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烟台题型二 完形填空 动词(短语)辨析 完形填空中关于动词(短语)的题目需要根据具体的语境选 择意义合适的选项,考生经常因为动词(短语)形似、意近而导 致选错答案。 连词辨析 考生经常因为弄不清楚上下文之间的关系而做错关于连 词的题目。 一、完形填空“三步”突破法 1通览 (1)通览的目的:确定文章的题材、体裁;把握文章的主线 脉络;了解作者的观点态度; (2)通览要读的内容:各段首句;末段末句。 2试填 (1)上下文的内在联系;(2)逻辑关系;(3)固定搭配; (4)句式结构。 3复核 (1)通读全文,检查文章行文是否顺畅; (2)检查有无逻辑关系错误。 二、具体解题技巧 1通过关键词解题 含有表示转折或对比的连词、副词(短语),如but, (al)though, instead, however, yet, otherwise等;表示结果、层次的词, 如firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally等;表示逻辑关系的词, 如even, thus, therefore, so等,我们可用这些关键词来解题。 The weather is different in different parts of the world. In some places it is . But in some places it is very wet. Acloudy Bdry Csnowy 【解析】 B but为转折连词,前后表示两种不同的情况。 由此可知,所填入的词应与wet相反,故答案为B。 2通过上下文的联系解题 What do I remember about my childhood? There were good things and bad things. We used to live , and my parents always got up early in the morning to feed the cows and sheep. A. on a farm B. in a town C. in a city 【解析】 A 本段主要讲作者回忆儿童时代所居住的地点。 从三个选项来看都是可能的,语法上都说得通。但通过下文 my parents always got up early in the morning to feed the cows and sheep提示我们可知,作者生活在农村,正确答案选A。 3用具体示例解题 Every student must wear their when they are at school. There are many items of uniforms: suits, dresses, shorts, skirts and Tshirts . Along hair Bsports shoes Cschool uniforms 【解析】 C suits, dresses, shorts, skirts and Tshirts 都属于 衣服类,由此推出本段谈论的是在校学生穿校服的事情,而 不是留长发、穿运动鞋等,故选C。 4巧用同义、反义解题 Though Mary is serious in appearance, she never fails to be interesting. Often she is clever, sometimes even and happy. . . Aworried Bbright Cdiscouraging 【解析】 B 由Often she is clever推断Mary非常聪明, 而even一词也暗示所填词应表示“聪明”之意,bright与clever 是同义词,故选B。 5巧用结构对比线索解题 在做完形填空题时,有时会遇到两个结构十分相似的句子或 短语,此时应认真比较其结构特点,或根据其相似性推断所 填词,或根据上下文语境判断相似结构之间的逻辑关系。 Boys and girls will have nearly a twomonth holiday, and they will leave school train or by car to see their parents. Aon Bby Cin 【解析】 B or在本句中是一个并列连词,常连接两个结构 相同的成分,train和car都属于交通工具,故or前后的两个短 语结构应相同,由此推出答案为by。 6运用段首句或首段解题 通常完形填空的第一句是不设空的,段首句或首段常包含文 章的主题句或为理解文章大意提供必要的线索。 Ever since I was little, my favorite season was winter. I loved to play in the snow and enjoy the hot chocolate. , winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday. I would ask my grandmother why it didnt snow on my birthday. She would laugh and tell me that. . . ACertainly BUnfortunately CImportantly DLuckily 【解析】 B 首段为本文的“眼”,对下面的解题至关重要。 首段表示“我”非常喜欢玩雪,由第二段第一句可知“我”生 日的时候没有下雪,故是一种遗憾,选B。 7运用固定搭配解题 The city(Washington) was named George Washington, the first President(总统) of the United States. A. by B. for C. after 【解析】 C be named after表示“以命名”,为固定搭 配,所以选C。 8利用文化背景或生活常识解题 完形填空的语篇中有时渗透着相关的如文化科学、历史地理、 风俗民情等方面的知识。中学生已经掌握了丰富的文化知识 和生活常识,具备了一定的判断能力,在做题时,若能积极 地调动自己的文化背景知识和生活常识,并巧妙地加以运用, 特别是注意中西文化的差异,将会大大简化复杂的分析与判 断过程,顺利做出正确的选择。 He did not want to take to cure himself. Instead, he felt that happy thoughts or laughter might cure his illness. A. food B. time C. medicine 【解析】 C 由生活常识可知,人生病时应该吃药,故正确 答案为C。
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