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第一部分 夯实基础过教材,九年级(全) Units 5-6,For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.例如,安溪和杭州以它们的茶而远近闻名。(Unit 5 P34),考 点 1,【考点精讲】辨析be known for, be known as与be known to(省卷:2013.75),教材例句讲考点,温馨提示:以上三个短语中的known可替换为famous或wellknown,含义相同。,【考点冲关】,Pyramids in Egypt _ people all over the world. Many people would like to visit it.(对而言是著名的),2. Confucius is _ a great thinker in ancient China.(作为而著名),is known to,known as,3. I want to visit a place that _ its scenery. (因而著名),is known for,4. Chaplin is _ us all, as he developed a new manner of acting. A. known as B. known to C. known for D. known on,B,Some leaves from a tea plant fell into the water and remained there for some time.一棵茶树上的几片叶子落在了水中并在水中停留了一会儿。(Unit 6 P43),【考点精讲】remain的用法,考 点 2,remain意为“保持不变;剩余”。remain作动词时,后面接形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词或介词短语。如:I didnt remain long in the city. 我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。,【考点冲关】,5. In any emergency, you should always remain _. A. calm B. calmed C. to calm D. calming,A,6. Kate remained _ where she was for some time, after her good friend left. A. stand B. stood C. standing D. to stand,C,Even though many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without doubt the ones who best understand the nature of tea.尽管现在很多人都了解茶文化,但毫无疑问中国人是最了解茶性的。(Unit 6 P43),考 点 3,【考点精讲】doubt的用法,如:A sudden doubt came into my mind. 我心中突然起了 疑虑。 Without doubt, this is the best choice. 毋庸置疑,这是 最好的选择。 I doubt if/whether he will come. 我怀疑他是否会来。 Do you doubt that he will not win? 你怀疑他不会赢吗?,【考点冲关】,7. _, John is the suitable person to attend the meeting(毋庸置疑)There is _ that he will win the election.(毫无疑问),Without doubt,8. There are so many dishes on the menu. I am _ what to eat.(拿不定主意),in doubt,no doubt,9. I dont doubt _ he can finish the task on time. A. what B. that C. if D. whether,B,10. I doubt _ he will win the first prize after he hurt his left arm. A. whom B. if C. why D. that,B,11. There is no doubt _ drinking more water is good for our health. A. whether B. why C. that D. if,C,
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