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Good morning, boys and girls! This morning, i have read an article in china daily. It talks about. The author thinks.Whats your opinions about this topic?(Jim? Lucy ? Lily?)It seems that your ideas also vary from each other. So today, lets have a Debate Contest on this subject. There are going to be 2 groups, A G and B G. A hold the opinion that. B hold the totally different idea.Each group has 4 debaters. So who like to join G A? (Jim Lucy Lily Tom) what about G B? (Kim Andy, Nancy, Jerry) The rest students will be both the audience and the judges.Now first, let me introduce the rules. The whole contest will be divided into 4 parts.Part1 State opinions (in this section, each side will be given 3 m to state your own opinions clearly. )Part2 Free debate(We will spend 10 minutes in this part.)Part3 Question time (in this part, the audience can ask any questions related to this topic.)Part4 Summary( in the last section, each side will make a summary about your own group idea.)Are you clear about the rules?Ok, good. Now i will give you 10 m to discuss with you partners and prepare for the coming debate contest. Time is up. Are you both parties ready? OK, now Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to attend this debate contest between GA and GB about.So part 1 starts. In this part, each group will be given 3 m to state your ideas clearly. Please watch. GA go first. Timing begins Now lets move to Part2, debaters can ask your competitors any questions. We will spend 10 m in this part. BG first.Ok, lets enter part 3 its question time. The audience could raise any question you want to ask the debaters.Finally , after the fierce debate, we come to the last part. In this part, each group should summarize your own opinions within 3 m. G A first.Ok ,now its time to decide which group is going to be our winner today. If you support GA put up your hands. (20) who support GB, show me your hands.(22) So GB wins. Although GA didnt win, but I think they also have done a good job today. Boys and girls, lets clap together. Thank you for their excellent and impressive performance today. I have prepared the prizes for all of you debaters. Now please go back to your seat. Ok, boys and girls, through todays debate competition, I believe all of you have had a deep understanding about . During the debate, both parties have picked up some good arguments. GA has mentioned . While GB hold the opinion that.I believe that some of you also have different ideas. So todays homework is to write your own opinion about. We will talk about it further in next class. The door bell is ringing, class is over, see you, have a nice day!Teaching Aims1 to master the words and phrases of this unit2 understand the text and finish the comprehending exercises3 to practice their oral English 4 train their team spiritTeaching Important Points1 to master the words and phrases of this unit2 understand the text and finish the comprehending exercisesTeaching Difficult Points1 to practice their oral English 2 train their team spiritTeaching MethodsTeaching AidsA projector,a tape recorder,blackboardTeaching ProceduresStep1 Greetings and Leading-in1Greet the whole class as usual2 start with news and ask questions:(What? How? Why? Whats your opinion about.?) Step2 Pre-readingLook at the pictures and the heading, please guess what the text might be about.Step3 While-reading1 skim the whole text and summarize the main idea of each paragraph in one sentence/read quickly to get the main idea of the text(Suggested answers)2 read the text carefully to find some details and accomplish comprehending 1(check the answers)Step4 Post-readingListen to the tape, and filling the blanks with the missing words you have heard. Each one may include 1-3 words.Step5 Discussion/ ActivityAccording to the text, please make it into an interview with you partners in groups of 4. Ask some of them to show up in the front.Step6 Summary During this class, we have reviewed the words and phrases of this unit. And we learned the lesson. Through the acting activity, we have understand the text better.Step7 HomeworkWrite a composition about.Blackboard DesignKey words:Main ideas:(Recently , i have seen an American TV series its called Friends, which mainly talks about some stories among six people. Next we are going to see a part of it, a clip about 2 m and later please tell me what was going on there? Now, start.)Good morning, boys and girls! This morning i have read an article in China Daily, it mainly talks about. The author thinks that.So whats your opinion? Do you think.?(Jim, Lucy, Lily)It seems that you have different ideas from each other./ it seems that you think. Now lets listen to a dialogue between. After listening, you should tell me what it mainly talks about.(Tom)Ok now, please open your book, turn to page 16
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