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Lesson 23词汇积累练一、找出与其他两项不同类的单词。(16分)()1.A.bananaBjellyCapple()2.A.pen Bruler Cbiscuit()3.A.cat Bcake Cice cream()4.A.round Bsquare Cshort语句应用练二、 单项选择。(16分)()1.We are going to_home.APeter BPeters CPeters()2.My parents_me a present.Agive Bgives Cgiving()3.Lucy_the cake and_each one a piece. Acuts;gives Bcut; give Ccuts;give ()4.Emma_a good time at the party.Ahave Bhas Chaving三、 找出错误并改正。(24分)1. party!()_2. mother jelly.()_3. can a .()_4Look!She .()_四、按要求改写句子。(8分)1I would like a cup of tea.(改为一般疑问句)_you_a cup of tea?2Give her a glass of water.(改为同义句)_a glass of water_her.情景交际练五、排序。(20分)Alight the candlesBgive the giftsCmake a wishDblow out the candlesEcut the cake_阅读理解练六、阅读并回答问题。(16分)A:Would you like a cup of tea,John?B:Yes, please.A:Would you like some tea, Mike?C:No, thanks. Id like a glass of juice.A:Here you are.B &C:Thank you.()1.What would John like?AA cup of tea.BA glass of juice.()2.What would Mike like?AA cup of tea.BA glass of juice.()3.Who is “B”?AMike.BJohn.()4.Who is “C”?AMike.BJohn.答案一、1.B2.C3.A4.C 二、1.B2.A3.A4.B三、1.B to2.B gets3.B sing4.A is doing四、1.Would, like2.Give, to 五、B A C D E六、1.A2.B3.B4.A
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