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EEC版小学英语四年级(下)第一单元测试题 作者: 日期:7 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途Lesson 1 Its Spring Festival.第一关.判断发音。(10Q币)1、( ) A、take B、cake C、make 2、( ) A、these B、them C、their 3、( ) A、new B、phew C、blew 4、( ) A、birthday B、math C、third 5、( ) A、dumpling B、spring C、bring 第二关、填空并译出汉语意思。1、Spring Fe_ti_al _ 6、_eauti_ul _2、N_ _ Years Day_7、_an_ern _3、_um_ling _8、_on_erf_l _4、_eli_ious _9、_i_ure _5、_ our_elf _10、_loc_ _第三关、填空,用所给的单词适当形式填空。1、Its _ New Years Day.(like)2、They are _. (dumping)3、Help _.(your)4、Is it _ birthday? (you)5、He _ beautiful.(look)6、What _ you do on Spring Festival?(do)7、At night we look at _.(lantern)8、Its like New _ Day. (year)9、What are _ ?(this)10、We make dumplings on _.(spring festival)第四关、改错。1、Its likes New Years Day.( )_ A B C 2、Help your to dumplings.( )_A B C3、We making dumplings on Spring Festival.( )_A B C4、How wonder it is! ( )_A B C5、What does you do on Spring Festival.( )_A B C第五关、单项选择,请把选项写在题前的括号中。1、What do you do _ Spring Festival?A. at B. of C. on 2、Its _ New Years Day.A. like B. likes C. liked3、They _ dumplings.A. is B. are C. am 4、What _ these? They are pictures.A. am B. is C. are5、Help yourself _ dumplings.A. at B. in C. to 6、_ night we look at the lanterns.A. On B. In C. At7、Look _ there! Its a lantern.A. on B. up C. of8、Its _ lantern.A. an B. a C. the9、_ wonderful!A. What B. How C. how10、_ do you do on Spring Festival.A. How B. what C. What第六关、按要求填空。1、Theyre (完全形式)_6.I (反身代词)_2、this(代词复数)_ 7.he (反身代词)_3、wonder(形容词)_ 8.are not(缩略形式)_4、your(反身代词)_ 9. dumpling(名词复数)_5、new(反义词)_ 10. night(反义词)_第七关、完成对话,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。A: You look beautiful.B:_1_.A: _2_.B: They are dumplings.A: _3_B: How delicious!A: _4_B: We make dumplings on Spring Festival.A: Do you like Spring Festival?B: _5_(肯定回答)1._2. _3. _4. _5. _第八关、阅读理解。I : Is it Childrens Day today?B: No. its not. Its Spring Festival. Its like New Years Day.I : Oh, I see.B: What are these?I : They are lanterns.B: Do you like lanterns?I : Yes, I do.1. Today is my birthday. ( )2. Its Spring Festival. ( )3. Its like New Years Day. ( )4. They arent lanterns. ( )5. I dont like lanterns. ( )第九关、仿写。写一下春节你所做的事情。不少于25个单词。
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