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,新视野大学英语3 (听说教程),Designed by Annybaby,Warming Up,Designed by Annybaby,3,Ways to Win,Now you will hear a monolog about ways of doing things. Listen carefully and complete the following statements according to what you hear.,1. The speaker usually does things the same way because his ways have _. 2. The speaker likes to know _ because he doesnt think his ways are necessarily the best. 3. The speaker will use other peoples methods if _ .,made him successful,what others are doing,they are successful,I am nearly 60 years old, and I like to do things the way I have always done them, following the same methods I have used for years. After all, these methods have made me successful. However, I like to think Im smarter than this. Im too smart to think my ways of doing things are always the best. This is why I like to see that others are doing. How do Korean management teams train their staff members? What methods are used by German schools in teaching languages? What approaches(途径) do American high school teachers take in teaching about confidence(信心)? Looking at these things, I discover new ways of doing things. Then, if they are successful, I use them in making my own decisions.,3,Audio Script 听力原文,Ways to Win,Listening,Short Conversations,Long Conversations,Passage,Speech,Story,Song,A. The President has no idea how to change anything in the country. B. The President doesnt want to change the education system. C. The President doesnt have the right people to carry out his ideas. D. The President doesnt know exactly how to change the education system.,( ),C,W: The President had decided that the current(当前的)education system must be changed. M: Yeah. But the question is what to change and how to change it. Id like a leader who has real ideas for how things could be done! Q: What can we infer from the conversation?,Conversation1,3,Short Conversations:,Ways to Success,Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,A. He knew a teacher of the school. B. He learned of it from the woman. C. He heard about it from a news report. D. He was a student of the school.,( ),C,W: A new language school from England has gotten a lot of attention because of its success in teaching students English. M: I saw something on the news about it. I should ask my teacher what he thinks. Q: How does the man know of the English language school?,Conversation2,3,Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Ways to Success,A. Because it is modeled on Japanese schools. B. Because its students are successful. C. Because it is what the woman wants. D. Because it helped him learn quite well.,( ),A,W: My daughters college entrance exam is coming up, and I dont think shes ready. M: You might want to send her to a test preparation school, modeled on the schools in Japan. Students there do quite well. Q: Why does the man recommend the test preparation school?,Conversation3,3,Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Ways to Success,A. Chinese cooking. B. Chinese religions. C. Chinese lifestyles. D. Chinese philosophy.,( ),C,W: Our school has started offering classes in Chinese philosophy and religions. M: Ive actually taken some of these classes, as well as a Chinese cooking class. And now I want to visit China to see how the people live. Q: What does the man want to learn about when he travels to China?,Conversation4,3,Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Ways to Success,A. Forget about studying. B. Take a class in study skills. C. Spend more time studying. D. Learn special techniques.,( ),C,W: Do you have any ideas for how I could improve my study skills? M: There are lots of special techniques and even classes on the subject of study skills, but I think you should forget about all of that. Just study more! Q: What should the woman do?,Conversation5,3,Now you will hear ten short conversations. A question will follow each conversation. Listen carefully and choose the best answer from the four possible choices.,Short Conversations:,Ways to Success,A. They always try to learn new things. B. They always appear to be joyful. C. They are too simple to be happy. D. They dont care about money.,( ),B,W: Ive been thinking a lot about how I could become happier. But I dont know what to do. M: Well, I think you should give up on the idea that money brings happiness. Try learning from poor, simple farmers. They always seem happ
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