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百种拓展平面设计思维的方法(A method of expanding graphic design thinking)These methods and ideas may seem simple, is of great help in graphic design and video advertising design technology. Especially when ideas are stuck, will look at these new ideas.1, turn it upside down2, take it.3, to reduce the4, the color change.5, put it into a circle6, make it bigger7, put it into a square8, make it smaller9, to make it longer10, make it flashing11, to make it shorter.12, make it a spark13, it can be seen that14, light it15, make it more than a general situation16, make it fluoresces17, put it into words.18, make it heavy19, put it into music.20, make it become tinder.21, with words and music22, make it become tinder.23, combined with the text, music and pictures24, to participate in the competition25, the combination of music and picture delete text26, to take the bet27, dont picture28, make it become the young type29, dont text30, make it a prime type31, silent32, take it apart33, make it repeat34, conservatively35, make it become solid36, exaggeration to say37, make it into a plane38, when the alternative to sellForm 39, transform it40, found a new application41, only a part of the change42, lose it43, make it a group44, tear it45, for sale and sale or donation46, make it.47, encourage it48, obviously.49, mobile50, the re allocation of elements51, electric generation52, reduce the tone53, make it54, improve the tone55, make it the opposite56, cut it57, it is something like a substitute58, mixed together59, make it romantic60, switch to another form61, add nostalgic appeal62, make it faster63, make it look popular64, make it slow down65, to make it look like a futuristic66, make it fly67, make it become a part of the goods instead of68, make it float69, make it strong70, make it roll71, make it strong72, put it into pieces73, the use of symbols74, make it into powder75, it is realism76, to make sex appeal77, the use of new forms of Art78, make it condensed79, into photography80, to make it bends81, transform graphic mode82, make it in pairs83, to change the form of84, tilting it85, use the picture to illustrate your story86, make it suspended in midair87, the use of new media advertising90, take it from inside out91, make it more strongly92, take it to the next.93, make it more cold94, shake it95, increase the aroma96, it covered up97, transform the smell98, make it symmetrical99, it deodorization100, make it asymmetric101, it will appeal to children102, it separated103, it will appeal to the man104, make it with other rival105, it will appeal to women106, make it sharp107, the price is lower108, change its shape109, raise the price110, it should be around one week111, change the ingredients112, put it in a frame113, adding new ingredients114, put it into a circle115, twist it116, to fill it117, make it clear118, put it into the air119, make it opaque120, to open it121, with a different background122, spelling123, in a different environment124, give it my nickname.125, make it attractive126, to seal it up127, the use of visual effects128, it transferred129, the use of additional material130, put it up Bale131, increase peoples taste132, put it together133, the change of density134, put it away135, placed in different containers136, make it become alternate137, transform package138, to set up139, the density increased140, make it melted141, small142, jellify143, increased to the maximum144, to soften145, to get rid of it146, harden it147, make it light148, evaporate into vaporization149, so that it can be folded150, plus cadence151, to the extreme152, make it more narrow153, such as hot summer154, make it more broad155, as the winter cold156, make it more funny157, personify158, make it become the irony159, make it more dark160, with a brief.161, make it shine162, with a lengthy copy163, make it burn164, found second use165, to make it more nutritious166, make it together167, pour it into the bottle168, take it out when to sell169, pour it into a pot170, to make it clean171, put it in the box172, pour it into the pot173, pour it into the jar174, straighten it out175, take it.176, wrap it up177, enhance the reputation178, provide free179, sold at cost price180, provide special offer181, increase the comfort demands18
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