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基于+BP+神经网络和灰色模型的税务收入预测研究 代号10701 学号0877960222 分类号TP311 密级公开 题(中、英文)目基于BP神经网络和灰色模型的税务收入预测研究 Study of Tax Revenue Prediction Based on BP Neural Networks and Gery Model 作者姓名李鹏 学校指导教师姓名职称方敏 教授 工程领域计算机技术企业指导教师姓名职称杨昕 高工 提交论文日期二一一年十月 摘 要 税收是以国家为主体,为实现其职能,凭借政治权力,按照法律规定,强制、无偿取得财政收入的一种特定分配形式。随着经济的发展,对税收收入进行预测显得越来越重要,它决定着税收计划的制定和经济的决策,然而由于税收成分及相关因素的影响,对税收收入进行较为准确地预测,仍是一项需要深入研究的课题。 本文首先介绍了常用预测模型的基本概念、方法,着重分析了自回归移动平均模型、马尔可夫链模型和指数平滑法等预测中常用的方法和相关内容,并提出了基于灰色算法模型的税务预测和基于BP神经网络的税务预测研究方法,分析了其原理及算法。 在此基础上本文设计实现了预测程序,以陕西省商洛市商州区国税局的实际税收数据为样本,进行仿真测试,对测试结果和实际数据进行比较,得出预测误差达到精度标准要求的结果。最后对灰色模型和BP神经网络模型进行了对比,分析了各自的优劣性及适用环境。 关键词:税收 预测 灰色模型 BP神经网络 Abstract Tax is a kind of allotment relation of the public finance income forcibly and gratisly, which is carried out by a national political power according to the standard that national law enacts. With economic development,it seem increasingly important in making prediction about tax revenue, which determines tax plans and Economic Decision. But because of the effects of tax classification and other related factors, it is one of subjects to be researched continuously to predict tax with great accuracy. Firstly, we introduce the basic conception and method of commonly used prediction models, with emphasis on the analysis of the auto regressive moving average prediction model, Markov chain model and Exponential Smoothing Method, and we propose a tax revenue forecast based on grey model and related research method based on BP neural networks and analyses the principle and process. Bsaed on the above works, prediction program is designed and implemented in this paper, and we finish the simulation testing according to the tax data from Shangluo State Taxation Bureau, Shaanxi province. At last we carry on a contrast analysis of grey model and BP neural networks model and analyze their advantages, shortages and what environments they can be used. Keywords: Tax Revenue Prediction Grey Model BP Neural Networks 目 录 第一章 绪论.1 1.1 研究背景.1 1.2 国内外研究现状.2 1.2.1 国外研究现状.2 1.2.2 国内研究现状.3 1.3 论文主要内容和章节安排.4 1.3.1 研究内容.4 1.3.2 章节安排.5 1.4 本章小结.6 第二章 预测模型相关理论与税收介绍.7 2.1 常用预测模型.7 2.1.1自回归移动平均模型.7 2.1.2马尔可夫链模型.8 2.1.3指数平滑法.9 2.2 税收相关知识.10 2.2.1主要税种介绍.11 2.2.2税收预测方式与环境.14 2.2.3税收预测中应注意的问题.15 2.3 本章小结.16 第三章 基于BP神经网络的税务预测研究.17 3.1 人工神经网络.17 3.1.1 人工神经网络介绍.17 3.1.2 人工神经网络的发展.17 3.1.3 人工神经网络的特点.18 3.1.4 人工神经网络基本构成.18 3.1.5 人工神经网络学习方式.21 3.2 BP神经网络理论.21 3.2.1 BP神经网络工作原理.
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