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石油工程英语现场会话 内容提要随着国内、外钻井市场的不断拓展,国外钻井和国内反承包钻井服务对既懂专业技术又会专业英语的工程技术人员和技术工人的需求不断增加,而目前我国石油工程技术人员专业英语的对话能力存在不足,在实施钻井作业过程中常常由于语言障碍,使得甲、乙双方工程技术人员;技术工人和当地雇工出现交流困难,导致作业施工不畅,双方合作难尽人意。鉴于上述原因,本书作者借助在国外钻井队、项目组从事多年现场翻译的工作经验,特别是同甲方现场监督和当地雇工的协同工作经验,精心编写了以钻井作业现场为背景的石油工程英语情景会话。本书约40万字,分9个场景分别对钻井作业的施工过程进行全方位的描述,包括基础英语、钻前工程、井间搬迁、甲方HSE官员和监督的开钻验收、钻井施工作业、固井施工作业、完井施工作业、录井施工作业、井控作业(理论)等情景会话(90%为对话),具有很强的针对性及实用性,对已在国外工作的、即将赴国外工作的或在国内反承包钻井作业中的工程技术人员和技术工人均有帮助。通过对本书的学习,掌握书中对话,能够较好地、很快地适应现场作业工作。本书对石油院校的在校生也大有帮助,通过学习、了解书中对石油工程生产过程的描述,可以全面地、系统地了解石油工程的日常工作流程,从而获得石油、天然气生产工艺流程中钻井施工作业全过程和整体概念,为毕业后尽快溶入生产第一线打下牢固的基础。 Petroleum Engineering English At Well-siteCONTENTSI. Meeting at First Time & Greeting.1 初次见面及问候II. Inspection of Site Construction.16 钻前工程III. Rig Move And Equipment Installation.22钻井搬迁及设备安装IV. Equipment (Spudding) Inspection32 设备(开钻)验收V. Drilling Operation51 钻井作业VI. Cement Job103 固井作业VII. Completion Job.121 完井作业VIII. Mud Logging Operation136 录井作业IX. Well Control & Drill Procedures.189井控措施及防喷演习程序X. Reading MaterialDrilling Program.286阅读材料钻井作业程序 Chapter I. Meeting at First Time & Greeting初次见面及问候Wang Xiao-yu just graduated from the South-west Petroleum Institute, and was assigned to be the practice technician of No.17 Great Wall Drilling Crew.王小雨刚从西南石油学院毕业,分配到长城17钻井队当实习技术员。 It was the first day that he reported to GW17 today.今天是他到长城17队报到的第一天。He met Mr. Chen Ming, the driller who came from the rig floor, at the well-site.在井场,他遇到了从钻台走下来的司钻陈明。He went to him and asked: “Excuse me, Sir. My names Wang Xiao-yu, a new practice technician of this Crew.”于是他走了过去,询问道:“你好!我是刚分来的实习技术员,我叫王小雨。”“How do you do? Welcome to our Crew. My names Chen Ming, the driller of No.3 Shift. May I help you?”“你好!欢迎到队上来。我是三班司钻陈明。要帮忙吗?“Can you tell me where I can find the Rig Manager?”“告诉我哪里能找到平台经理?”“Maybe he is in the Rig Manager Office, I think. Let me lead you there.”“我想他可能在平台经理办公室里。我领你去吧!”“Thank you.”“谢谢。”The driller fervidly gave him a hand to carry his luggages to the office.司钻陈明热情地拎着王小雨的行李,领着他走向平台经理办公室。 In the office, the Rig Manager, Mr. Peng Yuan-chun, was discussing the Operation Program to run 9 5/8” casing with his drilling engineer and Toolpushers.办公室里,平台经理正在同钻井工程师、带班队长商量下9 5/8”套管事项。The driller knocked at the door, shouting: “Manager, the new practice technician is coming?”陈明敲门,道:“彭经理, 队上分来的实习技术员到了!”“Come in, please.”“请进,”“Welcome to our Crew!” The Rig Manager met Wang Xiao-yu, who was a little nerval at the door, offering his hands and saying friendly: “My names Pen Yuan-chun, everyone calls me A Chun or George.” “欢迎到队上来!” 平台经理热情道,向在门边有点紧张的王小雨伸出双手:“我叫彭远春,大家都叫我阿春或George!”“How do you do! My names Wang Xiao-yu, the new practice technician of your Crew.”“你好!我叫王小雨,你队的实习技术员,请多关照。“Wang, let me introduce them to you.” “小王,我给你介绍介绍。”“Thank you.”“谢谢!”“This is Mr. Zhou Hua, the drilling engineer of our Crew.”“这位是我队的钻井工程师, 周华。”“How do you do!”“你好!”“Hi! Welcome to join us.”“你好!欢迎你加入我们的行列!”“The two guys are Toolpushers, Lao Yang and Lao Zhang.”“这两位是带班队长,老杨,老张。”“How do you do!”“你们好!”“Hello. Welcome.”“欢迎!”After greeting, Wang Xiao-yu asked the Rig Manager urgently: “Manager, what shall I do now?”寒暄之后,王小雨迫不及待地向平台经理道:“彭经理,现在我该干什么?”“Dont worry, there are a lot of jobs for you to do in future. Now, Mr. Zhou will lead you to your caravan for a rest. Hell be your master and he is in charge of arranging your work later.”“别着急,以后有你工作干的。现在由周工领你去宿舍,他将是你的师傅,今后的工作由他安排。”On the way to the caravan, Wang Xiao-yu said to Zhou in fear and trembling: “Mr. Zhou, I just came here and havent any drilling experiences, I am afraid”在去宿舍的路上,王小雨忐忑地对周工说:“周工,我刚到井队,没任何钻井经验,我心里没底?”“Dont worry, young fellow. After completing a well, everything youll obtain.”“小伙子,别担心。当你打完一口井后什么底你都有了。”“Really?”“是吗?”“Yeah. I remembered when I came to the Drilling Crew for the first time, I had the same feelings as yours, full of anxieties.”“当然。记得我刚到井队时,跟你心情一样,充满了焦虑和忐忑。”“So, how many years have you been in the Drilling Crew?”“刘工,你在井队干了几年了?”“Ten years.”“10年了。”“How many years to be a drilling engineer?”“当了几年工程师?”“Five years.”“5年。”“And how many wells have you completed?”“打了多少口井?”“Let me think. Eight, at least.”“我想一想,至少有8口吧!”“Including this one?”“包括这一口井吗?”“No.”“不包括这口井。”“Oh! You must have accumulated rich drilling experiences. Id learn from you more.”“啊!那你肯定积累了丰富的钻井经验,我得多向你学着点。”“Learn from each other.”“互相学习吧!”“How are about the depth in this region?”“这地区打的井深不深?”“Normally are deep wells. The TD (total depth) is usually over 4500m. The design depth of this well is 5015m.”“一般都是深井。井深都在4500米以上。这口井的设计井深是5
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