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四级写作,评分标准,短文写作要求考生在30分钟内根据提纲写出一篇120词以上的短文,本部分的得分占总分的15%,采用总分评分法(Global Scoring),从内容和语言两个方面对作文进行综合评判。满分为15分,共分五等:14分、11分、8分、5分及2分(注:四级作文在试卷总分中占15%,改卷时按照作文总分15分来评改,然后经过处理转化为710分中的作文分数)。各个分数档的标准如下:,备注:阅卷人员根据阅卷标准,对照样卷评分,若认为与某一分数(如8分)相似,即定为该分数(即8分);若认为稍优或稍劣于该档次,则可加分(即9分)或减1分(即7分),但不得加或减半分。 字数不足按下表所示酌情扣分:,四级写作基本模式三段式,三、为了便于考生尽快掌握四级作文的写作方法,在此综合历年四级考试作文真题,重点介绍七类常见的写作类型。,I. 对比选择型 II. 现象/原因解释型 III. 问题解决型 IV. 应用型 V. 图表型 VI. 综合叙事型,应用型特点及写作要求,应用文,就是在现实生活中有实际应用功能的文体,比如信函、通知、演讲稿、导游词、见证书等。应用文是大学英语四级考试中常见的考查内容,与议论文、记叙文和说明文相比,应用型作文与生活、社会的联系更加紧密,在格式、行文习惯等方面更讲究规矩。因此,无论写哪些应用型作文,都必须按其各自规范化的、约定俗成的格式来写,不能随意改变格式。( 热点作文6,7,9,10) 下面主要介绍英文信函、通知、演讲稿、导游词的写作模板。,应用型(信函) 句子模板,1. 信函句子模板开头常用表达: 回信 Excuse me for not writing to you for so long a time. Words cannot express my joy of receiving your letter of May 8th. 陈述写信的目的 I am writing to . I am very much delighted to inform you that . I have the pleasure to tell you that .,应用型信函,2. 信函句子模板结尾常用套话: I send you my best wished. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. All the luck in the world to you. Please give my best regards to your family/parents.,. 应用型(信函)作文模板,同学间的日常信件作文模板: 1 Dear , 2 I am glad to know that . 3 As for _ , I suppose that can be a good choice for you. (首先用一句话来回应收到的信,然后进入此次写信的主题。) 4 . 5 . 6 Whats more, . 7 To , you are supposed to . 8 are also of great importance, . (对来信的第二问题进行答复) 9 Now lets talk about . 10 First of all, you should . 11 In addition, . (转至第三个问题) 12 If any further questions come to you, do not hesitate to write to me. 10 . Yours,. 应用型(通知) 作文模板,活动通知作文模板: Volunteer Needed 1 With the approaching of (活动日) , (组织者) is to organize and is now recruiting volunteers. 2 This program is planned to . 3 It aims to . 4 By participating in the activity, volunteers can . 5 Volunteers are expected to . 6 The program will be carried out . 7 are needed. 8 Fellow students who meet the requirements and want to take part in the activity, please call us at or email us at . 9 Come and join us!,应用型(演讲稿)作文模板,竞赛演讲稿作文模板: A Campaign Speech 1 , (选择一个合适的称呼。) 2 Thank you for . 3 , 4 I am delighted to announce that . (演讲词常用开场白套语。) 5 , I have always been considered as . 6 Meanwhile, . 7 . 8 In addition, if I get elected. (层次清楚地陈述自己的优势,突出重点) 9 . 10 If elected, I am confident that . 11 I will . (工作规划的简要陈述,点到为止) 12 Thank you very much for your attention. (结束语套话),应用型(导游词)作文模板,导游解说词作文模板: 1 , 2 Welcome to . 3 First of all, Id like to introduce myself: I am , Its my honor to be here with all of you, and I wish you a wonderful trip today. (表示欢迎,自我介绍,开场白套话。) 4 Here is the schedule of the day. 5 is the first place we are going to visit this morning. 6 Then will be our destination in the afternoon. (简要介绍行程安排,无需赘述。) 7 Now we are on the way . . . . (用三四句话介绍第一景点的概况,突出重点。) 8 Thats the introduction to . 9 If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to ask me. (结束语套话),图表型特点及写作要求,图表型作文要求根据图表上的数据,找出所反映的某个趋势或某一个问题、现象,并对该问题、趋势所产生的原因进行分析。常见的图表型作文有表格(table)、曲线图(line chart)、条形图/柱状图(bar chart)、饼形图(pie chart)和图片(picture)。(热点作文8) 图表型作文的写作误区:有些考生习惯在第一段罗列所有数据,形式单调,没有重点,篇幅又长,容易让人厌倦,而第二、三段受篇幅和时间限制,未能充分展开。,图表型写作注意事项,写图表型作文的注意事项: 1. 看懂并理解图表的含义,这是写好图表型作文的前提; 2. 选择能充分说明图表主题的典型数据; 3. 根据分析结果和文章的题目展开论述。,图表型写作流程,第一段:描述图表反映的总情况。(总体说明图表所反映的趋势、问题、现象,并选用典型数据进行说明。) 第二段:分析原因。(分析该问题或该现象的原因或后果。) 第三段:结论。(提出解决问题的办法、建议或进行展望。),图表型句子模板,1. 图表内容总括性描述: As can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in . From the above table it can be seen that . As it is shown in the table, . According to the graph, ., It is clear from the table that . The survey/study shows/suggests that . According to the figures given in the table . As you may see from the diagram, . The two charts above tell us something about .,图表型句子模板,2. 图表内容具体数据变化描述: increase/decrease by 2. increase from to 3. increase steadily from 4. There was a marked increase in 5. There has been a rapid increase in 6. an increase of 7. decline in 8. four times as much as 9. amount to,图表型句子模板,(2) 图表内容具体数据变化描述: 10. fall from to 11. appear stable 12. reach (+数字) 13. continue to grow 14. has been growing faster and faster since 15. less than 16. up to 17. compared with 18. the number of remains the same as ,图表型句子模板,(3) 分析原因: 1. There are many/plenty of/ a number of/ numerous reasons explaining/ for . 2. The reasons of lie in several aspects . 3. Many factors contribute to . 4. There are many reasons that may account for . 5. The reasons for/why are as follows: . 6. There are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones.,图表型句子模板,(3) 分析原因: 7. is mainly caused by . 8. What caused these changes? . 9. There are many f
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