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Business to Business Strategies: From Electronic Data Interchange to Electronic Commerce,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,2,Objectives,In this chapter, you will learn about: Strategies that businesses use to improve purchasing, logistics, and other support activities Electronic data interchange and how it works How businesses are moving electronic data interchange operations to the Internet,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,3,Objectives,Supply chain management and how businesses are using the Internet and Web technologies to improve it Electronic marketplaces and portals that make purchase-sale negotiations easier and more efficient,An example,BHP steel, an Australian firm (Another is Dell) BHP billiton Rio Tinto CVRD 它对电子商务的应用可以追溯到1980年 Chan and Swatman (2000) assess the stages in implementation of its EC. BHP公司成立于1885年,总部设在墨尔本,是澳大利亚历史最悠久、规模最庞大的公司之一。比利登是国际采矿业的先驱,曾经以不断创新和集约式运营方式而闻名。2001年,两家公司合并组成BHP BILLITON矿业集团,BHP持股58%,比利登持股42%。,Early implementation 1989-1993.,PC-based EDI purchasing system. Four objectives Reduce data errors to 0 Reduce administration costs Improve management control Reduce order lead time 80% of invoices placed electronically by 1990 7000 items were eliminated from the warehouse Shorter lead times in the day-to-day, 10day-26h 障碍:技术,Electronic trading gateway 1990-1994,EDI-based. 不但外部,而且内部(营销、销售、财务、采购、法律) 提供一个结合上下游供应链的方案,给团体带来利润。 主要困难:如何让消费者加入进来(4年才4个),The move towards internet-commerce 1996-,Internet-based 一个目标:扩展沟通范围 二个目标:拓宽沟通方式 三种类型策略 战略的:高订购、高价值、高风险 EDI 战术的:中。EDI或internet 客户交易:低互联网,Another one: the GE Lighting line,Light bulbs, 30 000 Procurement process Time reduction by EC system: 4 weeks to 10 days.,Electronic Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,8,电子采购动机,Cost reduction:有哪几个方面? 减少交易时间周期和成本 增强预算控制力 减少行政失误 提升买家生产率 降低价格 提升信息管理 改进支付流程,评估节省成本,Savings=Number of requisitions times (original cost-new cost),Cost cutting,1991年Campbell (soup)运行其连续补货计划,与主要零售商建立了EDI链接。 每天早晨,电子通知Campbell对所有商品的需求。Campbell利用这些信息,按照与每一位零售商定的存货上下限来决定哪些产品需要补货 4周降到2周,相当于销售量增加1% (对利润微薄零售商意义重大) 特别是Campbell促销时,更需要通力合作,连续补货效益显著,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,12,Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities,Purchasing activities Include identifying vendors, evaluating vendors, selecting specific products, placing orders Supply chain Part of an industry value chain that precedes a particular strategic business unit,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,13,Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities (Continued),Procurement Includes all purchasing activities, plus monitoring of all elements of purchase transactions Supply Chain management CRM Term used to describe procurement activities,Five rights of procurement: From the right source At the right price Delivered at the right time Are of the right quality Of the right quantity What is bought? 生产相关型采购 非生产相关型采购 How is it bought? 系统采购 现场采购,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,14,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,15,Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities (Continued),Sourcing Procurement activity devoted to identifying suppliers and determining their qualifications E-procurement or e-sourcing Use of Internet technologies in procurement and sourcing activities,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,16,Steps in a Typical Business Purchasing Process,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,17,Direct vs. Indirect Materials Purchasing,Direct materials Materials that become part of the finished product in a manufacturing process Replenishment purchasing The company negotiates long-term contracts for most of the materials that it will need Indirect materials Other materials that the company purchases, including factory supplies,Contractual market Spot market MRO: maintenance, repair, operating Large volume but small value. P-cards Two largest MRO suppliers: MCMaster-Carr and W.W.Grainger Two office equipment and supplies: Office Depot and Staples,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,18,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,19,Logistics Activities,Logistics SCM Include managing Inbound movements of materials and supplies Outbound movements of finished goods and services Objective of logistics To provide the right goods in the right quantities in the right place at the right time Logistics management Important support activity for both sales and purchasing activities,E-Commerce: The Second Wave, Fifth Annual Edition,20,Materials-Tracking Technologies,Radio frequency identification devices (RFIDs) Small chips that use radio transmissions to track inventory New development is the passive RFID tag Passive RFID tag does not need a power source Small enough to be installed on the face of credit cards or sewn into clothing items,21,Support Activities,Support activities Include categories of finance and administration, human resources, and technology development Knowledge management Intentional collection,
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