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Passage1传统上说,中国人在60岁以前对生日并不太注意。六十大寿被认为是人生中极为重要的一次,因此经常要举行盛大的庆祝。在此之后每隔10年就要举行一场生日庆祝,也就是70岁、80岁等,直到去世为止。大体上说,人的年龄越大,庆祝的场合就越隆重。生日经常是由成年子女来为他们的父母庆祝,以表现出对父母的尊敬并就父母为他们所做的一切表达自己的谢意。(162字)Vocabulary:1. celebration n. 庆典,庆祝活动 2. occasion n. 特殊的事件或庆典3. grownup adj. 成年的;n. 成年人 4. elderly adj. (常作委婉语)上了年纪的 Sentence Pattern:1. pay attention to 留意,注意 2. show respect for 对表示尊敬3. express thanks to sb. for sth. 表达谢意参考译文:Traditionally, Chinese people do not pay a lot of attention to birthdays until they are 60 years old. The 60th birthday is regarded as a very important point of life and therefore there is often a big celebration. After that, a birthday celebration is held every ten years, that is the 70th, the 80th, etc, until the persons death. Generally, the older the person is, the greater the celebration occasion is. It is often the grownup sons and daughters who celebrate their elderly parents birthdays to show their respect for them and express their thanks for all that they have done for their children. Language Points: 1. Generally, the older the person is, the greater the celebration occasion is.此句核心框架是the olderthe greater,使用了“the +形容词比较级, the +形容词比较级”这一句式,意为“越, 越”。又如:The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. 战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。2. It is often the grownup sons and daughters who celebrate their elderly parentsbirthdays to show their respect for them and express their thanks for all that they have done for their children. 此句It iswho是一个强调句,强调主语the grownup sons and daughters。强调句句型为:It is/ was + 被强调部分(通常是主语、宾语或状语)+ that/ who(当强调主语且主语指人)+ 其他部分。Passage2丝绸是中国古老文化的象征,为促进世界人类文明的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。中国丝绸以其卓越的品质、精美的花色和丰富的文化内涵而闻名于世。几千年前,当丝绸沿着丝绸之路传向欧洲,它所带去的,不仅仅是一件件华美的服饰、饰品,更是东方古老灿烂的文明。从那时起,丝绸几乎就成为了东方文明的传播者和象征。(145字)Vocabulary:1. exquisite adj. 精美的 2. cultural connotation n.ph. 文化内涵 3. apparel n. 服饰,服装 4. decorative items n.ph. 饰品 5. resplendent adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的 6. emissary n. 使者,密使,谈判者 Sentence Pattern:1. make an indelible contribution to 做出不可磨灭的贡献2. be known for 以 闻名、著称参考译文:The silk is the symbol of the ancient Chinese culture and has made an indelible contribution to the development of the world civilization. The Chinese silk is known throughout the world for its excellent qualities, exquisite colors and rich cultural connotations. Several thousand years ago, when the silk trade first reached Europe via the Silk Road, it brought with it not only the gorgeous silk apparel and decorative items, but also the ancient and resplendent Oriental civilization. From then on, silk was regarded as the emissary and symbol of the Oriental civilization. Passage3在中国,人们用十二生肖来记录周而复始的日期。即:每一年有一个动物代表,每个十二年进行一个循环。这十二个动物分别是:鼠、牛、虎、兔、龙、蛇、马、羊、猴、鸡、狗、猪。十二生肖在中国民间传说中有其文化内涵,占星术就是由其发展而来的。例如,马年出生的人被认为“快乐、受欢迎、爱恭维他人”。(139字)Vocabulary:1. the Twelve Animal Signs 十二生肖 2. assign v.分配3. cultural connotations 文化内涵 4. folklore n. 民俗,民间传说5. horoscope n.占星术 6. compliment v. 称赞,恭维参考译文:In China, people use the Twelve Animal Signs to record the cycle of years. Every year is assigned an animal name or “sign” according to a repeating cycle: Rat, Ox, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar. Therefore, every twelve years the same animal name or “sign” would reappear. The animal signs have their cultural connotations in Chinese folklore and horoscope has been developed around them. For example, a Chinese horoscope may predict a person born in the Year of the Horse would be, “cheerful, popular, and loves to compliment others”.Passage 4中国人喜欢在一起吃饭,这个传统可以追溯到很久之前。这反映出中国人喜欢团圆不愿分离的观念圆桌、圆盘、还有圆碗都象征着团圆和美满。盘子通常放在桌子的中央,这样坐在一桌子面前的所有人都可以吃得到。一锅热汤尤其可以增加和谐、团圆的气氛。朋友们在一起吃饭、生活。最近一位美国汉学家(Sinologist)的著作认为,中国人的集体观念就是从一同吃饭发展而来的。(161字)Vocabulary:1. bowl n. 碗 2. notion n. 观念3. separation n. 分隔,分离 4. hot pot 火锅5. collective adj. 集体的,共同的 6. Sinologist n. 汉学家 Sentence Pattern:1. trace back 追溯(起源) 2. add to 增加参考译文:Chinese like to eat together, a tradition that can be traced back a long time ago. It reflects the Chinese notion of union versus separationround tables, round dishes, and round bowls all symbolize union and perfection. Dishes are usually placed at the center of the table so that everyone around the table can share them. A hot pot, in particular, adds to the atmosphere of harmony and union. Friends eat and live together. A recent book by an American Sinologist held that Chinese collective tradition developed out of the practice of eating together. Language Points: It reflects the Chinese notion of union versus separationround tables, round dishes, and round bowls all symbolize union and perfection. 此句中的破折号用于对前面的话进行解释说明。Passage5农历正月十五是灯节,也叫元宵节。元宵节标志着春节喜庆的结束。元宵节过后,一切又恢复正常。灯节活动热闹非凡,人们充满无比的喜悦。在灯节这天整个夜晚花灯充满整个街道,人们载歌载舞,形成了一个群众性的娱乐活动。长期以来,人们不断制造各种精美、奇异的花灯以及各种爆竹和烟花来增添灯节的热闹气氛。(144字)Vocabular
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