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2009全国国际商务英语阅读与写作(一级)答案新第一章第一节:DACCB第二节:BCBDD第三节:C B C B D第四节: 段落项目第一段第二段第三段第四段第五段主要内容地址 行业 组织机构 碳酸饮料 非碳酸饮料 PepsiCo, Inc.简介 经营模式 所用关键词headquarter refreshment comprise Pepsi Diet Pepsi Pepsi Twist Mountain Dew Mountain Dew Code Red Sierra Mist Mug Root Beer Aquafina Dole single-serve juices SoBe iced teas coffees Frito-Lay snacks Pepsi-ColaBeverages Gatorade Sports drinks Tropicana juices Quaker Foods merger acquire superiorproduct high standards of performance distinctive competitive strategies high level of integrity 第二章第一节:CDCAC第二节:DABAB第三节:BDCAA第三章第一节:CCADC第二节:CBDDB第三节:DCCBD第四章第一节:CACBD第二节:BDBAD第五章 企业宣传Corporate Profiling1. 从下列方框中选取合适的词汇填空,如有需要,请改变词汇的形式。Fill in the gaps with words chosen from the box. Change the form where necessary. Section 1(1). reply(2). follows(3). increase(4). competitive(5). service(6). installation(7). popularize(8). discount(9). quality(10). serveSection 2(1). electronic(2). domain(3). include(4). tradition(5). contributions(6). manufacturer(7). worldwide(8). assures(9). responsibility(10). growth2. 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。Put the following Chinese sentences into English.(1). We are a major exporter of textiles in Qingdao with ten-year experience in dealing in this line and are now desirous of expanding our business to our neighboring countries.(2). We learnt that you are a potential customer of Chinese electronic products, and these items fall within our business scope.(3). It is hoped that by our joint efforts we can promote business as well as friendship.(4). Since the article you require is not available for supply at present, we should like to recommend some similar ones as follows. (5). If you then still feel you cannot accept our offer we hope it will not prevent you from approaching us in the future. 3. 将下列英语句子翻译成汉语。Put the following English sentences into Chinese. (1). 我们的货物价格公道,大约比我们竞争者的货价要低10%。(2). 我们的产品在你方市场销路好(畅销)。(3). 我们的产品由于价格公道,包装别致,在美国很受顾客欢迎。(4). 第104货号商品的质量要比第103货号商品好。(5). 我们的产品比其他供应商的产品要好。(6). 我们认为你方接受我报盘是有利的。(7). 彼此各让一半对双方都有好处。(8). 鉴于对此商品的巨大需求,请从速决定,尽快给我方订单。第六章 图表分析 Interpreting Visuals填表。阅读下面Dabu到Kali的火车服务信息,填写下面的时刻表。Fill in the table. Read the description of the Dabu-Kali train service and fill in the following timetable.Dabu depGozo depZana depKali arr6: 156: 5011: 107: 157: 5012: 108: 158: 259: 3011: 4513: 058: 509: 2510: 3012: 4514: 052写作。下图是某公司一年的销售情况的线形图,请用文字进行描述,长度在100单词左右。Writing: The following line chart indicates the sales of a company over a year. Please describe the line chart in about 100 words. This line chart describes how the sales volume changes with the time. Sales went up continuously from January to April. In April, they reached RMB 11 million. But in the next two months, they dropped by RMB 6 million. As a result of this fall, they were even lower than that of January. The next three months saw a steady rise to RMB 12 million in September. This was followed by a dramatic fall to RMB 4 million in October. Sales grew in December to finish the year at RMB 10 million.3. 写作:认真研读下面的流程图,并用文字描述抱怨是如何处理的,长度约80词。Writing: Study the following flow chart carefully and describe (in about 80 words) how complaints are dealt with in the company. When the supervisor receives a complaint from an employee, he either deals with it himself, or takes it to the Work Council. This body requests a written complaint before it interviews the employee. Having discussed the complaint, the Works Council makes a recommendation to the Board of Directors. Here they discuss the complaint and then informs the Works Council of their decision. Finally, the Works Council informs the employee of the decision. 4写作:下面的表格显示的是三种不同品牌复印机几个性能的对比。请用文字描述、对比表中所列的信息。Writing: The following table indicates a comparison of several properties of three different kinds of photocopiers. Please describe the information compared therein. This table shows different specifications of the three photocopiers: Zenton 403, Arrow 2C and Berta 641. From the table we can see that there are altogether six aspects about them. 1. Price: The Berta copier is more expensive than the Zenton, but less expensive than the Arrow. The Arrow is the most expensive and the Zenton is the least expensive. 2. First copy time:The Arrow is faster than the Berta, but slower than the Zenton. The Zenton is the fastest and the Berta is the slowest. 3. Output:The Zenton has a higher output than the Berta, but a lower output than the Arrow. The Arrow has the highest output and the Berta has the lowest output. 4. Weight:The Arrow is heavie
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