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成都理工大学 硕士学位论文 医用冰箱温度无线监测系统的研制 姓名:张彪 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:测试计量技术及仪器 指导教师:方方 20100501 摘 要 I 医用冰箱温度无线监测系统的研制医用冰箱温度无线监测系统的研制 作者简介:张彪,男,1984 年 1 月生,师从成都理工大学方方教授,2010 年 6 月毕业于成都理工大学测试计量技术及仪器专业,获得工学硕士学位。 摘摘 要要 随着 2000 年卫生部血站基本标准文件的出台,各个医院都制定了自己 的血液检查标准并建立了相应的血液温度采集规范, 同时大部分针对血液温度采 集的无线数据传输仪器和设备也陆续上市,为血液等的监测提供了便利,同时也 节省了资源。目前,虽然国内生产的对医用冰箱或冷库的监测系统种类较多,但 是由于无线传输芯片本身价格较贵, 加之市场上对温湿度监测的仪器都有附加功 能导致其每个监测点的价格昂贵,只有少部分的医院能够使用此类仪器,为大面 积推广医用冰箱温度无线数据传输监测系统带来了困难。因此,研制一种价格低 廉、功能简单且稳定可靠的医用监测系统迫在眉睫。 本文所研究设计的医用冰箱温度无线监测系统正是针对上述现象, 提出了性 价比较高的解决方案。为医用冰箱温度无线采集提供了一种全新的设计方案,不 仅解决了无线数据传输仪器价格昂贵的难题, 同时也为诸如血库等温度无线监测 提供了技术借鉴,便于此类设备的进一步推广。从技术上论,国内外对于温度监 测的方案很多,但是一般来说传输方式只有两种:有线方式和无线方式。有线方 式结构简单易于实现,应用场所很多,但是由此带来的布线复杂,后续硬件维护 不便,布线成本增加的缺点,使其在密闭环境的应用受到了限制。无线方式结构 复杂,一次性投入较大,但是布局简单,省去了布线环节,便于封闭式环境的数 据传输。 本文研究设计的医用冰箱温度无线监测系统分为客户端软件、 下位机温度检 测发送端和数据中继端。客户端软件是基于 Visual Basic 开发平台编写的,界面 友好便于操作,同时也便于软件的升级管理。下位机温度检测发送端以及数据中 继端硬件部分的微处理器采用 ATMEL 公司生产的单片机,体积小、结构简单、 价格便宜;采用的无线数传模块无硬件编解码功能,需要软件来实现,这部分的 功能在下位机微处理器中实现。下位机软件是基于 Keil C51 开发平台编写的, Keil C51 是美国 Keil Software 公司出品的 51 系列兼容单片机 C 语言软件开发系 统,与汇编相比,C 语言在功能上、结构性、可读性、可维护性上有明显的优势, 因而易学易用。 上位机客户端软件界面中,为用户提供了丰富的功能显示和设置。功能显示 和设置包括温度显示区、阈值设置区、短信端口设置和通信设置区。其中,通信 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 II 端口设置区包括设置串口号、波特率、奇偶校验位、数据位、停止位;阈值设定 区可以设置监控温度最大最小值。除以上的设置外,在主界面区还有一个短信开 启按键,开启此按键可以打开附加功能,当监测的温度值超过阈值时可以通过短 信方式向用户的终端提供报警信息,使用户可以实时掌握监测系统的相关情况。 此外,点击历史数据按键可以打开历史数据窗口,查看以前采集存储的数据,同 时在历史数据窗口还提供有数据删除功能,方便用户管理数据,历史曲线按键可 以显示过去一段时间内数据的波动情况,为用户提供了清晰明了的直观数据情 况。 下位机软件中提供了定时选择按键, 可以根据实际情况选择计时的时间间隔, 灵活方便。状态指示灯,所有的下位机开机时状态指示灯会连续闪烁两次,提示 用户设备工作正常,当进行数据传输时,温度检测发送端发送一个数据,状态指 示灯闪烁一次,数据中继端每接收一个数据,状态指示灯闪烁一次,以此提示整 个系统工作状态良好。 最后,在系统的联机状态下,将温度检测发送端置于医用储血冰箱的冷藏室 和冷冻室进行全系统测试。 经过严格测试来验证温度检测发送端的工作状态和数 据接收端的数据完整性。结果表明,整个系统工作正常,可靠稳定、数据传输正 确,实时性强,无数据丢失现象发生。此次测试的成功,为后续产品的研制提供 了可靠地依据,同时也为后续设备的开发提供了技术支撑。 关键字:医用冰箱 温度采集 无线数传模块 短信猫 客户端 Abstract III A Design Of The Wireless Monitoring System Of Temperature For Medical Refrigerator Introduction of Author: Zhang Biao, Male, was born in January, 1984 whose tutor was professor Fang fang, graduated from Chengdu University of Technology in Test Measurement Technology and Instruments and granted the Master Degree in June, 2010 Abstract With releasing of standard for blood station construction, specifications for temperature collection of blood were established in hospital. Many instruments for monitoring blood temperature of medical refrigerator are appearing in peoples daily life, making the work of temperature collection easier and needing only few people to monitoring the temperature of blood. Nowadays, in china, although there are more and more these kinds of instruments, but the price of wireless transmission chip is expensive and all instruments have additional features. So instruments of monitoring system are also very expensive, only a few hospitals can afford these instruments. This situation handicaps the using of these kinds of monitoring instruments in many hospitals. Therefore, the sensitivity of designing a kind of cheap and simple instruments is very important. In order to resolve the problem, the design of the wireless monitoring system of temperature for medical refrigerator was introduced in this thesis. This system not only makes the price of a instrument more cheap, but also is used widely in many hospitals. Although there are many technology suggestions in producing temperature monitoring instruments, in transmission ways, there are only two ways. It includes cable transmission and wireless transmission. Cable transmission is easy to use and utilized in many places, but needs many cables and is not used in closed environment. Comparing with cable transmission, wireless transmission needs much money in first stage of construction, but it is easier to service in follow- up stages and not need wire. The wireless monitoring system of temperature for medical refrigerator includes three parts: client, monitoring and sending part and data receiving and transmission part. Client software is based on the Visual Basic integrated development environment. VB IDE has friendly interface and is easy to operate. Micro controller of ATMEL is used in monitoring and sending part and data receiving and transmission part. This kind of micro controller is small, simple in architecture and cheap in price. Wireless modules do not include hardware of coding and decoding. So the function of coding and decoding achieves by software. The software of monitoring and sending part and data receiving and transmission part is based on the Keil C51 IDE. Keil C51 IDE is produced by Keil Software. It is compatible with 51 series micro controller software.C 成都理工大学硕士学位论文 IV language is superior to Assembly language in function, structure, readability, maintainability, and is easy to use. In client software, client can set the serial ports, temperature threshold, and the function of short message. Besides, client also grasps basic situation, such as blood temperature, room temperature. In window of serial ports, clients can set baud rate, stop bit, parity
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