应链成员企业进行正确决策,从而消除因信息不完全和不对称而出现的 “牛鞭效应” 、逆向选择和败德行为,实现信息即时传递,快速相应市场需求, 满足消费者日益个性化的需求,促使我国产业结构调整和优化具有重要的理论 意义和实践意义。 本文以企业供应链的运作模式和流程为主要研究对象,从研究企业供应链 信息流类型和传递模式入手,提出企业供应链信息一体化的概念,通过分析企 业供应链信息一体化的要素和层次,构建基于信息流的企业供应链信息一体化 概念模型,并将企业供应链信息一体化看作成一个合作联盟,建立起博弈分析 模型,通过赋值模拟比较信息一体化前后的收益值。本文的研究采用了五种研 究方法:定性研究法、定量研究法、模型研究法、文献研究以及案例研究。全 文研究内容安排如下: 第一部分,结合时代背景提出供应链信息管理的问题所在,阐述研究选题 企业供应链信息一体化研究 II 的目的、意义和内容,展现研究思路、方法以及创新点。 第二部分,对中外文献的回顾和综述,发现对供应链信息的研究主要集中 在供应链信息流、供应链信息共享、供应链信息集成和企业信息构建等方面。 并对各方面研究的薄弱环节进行了总结。 第三部分,根据研究课题,采取逐层递进的方法,阐述企业供应链信息一 体化的相关理论基础。首先,简要介绍企业供应链信息化背景;接着,说明了 企业供应链的动态性和不确定性;然后,对企业供应链信息一体化的概念进行 了界定,并分析了影响企业供应链信息一体化的七个障碍;最后阐述信息流相 关知识,包含信息流的类型和信息流运作的四种模式及其优缺点。这为后面的 研究打下了坚实的理论基础。 第四部分,是对企业供应链信息一体化模型的构建与分析。包括企业供应 链信息一体化概念模型的构建和企业供应链信息一体化模型的博弈分析。对于 概念模型的构建,是基于对企业供应链信息一体化要素和层次的详细分析基础 上的归纳,要素主要包括信息类型、功能效用、信息技术和激励机制,层次从 范围、广度和深度三个方面进行划分并分析了层次间的转化路径。对于博弈分 析,则是通过构建由供应商、制造商、分销商和零售商构成的简单四级供应链 上的合作博弈模型,并求解各局中人的期望收益-Shapley 值来实现。最后, 对企业供应链信息一体化的演化路线做了规划,提出了企业供应链知识创新框 架的设想。 第五部分,以图书行业为例,展开企业供应链信息一体化的案例研究。在 介绍我国图书行业信息化现状的基础上,选取高等教育出版社和安徽省导航图 书有限公司两个实体企业作为研究对象, 结合 LDS 系统的实施对业务流程进行 描述,并分析优势和存在的问题。最后,通过赋值模拟,显示出企业供应链信 息一体化带来的收益上的变化。 第六部分,根据前面五部分的分析和研究对全篇内容进行概述与总结,归 纳研究中的不足之处,并对今后我国的企业供应链信息一体化研究方向做出进 一步的展望。 关键词:供应链;信息一体化;层次;要素 Abstract III Abstract With the economic globalization,the competition internationalization and the universal application of IT technology developing in the world, the market resources combination has undergone dramatic changes. The direction of enterprise development is gradually transferred from one-way specialization to vertical and horizontal integration. Advantages of individual enterprises in competition have not been prominent anymore, and the mode of competition has been transferred from competition among enterprises to that among supply chains. A huge supply chain network is forming rapidly and the informationization of its management system is becoming more and more important. As one of the three major flows of supply chains, information flow serves as a bridge and means of control to supply chains. By using the Game theory in information economics, the traditional antagonistic relations between supply chain participants can be replaced with a dynamic alliance relationship that is customer-centric, efficient and quick responsive to the market therefore promotes the coordination of supply chain participants and achieves the information integration. Then form a supply chain management system sharing a common organizational goal and meanwhile using a proper Incentive Mechanism of Information Integration to ensure the information within the supply chain transfers accurately and smoothly and coordinate the relationship among supply chain participants. Its a zero-sum game becomes a long-term strategic partnership. To achieve a win-win situation, use the strategy of association between strong enterprises, and produce the competitive advantage of the supply chain. Through the research on information integration in enterprise supply chain, developing and perfecting the information management theory of enterprise supply chain, offsetting the shortage of current research. We will further understand the essence of information integration in enterprise supply chain and network characteristics, grasp the behavior characteristic of enterprise supply chain and form information strategic alliance of enterprise supply chain. The research supports 企业供应链信息一体化研究 IV correct decisions of members of enterprise supply chain, sequentially eliminate the Bullwhip Effect, the adverse selection and the immoral behavior caused by incomplete and asymmetric information. It is important theoretical and practical significance that realize real-time information transfer, correspond with the demand of market and consumers growing individuality, promote industrial structure adjustment and optimization. Based on the enterprise supply chain operation mode and process as the main research object and from the study of information flow type and information transfer mode of enterprise supply chain, put forward the concept of information integration in enterprise supply chain. Through the analysis of its levels and elements, concludes the concept model of information integration in enterprise supply chain. This paper establishes game model of analysis for looking information integration in enterprise supply chain as an alliance and comparing the profit o
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