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武汉体育学院 硕士学位论文 我国U-18女足运动员意志品质测评及影响因素研究 姓名:郭英 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:体育教育训练学 指导教师:谢朝忠 20100301 I 摘 要 随着足球运动技术水平不断提高,运动员之间的身体素质,技战术水平的差距日益 缩小。在实力相当的竞赛中,运动员之间与其说是技战术的交锋,不如说主要是意志品 质的较量。 要提高足球运动水平,足球运动员意志品质的培养和训练不能滞后,特别是对 青少年阶段的培养和训练,因为这一阶段意志品质的养成,将会影响到运动员成年后的 训练和比赛作风以及心理竞技能力的提高。 此届 U-18 女足队伍(91 年龄段)承担着 09 年全运会的比赛任务(乙组) ,也是各 省市成年女足的后备力量, 是中国女足的振兴的基础。 因此, 本文采用殷小川编制的 优 秀运动员意志品质量表对全体运动员意志品质进行了测量,并用 SPSS 软件对数据进 行了分析,结果表明: 随着训练年限的增加, U-18 女足运动员意志品质各维度特征发展不均衡, 运动员意 志品质的坚韧性强度逐级下降;自制性、主动性逐渐增强,且低年限组和高年限组之间 在自制性维度上存在着显著性差异。 原因是我国女足生存和发展的社会环境和前景对青 少年女足运动员意志品质产生的影响导致坚韧品质下降, 教练员们有意识地对对青少年 进行思想教育,加强纪律约束,有意识的进行意志品质的训练,运动心理逐渐成熟,主 观能动性与自我控制能力增强。 以场上位置来划分组别时,不同位置组运动员在意志品质各维度上的表现各有优 劣。 从均值上看,前锋组的自觉性、果断性、坚韧性最好,前卫组的自制性最高,守 门员组的主动性最高;在自觉性维度上,在果断性维度上,存在显著性差异。不同位置 的运功员在场上的职责不同,发挥的作用也不同,相应地,对于不同位置的运动员训练 要求、方法、手段也有所不同。这些情况可能会导致不同位置的运动员在意志品质各个 维度上的表现存在差异。 按不同运动等级进行分组,健将组在意志品质各个维度得分均值都是最高的,而且 从整体来,意志品质各维度得分从无等级组向健将级组呈逐级递增的趋势;在自觉性和 主动性维度上组间存在显著性差异。 意志品质各个维度上,前六名球队运动员得分均值高于后八名球队;并且坚韧性维 度上具有显著性差异。这就说明,前六名队伍获得小组出线,除技、战术原因之外,意 志品质(特别是意志坚韧性)也起到了一定的作用。 II 对青少年女足运动员意志水平构成影响的因素中, 教育学和训练学因素被认为是影 响我国青少年女足运动员意志品质的主导因素, 而我国女足发展的前景和环境被认为对 青少年女足运动员的意志水平有着非常大的影响, 有教练员在问卷中特别指出了这一因 素的重要性,这也是教练员最为关注的方面。 针对以上调查结果,文章最后提出了针对性的培养方法和建议。 关键词:青少年 女足 意志品质 影响因素 III Abstract With the soccer level unceasing enhanced, the athletes physical quality, technical level of gap shrinking. In a contest between athletes is more than the tactics, mainly is the willpower. To improve football sports level, football player character cultivation and training cant lag, especially for the training of teenagers, because this one phase, the cultivation of willpower will affect the athletes of adult training and competition and psychological competitive ability. The U-18 womens football teams (age 91) take the 2009 National Games competition tasks (Group B), is also the provinces of athletes reserve forces, is the basis for the revitalization of the Chinese womens football. Therefore, this paper prepared by YIN “Athletes will quality scale“ to all the athletes will quality were measured and used SPSS software for data analysis, results showed that: With the increase of training time, U - 18 women athletes will quality characteristics of unbalanced development in various dimensions, athletes will quality tenacity strength level drops. Self-made, initiative, and gradually strengthened fixed number of high and low group between groups in homemade gender differences exist significant differences. Reason is the survival and development of Chinas social environment and prospects for teenagers women athletes will quality impact toughness quality to decline. In position to differentiate group, different positions in each group athletes will quality performance on the dimension is bad. On the average, the striker from the group decisiveness self-consciousness, tenacity, best, avant-garde group of homemade highest, the initiative; goalkeeper group, In self-consciousness dimensions, in decisiveness dimensions, there exist significant differences. Different positions of power in the field, the role of the duty is different also, accordingly, in different locations of the athletes training requirements, the method, the method is also different. These conditions may result in different locations of the athletes in the character of each dimension. According to different sports level in groups, master group will quality dimensions are the highest scoring average, and overall dimensions, willpower to score level from a master grade group gradually increasing trend, In self-consciousness and the initiative dimensions there exist significant differences between the groups. All dimensions of willpower, team player before six points higher than average after eight teams, And tenacity dimensions have significant differences. This means that before six teams to the knock-out stages, besides skill and tactics, tenacious character (especially) has also played a certain role. For teenagers women athletes will constitute the influence factors of level, education and training are considered in women athletes will affect the quality of our leading factors, womens development and prospect of environment of teenagers are considered the level of womens athletes will have great impact on questionnaire, coaches specially pointed out the importance of the factors, which is also the most attention. IV According to the survey results, and finally puts forward some corresponding Suggestions and methods of cultivation. Key words:Juvenile ;Women Soccer ; Will quality ; Influencing Factor 武汉体育学院武汉体育学院学位论文原创性声明和学位论文原创性声明和使用授权说明使用授权说明 原创性声明原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所 取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的 法律后果由本人承担。 论文作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文使用授权说明学位论文使用授权说明 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、 使用学位论文的规定, 即: 按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存并 向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,并提供目录检索与 阅览服务;学校可以允许采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存 学位论文;在不以赢利为目的的前提下,学校可以公开学位论文的部分 或全部内容。 (保密论文在解密后遵守此规定) 作者签名:
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