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Introductor :Miss Shen Zoom站在一个商店门口 Zoom:Wow,how beautiful! 店员:May I ask you some questions? Zoom: OK. 店员:Good!Follow me ,please! boy bag boat board big 请同学们帮Zoom来读单词,读 一个对就可以得到一个apple。 dad deer dog 让我们来一起帮Zoom捡strawberry. 只要能读对以下单词就能得到所有的草莓 doll duck 让我们来帮Zoom拿egg. 说出W开头的一个词可以得到一颗糖果哦 I have many gifts. Now I will go and see Zip. I can see a brown . door Zip, open the door, please. Zip is near the . Where is Zip? window Ok, come in please Guess! What can you see in my room? I can see I can see a Where is zip? Shes on the _chair Where is zip? Shes on the _.beddesk 4 b e d big Read and circle看看,圈圈 1 desk vest 2 cheap chair 5 dog d o o r 3 w i n d o w west Your room is very nice. I have a nice room, too Really ? Its a nice room, I like it. Look at Zooms room Page 51 Lets check doorwindow deskchair bed Zoom, I have a gift for you, too 同学们, 下面出现的 单词后面藏着礼物.我 们一起看看她的礼物 是什么吧! ow window show low e e desk bed let egg i window big pig ooroor door floor airair air fair pair chair Oh, its a nice gift. I like it. Goodbye, Zip! Goodbye, Zoom! Homework Zooms room Zips room Can you draw your room? Have a try. 你会画自己的房间吗? 试一下哦!别忘了给你房间里的 东西写上英语名称哦 注意格式要 写正确哦
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