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关于PARAPHRASE paraphrase是最重要的一种英文技能:所谓的用英文思考最终就体现在能用不同的句子表达相同的东西。paraphrase在雅思考试中的听说读写任何一个项目中都是很重要的。而且,换种方式去表达相同内容的能力也是到国外大学写论文时候必须具备的基本技能。所以平时大家一定得训练自己这种能力,而雅思阅读文章里面的任何一道题都是非常完美的paraphrase练习:题干中的句子和原文中的句子一定存在着某种程度的paraphrase。以下是一些常见的paraprhase的方法:使用同义词,转换词性,转换语态,句子关系替换等。具体例子如下,划线部分皆有替换关系,同学们仔细体会: 1.使用同义词:It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. paraphrase: It is useful to observe several features of how a mother acts when she is with her small child. 2. 句子关系替换:Similarly, the muscles will not grow in length unless they are attached to tendons and bones so that as the bones lengthen, they are stretched. paraphrase: Likewise, if the muscles are not attached to tendons and bones so that as the bones lengthen, they are stretched, they will not grow in length. 3. 转变词性:The bomb exploded and caused many casualties.paraphrase: The explosion caused many casualties. 4.改变语态 We canrelate a study of this kind to texts in other media too paraphrase:A study of this kind can be related to texts in other media too. 5. 综合It has long been known that Cairo is the most populous city on earth, but no-one knew exactly how populous it was until last month. paraphrase:Although Cairo has been the worlds most heavily populated city for many years, the precise population was not known until four weeks ago. 摘要英语专业低年级学生在基础英语学习过程中,一看到paraphrase,总感到无所适从。Paraphrase要求学生正确理解原文的意思,同时用更加简单的语言表达出来。本文对其原则方法进行了探讨。 关键词基础英语 Paraphrase 重要作用 原则方法 基础英语课程是英语专业低年级阶段一门重要的专业基础课,对学生英语技能的培养和提高起着重要作用,是为其高年级阶段专业课的学习奠定语言基础的重要课程。通过几年的基础英语教学,笔者发现,学生在该课程的学习过程中,遇到难懂的句子时,通常的解决方法是查看参考书中的汉语翻译。且不说翻译的局限性决定了有些句子的译文和原文的不完全对等,单从其不利于学生运用英语进行思考和表达的角度来说,这种方法是不可取的。那么,如何正确理解英语中的疑难句子呢?Paraphrase是一种不错的方法。 何谓paraphrase?根据新英汉词典,其意思是“释义,意译”,但这还不足以清楚表达paraphrase的内涵。根据Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,paraphrase指的是“re-expression of something written or said in different words,especially words that are easier to understand”。由此可见,paraphrase包含两个方面:一是用不同的词表达与原文相同的意思,二是用来重新表达的词要更简单易懂。那么,掌握paraphrase对学生在两个方面的提高有重要作用,一是对英语中较难内容的理解能力,二是运用英语进行表达的能力。 在明白paraphrase的重要性和基本要求之后,学生需要了解如何正确地对句子进行paraphrase。尽管对此并无定论,但其操作性还是有章可循的。笔者根据自己几年的基础英语教学经验,对于什么时候需要paraphrase以及如何paraphrase提出几条方法。 一、替换原句中的单词 这是paraphrase最简单的方法,就是对原文中较正式的、抽象的、罕见的词、或使用非常规意义的常用词或短语用通俗易懂的词或短语来代替。使用这种方法时,通常不需要对句子的其它部分进行改动。如: In the distance,I spotted a couple approaching. In the distance,I saw a couple coming near. 二、解释原句中的较难部分 这种方法针对的通常是句子中的专业术语、婉语和俚语。这些词汇或短语的意义仅仅从其表面意义来理解还远远不够,需要用更简单通俗易懂的词或句子来解释。 1.专业术语 During this time,students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. Identity crisis是心理学术语,用汉语来说叫“认同危机”,但仅仅如此学生还是无法理解其意义,我们需要使其更加具体,其含义是“the difficulties,confusions and anxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure who you really are and what your purpose in life is”. 2.委婉语 We already have 2.4 million people under some form of correctional supervision,412,000 of them locked away in a prison cell. Correctional supervision从字面上看是“矫正监督”,这其实是一种委婉的说法,其意义是“being disciplined,or being made to improve ones behavior under the control of the community,etc.as a punishment”.我们可以将上述句子paraphrase如下: In this country,there are already 2.4 million people who are receiving punishment in one form or another; 412,000 of them are kept in prison. 3.俚语 Are we supposed to believe that he didnt get up and run to the door and see the kid beat it downstairs 15 seconds after the killing? Beat一词在此不再是“打”的意思,而是walk or run very quickly。那么以上句子可解释为:Should we believe that he didnt get up and run to the door and see the kid run very quickly downstairs 15 seconds after the killing? 三、改变句子成分 有时候,英语中时间或地点状语被用作主语,在paraphrase时应当将其成分改变。如: Night found him legweary,with hands and face lashed by the branches,on a thickly wooded ridge. He felt his leg tired when night came,and his hands and face were lashed by the branches on a thickly wooded ridge. 四、将长句拆分 通常在面对一个较长的句子时使用此方法,首先要正确划分句子成分,然后将长句分解成简单句。如: Obviously then,an insect that lives on wheat can build up its population to much higher levels on a farm devoted to wheat than on one in which wheat is intermingled with other crops to which the insect is not adapted. 这个长句中看起来非常复杂,其主干实际上是an insect can build up its population to much higher levels on a farm than on one,insect后面有定语从句来修饰,farm和one分别由过去分词和定语从句修饰,在清楚了句子的结构以后,我们可以将其拆分成几个简单句如下:On a plot,only wheat is grown,and on another plot,wheat and other crops are mixed together.The number of an insect living on the former will become bigger than that living on the latter.五、个别变一般 You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin,that the bull doesnt jump the fence,or that your client doesnt go to the electric chair as a result of your incompeten
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