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10 Ways to Avoid the Etiquette Mistake 十大常见礼仪大忌 No.10 Failing to introduce people 第10条:忘记相互介绍 Whether in a professional or social setting, its always awkward if you fail to introduce two people when youre their only shared acquaintance. This is really just common courtesy, but if youre called away from the conversation, it also leaves these folks making strained small talk while not even aware of each others names. There are technically some agreed-upon rules to making professional introductions (such as saying the name of the professionally superior person first), but none of that is as important as remembering to make the introductions in the first place。 无论在什么场合,如果你认识的两人碰面,而他们彼此都不认识,这时若 你不出面相互介绍,就会导致尴尬的发生。介绍一下实为举手之劳。假如你还 没介绍他们互相认识,就半途借故离开的话,他们会不得不尴尬地有一搭没一 搭地聊着,却连自己在和谁说话都搞不清楚。介绍也是个技术活儿,有一些约 定俗成的规矩可供参考,比如:先介绍身份更高一点的那位会比较合适。不过 无论怎样,在一开始就相互引荐才是最重要的礼节。 No.9 Not removing yourself to take a cell phone call 第九条:接电话时不回避 In almost every social situation, the people who actually physically share the room with you are owed your attention more than someone whos just calling or texting. This is especially noticeable and aggravating when at a dinner table or similarly personal setting, but it applies to almost any situation when youre not alone. Even if youre just waiting in line with total strangers, try to keep your phone conversation to yourself as much as possible。 在几乎所有社交场合,和你共处一室的任何人都比手机里跟你互动的 那个人更重要。在餐桌或私人场合尤其,光盯着手机会显得你既醒目又惹 人厌。即使在排队的时候来了个电话,也请记住,尽量把对话音量放小点 吧。 No.8 Arguing over a check 第八条:为账单争执 Heres a simple rule for group dining situations: Prepare to pay an even share, but dont take advantage of that possibility by overindulging. Go into dining situations expecting that some loud guy you dont really like is going to order three $20 martinis after his steak and expect to split that with you and your sandwich. If this is consistent behavior and its making you furious, deal with it in a different setting instead of launching into an accusatory check argument right there in the restaurant. Besides, youre paying a small price to demonstrate that youre gracious and magnanimous。 搭伙吃饭的时候,记住一个简单的道理:尽量AA制。但也没必要死磕在 这点上。假如伙伴里有个你并不喜欢的说话大声的家伙,他却点了一大块牛 排外加3份两百块一杯的马提尼酒,而你只点了个三明治;买单时他想跟你平 分账单,好吧,你该这么做:如果他经常这样占你便宜,而你又很气愤,那 么就找个合适机会跟他挑明;没必要当场就在餐馆里爆发。而且,换个角度 来看,花笔小钱,却能显得你既优雅又宽宏大量,何乐而不为呢。 No.7 Being late 第七条:迟到 People like to feel valued, and if youre looking for a surefire way to indicate that you dont value them at all, go ahead and just fail to show up. You can come in 20 minutes later with a pretty good explanation, but when it comes down to it, the other person is left wondering why he evidently cares more about this relationship than you do. Especially in a professional setting dealing with clients and bosses, being late is a starkly noticeable way to divide the room into capable, considerate people and people who merely have long-winded excuses about cars not starting。 人们喜欢被尊重。让人感到被轻视的最高效方法便是赴约时迟到。迟到 20分钟,然后给出个漂亮的借口的确能蒙混过关,但人们总归会暗暗想: 他是不是没我那么重视这段关系?尤其是在职场中,客户和老板们一眼就能 分辨出谁是能力强、考虑周到的好员工,谁是好吃懒做只会把责任推到交通 上的职业打酱油兄。 No.6 Not giving up your seat 第六条:不让座 In the same way that many rules of etiquette are designed to keep you from being self-centered, the “give up your seat to someone who needs it more” rule is basic human decency and not a discussion about gender politics. Maybe the pregnant woman or frail old lady doesnt technically require your hard-won public transit seat, and maybe you had a terrible day, your feet hurt and the bus is packed with miserable people, but suck it up and give up the damn seat already。 很多礼仪习惯都是为了让你不显得太以自我为中心,这条也是。让座给 更需要的人是最基本的人性表现,与性别无关。也许那个孕妇或颤颤巍巍的 老太太并不需要你好不容易抢到的座位;也许你刚度过了糟糕的一天,伤心 欲绝,且整辆公车上塞满了跟你一样悲剧的同类但无论怎样,站起来让 个座吧。 No.5 Treating service staff poorly 第五条:粗暴对待服务人员 Service staff often make less than the minimum legal requirement because its assumed that youre going to be a reasonable human being and tip 15% to 20%. Its completely OK to tip less than that figure to indicate that you were unhappy with your service, if its genuinely justified. Its not OK to avoid leaving a tip because youre cheap or were unprepared for the expense. For that matter, dont send food back for the tiniest mistakes or abuse the staff like theyre your servants. Yes, theyre required to take this from you, but thats unrelated to the fact that it makes you look like an intolerable ass。 服务生的薪水通常比法定最低薪水要低,这是因为考虑到:正常的消费 者一般都会加付15%-20%的小费。如果你对服务不满意,小费给得少点儿 也是情有可原的;然而,绝对不能因为你点的东西价低、或是之前没考虑到 小费问题,而拒绝支付小费。同样,不要因为对食物稍有不满就嚷嚷着要退 ,或是粗暴地像对待仆人一样对待服务人员。尽管他们的小费数额全由你决 定,你也不能因此就表现得跟个极品一样。 No.4 Talking solely about yourself 第四条:夸夸其谈,自吹自擂 Narcissism is not an attractive quality. Yes, there are some guys who can pull off being arrogant and self-absorbed, but this does not give you license to imitate them. Accidentally dominating conversations without intending to come off as self-involved is really no better because the end result is the same. Resist the urge to respond to every sentence with some ve
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