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Unit 7Unit 7 Phrases: Prepositional phrasePhrases: Prepositional phrase Grammar:Grammar: Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase Writing:Writing: Correcting:Correcting: Unnecessary shifts Rewriting: Rewriting: How to use the passive voice Prepositional phrase Prepositional phrase A phrase A phrase may be defined as a group of related words without a may be defined as a group of related words without a subject and a verb. A phrase functions within a sentence as a subject and a verb. A phrase functions within a sentence as a single part of speech - noun, adjective, or adverb. The most single part of speech - noun, adjective, or adverb. The most common phrases are prepositional phrases, participial phrases, common phrases are prepositional phrases, participial phrases, gerund phrases and infinitive phrases.gerund phrases and infinitive phrases. Prepositional phrasePrepositional phrase Prepositional phrases modify nouns and verbs, indicating Prepositional phrases modify nouns and verbs, indicating various relationships between subjects and verbs. Often in various relationships between subjects and verbs. Often in English, writers employ prepositional phrases excessively to English, writers employ prepositional phrases excessively to create an almost comical effect. create an almost comical effect. “Coming!“ Away she skimmed “Coming!“ Away she skimmed over the lawnover the lawn, , up the pathup the path, , up up the stepsthe steps, , across the verandaacross the veranda, and , and into the porchinto the porch. . 1. Form1. Form A prepositional phrase=a preposition+(adjectives)+a noun/pronounA prepositional phrase=a preposition+(adjectives)+a noun/pronoun My older daughter graduated from school.My older daughter graduated from school. She then took a job.She then took a job. My older daughter took a job My older daughter took a job afterafter schoolschool. . When I studied, I had many questions about my selective When I studied, I had many questions about my selective courses.courses. I often consulted the adviser.I often consulted the adviser. DuringDuring my study period my study period, I often consulted the adviser , I often consulted the adviser aboutabout my selective coursesmy selective courses. . 2. Functions2. Functions Prepositional phrases have three formal functions in sentences. Prepositional phrases have three formal functions in sentences. They can act as an adjective modifying a noun, as an adverb They can act as an adjective modifying a noun, as an adverb modifying a verb, or as a nominal when used in conjunction with modifying a verb, or as a nominal when used in conjunction with the verb form the verb form to beto be. . 2.1. As an adjective2.1. As an adjective When a prepositional phrase is used as an adjective, it modifies When a prepositional phrase is used as an adjective, it modifies a noun or a pronoun, answers the question “a noun or a pronoun, answers the question “which one?”which one?” and and always follows the word it modifies.always follows the word it modifies. People lives in the cityPeople lives in the city People are accustomed to the traffic jams.People are accustomed to the traffic jams. PeoplePeople in the cityin the city are accustomed to the traffic jams. are accustomed to the traffic jams. Please hand me the pen.Please hand me the pen. The pen is behind the keyboard.The pen is behind the keyboard. Please hand me Please hand me the penthe pen behind the keyboardbehind the keyboard. . 2.2. As an adverb2.2. As an adverb When a prepositional phrase is used as an adverb, it modifies a When a prepositional phrase is used as an adverb, it modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb, answers the questions verb, an adjective, or another adverb, answers the questions “how?”, “when?”, “where?” and may appear in different positions “how?”, “when?”, “where?” and may appear in different positions in a sentence. in a sentence. The queen greeted the crowd.The queen greeted the crowd. She smiled graciously. She smiled graciously. The queen The queen greetedgreeted the crowd the crowd with a gracious smilewith a gracious smile. . It was at midnight.It was at midnight. Children got a surprise.Children got a surprise. They all woke up.They all woke up. At midnightAt midnight, children all , children all wokewoke up up with a surprisewith a surprise. . (Generally, when a prepositional phrase begins a sentence, it (Generally, when a prepositional phrase begins a sentence, it modifies the verb.)modifies the verb.) 2.3. As a noun When used in conjunction with the verb form to be, the prepositional phrase functions as a noun and acts as a predictive to express the existence or state of being of the subject. Our products are good. Their quality is prime. Our products are of prime quality. It was out of my expectation. A beautiful girl greeted me. The girl
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