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2011电大开放英语1(1)光盘答案整理(考试用)英语按首个字母顺序排列,汉字按笔画排列,选择题分单题和问答。搭配填空订购order 车费fare主厨chef加班do overtime 包括include地址abbress地铁tube寻找look for 至少at least 问题problem邀请invitation照例as usual 确认confirmation 搜寻hunt接受accept 运气luck 修理repair机会opportunity机场airport 折扣discount核对check选择choose 发送deliver往返的return服务员waiter取决于depend on 便利的convenient 信用卡credit card 独立的separate疲惫的tired 打电话ring up 健美操aerobics 瑜珈功yoga教练员trainer提建议suggest 棒极了的famtastoc令人兴奋的exciting 令人厌倦的boring 神经紧张的nervous 有创造性的creative有吸引力的attractive单题型选择题A A lot of Westem people go to the supermarket once a week to buy food and drinks.Are boy students better at maths than girl students?Are there any yoga classes in the evenings?BBut I put on weight if I dont exercise.C Can you show me how to get to the gym?Carlos has to serve the drinks and take the orders.Chris usually goes to the gym at the weekend.Could you be on time today?D Dan is buying it for his girlfriend.Dan is more interested in website management than Pam.David enjoys talking. He never stops talking. He is talkative.David is the only accountant in my sons company.David likes fish for breakfast.Davids younger brother is an engineer.Do you have any friends in Shanghai.Do you think that your English course is interesting?Do you want to come from Monday to Friday only?Does David like flying?Dont put the lamp near the bed. Put it near the window, please.F Frank cant speak French very well, but he can do web-design and website management.H Have you got any family?He goes to work on foot but comes back home by taxi.He hasnt got any cousins.He is a good student. He always comes early.He is a good student. He never comes late.He is a good student. He works hard.He is interested in traveling.He is traveling on the 6 oclock train on Friday evening.He likes helping people. He is kind.Helivesin New York City.His parents live in Dallas.He often works in the evening.He sometimes watches a / film on TV.He works in the Finance Department of a large company.Hes got a bad cough.Hello. This is Franco Rossi speaking. Can I speak to Polly Williams?Her name is Jane, She is from the USA.His father is a high school tercher.How about taking a taxi?How many cigarettes do you smoke in a day?How many days are there in a month?How many oranges would you like to buy?How many people are coming for the party?How much beer is there in the glass?How much does it cost by bus?How much rice do you want to buy?How was your day yesterday?Hurry up.We do not have enough time.II am getting too fat, I have to work off my weight.I am not feeling very well, Ineed to see the doctor.I am not keen on sports.I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What are you doing?I am working this e-mail to tell you about my new office.I dont like the litchen. Its too dark.I dont need any coffee,thanks.I dont need any mineral water, but Id like some tea, please.I dont need to buy any wine.I dont want any milk in my coffee.I go swimming on / Thursdays for two hours.I go to see my grandparents once a week with my parents.I have a sore throat. I have to drink more water.I have an English class three times a week.I just sit around at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.I like cooking for my friends in my free time.I like watching TV, but Peter doesnt.I sometimes go to the pub on Friday with my colleagues.I think Guangzhou is different from my hometown.I think I have got flu.I think people in London are as friendly as people in Beijing.I think there will be 50 people at tomorrows party.I usually get up at 7 oclock in the morning.I usually go to the office by train.Id like some apples, please.Id like to buy a kilo of potatoes.Ill give the man the book.Im an engineer.Im a deputy manager. I work for an IT company.Im a university studert.Im bad at spelling, but Jane is worse than me.Im going to the newsagents to buy some newspaper.Im making a list of things to buy.Im sorry shes not in. Would you like to leave a message?Ive got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?If you dont like the flat in Chelsea. How about going to see the one in peckham.Is Chris making the cake for the party?Is Mary working today?Is there a coffee machine in the room?It does not often rain in winter in the north.It is raining heavily here at this moment.It often snows in winter in the north of China.Its a lovely day. The sun is shining.Its half past two. Lets begin our class.JJame and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some coffee for them. Jame is a bit better at French than Polly.Jane puts on weight if she doesnt exercise. He has to work it off.John can always make people laugh. He is very funny.John is more experienced a
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