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初中生学习英语动机及策略 【摘要】W习一门语言不是一个简单和容易的工作,有时候它很无聊和乏味。因此如何有效激发学生英语学习是一个重要的问题。动机在语言学习中扮演一个重要角色。英语学习动机是影响外语学习的重要因素之一,它决定着学生在英语学习中所花的时间和学习克服困难过程中毅力的付出多少,从而影响学生英语学习效果。对学生的英语学习动机进行研究有利于激发和培养学生的学习动机,从而提高学生的英语学习兴趣。本文在概述学习动机研究理论的基础上,还分析了初中生学习英语的现状,最后对如何激发与培养初中生学习动机并应用到初中英语教学课堂进行了具体探究 【关键词】初中 英语学习 动机 策略 【Abstract】Learning a language is not a simple or easy task, sometimes it is boring and tedious. So how to effectively stimulate students to learn English is an important issue. Motivation plays an important part in language learning. English learning motivation is one of the important factors influencing foreign language learning, which determines the number of students learning English in the time spent learning and perseverance to overcome difficulties in the process of paying. Thus affecting the students English learning; this view was also used by many linguists he accepted, and was also written into the new English curriculum standards promulgated by China in 2001. English learning motivation is an intrinsic motivation of learners (for English learning needs, desire, etc.) it promotes a voluntary and effective effort to learn English. Studying English learning inspiration for students , which is good for stimulating students motivation and improving students interest in learning English.Based on an overview of research on the theory of inspiration, but also analyzes the current situation of middle school students to learn English, and finally how to motivate and trainmiddle school students motivation to learn and apply it to teaching middle school English classroom specific inquiry. 【Key words】Middle School; English learning; motivation; Strategies I. Introduction People do anything has its motives and objectives, as students learning by taking part in teaching activities, which has its motivation and purpose. The main learning motivation is students awareness and a keen interest in learning , which is an inner mental state and process of normal development for stimulating students learning activities whose conduct toward certain learning objectives. Right motivation is a necessary condition to acquire knowledge, but also an important part of the formation of high moral quality. English learning motivation for students of English can be expressed as a certain degree of love and desire for knowledge. There are individual differences in motivation directly affects students English learning. For students of middle school, English learning motivation is very important. II. The importance of stimulating and developing students learning motivation Often referred to as the driving force of our motivation, “driving force is the need for food, water, or praise, etc., and promote individual react in some way”, it can be seen driving force is the basic force of human survival and social development of the students. If the students has sustained and effective learning, motivation is one of the main factors influencing English learning, excellent learning environment and learning conditions just external, internal only by students, that good motivation can play a role. 2.1 A prerequisite for learning Motivation is a prerequisite for students tend to have a strong motivation to study hard learning attitude and strong willpower. The relationship between motivation and learning is a typical complementary relationship. A high level of motivation can get very high academic achievements of high academic achievement, in turn, enhance the high level of motivation. .When students achieved excellent grades, curiosity will be satisfied, but also will have a positive emotional experience, its original motivation can be further strengthened. In the students emotional factors, English learning motivation is the key to determine success or failure. Motivation, once produced, it will play a role in learning. Effects of motivation on student learning process are: Start effect on learning behaviors, to maintain the role of learning behaviors and monitor the role of the learning process. 2.2 Mobilize the students enthusiasm and initiative Strong motivation can mobilize the students enthusiasm and initiative, which will enable students to find a variety of opportunities to learn and use English, learn English for their own to create a variety of personalized learning strategies. Therefore, English teachers should “mobilize the enthusiasm of all the students, keeping them confidence in learning English and experiencing the fun of learning English, learning English feels success, and they continue to progress at all stages of learning.” Visibly, inspiring and developing students motivation to learn English teachers in daily teaching is an extremely important task. . Strategies for stimulating the students English learning motivation 3.1 Strengthen the purpose of education in English learning Teachers should give students definite English learning term goals and objectives, stu
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