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2011年教育硕士英语模拟试题及答案一模拟试题一Paper OnePart I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections:In this section, you will read five short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suits the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1. Speaker A: The economic news doesnt look good, does it?Speaker B: _. We really need to get the rising price structure under control.A. Yes, I think so.B. No, the news was unconvincing.C. Not according to the news.D. Yes, the news has told a fact.2. Speaker A: Hey. Im sorry to interrupt, but theres something important I have to tell you.Speaker B: _Speaker A: Not really. Its pretty important.A. Cant it wait?B. Will you please leave me alone?C. Why do you choose such a crucial moment?D. Dont you see, I am busy now.3. Speaker A: Im anxious to get started on my project. Can we discuss it sometime before the weekend?Speaker B:_A. Why didnt you tell me earlier?B. Yes, that could be arranged.C. I cant spend any time.D. Yes, its easy to discuss it.4. Speaker A: Excuse me, boss. Theres a Jack Welsh on the line. Do you want to talk to him?Speaker B:_A. Oh, Im afraid I wont.B. No, have him call back later.C. Does he want to leave a message?D. Would you please hold my calls?5. Speaker A: Do you feel like doing anything this weekend, Jerry?Speaker B:_A. No, I dont mind doing anything.B. Yes, all right. What do you suggest?C. We could always go to Daves party.D. How do you like science fiction movies?Section B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will read five short conversations between a man and a woman. At the end of each conversation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.6. Man: Youre going to get into a lot of trouble if you do that.Woman: What makes you say that? Everything has gone as smooth as clockwork-just like we planned.Question: What does the woman mean?A. She thinks everything goes very well.B. She thinks they can finish it on time.C. She thinks everything goes slowly.D. The job is done easily beyond her expectation.7. W: How do you think about the drama last night, do you like it?M: Yes. I guess you enjoyed it too?W: I certainly got my mind stretched! I think it was shrinking!Q: What does the woman think of the drama?A. It had her mind suffered a lot.B. It has broadened her vision.C. She thought there was something wrong with her brain.D. It makes the woman think over and over again.8. Woman: You were late again this morning.Man: So what?Question: How does the man react to the womans blame?A. He felt sorry for being late.B. He did not admit he was late.C. He got nervous for being late.D. He did not care about being late.9. Woman: This software is very user-friendly.Man: Yes, but it leaves something to be desired.Question: What does the man think of the software?A. It is of excellent standard.B. It is of very low standard.C. It has reached the expected standard.D. It does not reach the expected standard.10. Man: Hi, Susan. I hear your ski trip was out of this world!Woman: It was wonderful! I didnt want to come back to the real world!Question: What can we learn about Susan?A. She preferred to live in an unreal world.B. She enjoyed the skiing very much.C. She lost contact with this world.D. She failed to carry out her ski plan.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 11. If people feel hopeless, they dont bother to _ the skills they need to succeed.A. adoptB. acquireC. accumulateD. assemble12. The shop assistant was dismissed as she was _ of cheating customers.A. accusedB. chargedC. scoldedD. cursed13. His wife is constantly finding _ with him, which makes him very angry.A. errorsB. shortcomingsC. faultD. flaw14. The film provides a deep _ into a wide range of human qualifies and feelings.A. insightB. imaginationC. fancyD. outlook15. They are trying to _ the waste discharged by the factory for profit.A. exposeB. exhaustC. exhibitD. exploit16. The continuous rain _ the harvesting of the wheat crop by two weeks.A. set backB. set offC. set outD. set aside17. The university has launched a research center to develop new
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