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目目 录录 摘 要 I Abstract III 引 言 1 一、暂缓起诉制度的内涵3 (一)暂缓起诉制度的概念3 (二)暂缓起诉制度的特征4 (三)暂缓起诉与相关概念之间的比较 5 二、暂缓起诉制度产生的背景9 (一)刑罚理念从报应主义到预防主义的转向9 (二)公诉制度从起诉法定主义到便宜主义的演进 11 (三)法律经济学的兴起及其对刑事法学的影响 13 (四)刑事政策非刑罚化、刑罚个别化的国际趋向14 三、域外暂缓起诉制度现状的比较考察 17 (一)德国附条件不起诉制度 17 (二)日本起诉犹豫制度 19 (三)美国延缓起诉制度 20 (四)域外暂缓起诉制度的发展趋势及其启示 22 四、我国暂缓起诉试行状况的理性审视 24 (一)我国暂缓起诉试点工作状况的总结 24 (二)我国暂缓起诉试行中存在问题的反思 26 五、我国确立暂缓起诉制度的必要性和可行性 29 (一) 我国确立暂缓起诉制度的必要性 29 (二) 我国确立暂缓起诉制度的可行性 32 六、我国暂缓起诉制度构建的具体构想 35 (一) 暂缓起诉制度的适用范围 35 (二) 暂缓起诉制度的具体程序 37 (三) 暂缓起诉制度的考察机制 38 (四) 暂缓起诉制度的制约机制 40 结 语 42 参考文献 43 致 谢48 攻读硕士学位期间发表的学术论文 49 I 摘摘 要要 暂缓起诉,是指检察机关在审查起诉时,对于触犯刑法的犯罪嫌疑人,根据 其犯罪性质、危害程度、犯罪情节及该犯罪嫌疑人的年龄、处境、犯罪后的表 现等法定情况,认为没有立即追究其刑事责任的必要而依法做出附条件地暂时 不提起公诉的决定。暂缓起诉的实质是附条件不起诉,是检察机关享有的一种 暂时搁置其起诉权的起诉裁量权。暂缓起诉制度的产生,与刑罚理念、公诉制 度、法律经济学和刑事政策的发展密切相关: 刑罚理念从报应主义到预防主义 的转向,为暂缓起诉的产生埋下思想土壤;公诉制度从起诉法定主义到便宜主 义的演进,为暂缓起诉的产生提供制度源头;法律经济学的兴起及其对刑事法 学的影响,催生暂缓起诉的现实需求;刑事政策非刑罚化、刑罚个别化的国际 趋向,为暂缓起诉的产生给予政策支持。 暂缓起诉起源于德国和日本,目前世界上许多国家都确立了暂缓起诉制度 或至少体现了暂缓起诉的精神,如德国附条件不起诉制度、日本起诉犹豫制度、 美国延缓起诉制度等。当下,域外刑事暂缓起诉制度的发展存在着暂缓起诉制 度法律化、暂缓起诉中检察官自由裁量权合法化、暂缓起诉制度中矫正机制配 套化和暂缓起诉救济和监督机制完善化等趋势。近年来,暂缓起诉也为我国理 论及实务界所关注,我国一些地方的检察机关进行了暂缓起诉的试点工作。从 试行的整体情况看,暂缓起诉在试行中得到了很大的丰富与发展,社会效果也 是显著的。但在试行中也始终存在着一些问题:暂缓起诉试行的法律依据问题、 试行不统一导致不平等现象出现、当事人意愿易被忽略以致当事人正当利益遭 侵害和暂缓起诉监督机制空缺导致检察机关自由裁量权有滥用之嫌。 最后, 2004 年,最高人民检察院对暂缓起诉制度试点工作因没有法律依据将其“暂缓” 。 虽然暂缓起诉试点工作已被最高人民检察院“暂缓” ,但是这不影响暂缓起 诉制度的正当性内涵。暂缓起诉仅因缺乏法律依据暂不用于办案,但可以探索、 研究。其实,在我国即将修订的刑事诉讼法中,确立暂缓起诉制度是势在必行。 我国现有不起诉制度存在的缺陷、诉讼经济的实现和恢复性司法的建立要求确 立暂缓起诉。而且,暂缓起诉制度的确立具有一定的法律依据,不会侵害法院 审判权,不违反法律平等原则,不必然导致检察机关自由裁量权的滥用。只要 II 对暂缓起诉制度的有关问题认识到位,并使暂缓起诉制度的关键问题得到妥善 处理,那么,在我国即将修订的刑事诉讼法中设计完备的暂缓起诉制度,其积 极意义是应当肯定的。有鉴于此,本文在总结先前学者们研究的基础上,对暂 缓起诉制度建构中值得注意的适用范围、具体程序、考察机制和制约机制等问 题进行了分析,以期有助于理论和实践的发展。 关关 键键 词:词: 刑事诉讼刑事诉讼 ;提起提起公诉;公诉; 暂缓起诉暂缓起诉 III Abstract The Deferred Prosecution refers to the Procuratorial Agency consider that there is no necessity to investigate immediately suspects legal responsibility so as to decide not to give temporarily sue but attach the suspect some the condition. When examinating prosecution, the Procuratorial Agency should grasp the crime nature, the harm degree, the crime plot and the suspects age, the situation, the crime performance and so on legal situation. the essence of the Deferred Prosecution is conditional non-prosecution, it is a kind of discretionary power to prosecute .the production of Deferred Prosecution was closely related with the development of penalty idea, prosecution system, economic analysis of law and criminal policy. the penalty idea from the retribution to the prevention lay down the soil for the Deferred Prosecution, the prosecution system from the principle of legality to the principle of opportunity provided the Deferred Prosecution with system source , the rise of economic analysis of law and its influence to the criminal laws made the Deferred Prosecution in actual needs, the international trends of Non-penalty and Individual-penalty criminal policy made the Deferred Prosecution emerge finally. The Deferred Prosecution originated in Germany and Japan .At present, many countries in the world have established the system of Deferred Prosecution, such as the prosecution retaining system of Germany, suspension of the prosecution system of Japan, prosecution deeding system of United States of America .Immediately, the development of the deferred prosecution outside have the following tendency: system legalization, legalization of discretion , matching mechanism of correction , improving the monitoring mechanism .In recent years, theory and practice of our profession have concerned about the Deferred Prosecution, some Procuratorial Agency even tried out it. From pilot case, the system of the Deferred Prosecution have been greatly enriched and developed, but there were also some problem during the pilot: the missing of legal basis, appearance of Inequality, ignorance of the wishes of the parties, vacancy in the supervisory mechanism. Finally, in 2004, the Supreme IV Peoples Procuratorial Agency delayed the pilot of the Deferred Prosecution system because of shorting of the legal basis. Although the pilot of the Deferred Prosecution was delayed by the Supreme Peoples Procuratorial Agency, it does not affect the justness of the system. The system of the Deferred Prosecution is only not to use in handling a case temporarily, but may been explored. In fact, the establishment of the Deferred Prosecution system is imperative in our country in t
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