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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to短语归纳24. take sb to sp. 带某人去某地25. Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐26. be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的27. move sb. 感动某人 (sb. be moved by sth.)28.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美29. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦30. the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的乐曲31. the city of Shantou = Shantou city 汕头市32. by age 17 到十七岁的时候 33. musical ability 音乐才能34. develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病35. become blind 成了盲人;变瞎36. make money 赚钱 37. get married (to sb.) (和某人)结婚38. continue to do sth. 继续去做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做着某事(同一件事)39. perform in this way 用这种形式表演40. during/ in ones lifetime 在某人有生之年 41. by the end of . 到末为止(时间) at the end of . 在尽头/末梢(时间、地点)42. Its a pity that . 遗憾的是 43. in total 总共 44. be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听45. praise . for . 因为赞美46. Chinas national treasures 中国的国家珍宝47. paint a picture of . 描绘了一幅画 48. recall ones deepest wounds 唤起某人最深的伤痛49. painful experiences 痛苦的经历50. a time for spreading joy 传播快乐的时间1. dance to music 随着音乐起舞 2. sing along with 随着一起唱3. musicians who play different kinds of music弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家4. electronic music 电子音乐 5. not much=nothing much 没什么(事)6. suppose sb. to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为 7. have spare time 有空闲时间 in ones spare time 在某人的空闲时间 spare the time to do sth. 抽时间做8. think too much 想得太多;过度思考9 in that case 既然那样10. World War II 第二次世界大战 11. smooth music 悦耳的音乐12. prefer A to B 比起B来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B 愿意去做A而不是去做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A而不做B13. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 =want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 14. stick to 坚持,固守15. be down 悲哀,沮丧 16. cheer sb up 使 高兴/ 振奋17. have a happy ending 有个美满的结局18. less serious 不那么严重 19. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好办法20. shut off 关闭21. in time 及时 on time 按时/准时22. once in a while 偶尔的;有时 =sometimes /at times23. write ones own lyrics 自己写歌词句子重难点解析1. Hmm, depends which movie. 嗯,那要看是哪部电影了。=It depends (on) which movie well watch.本句省略了主语it和which movie后面的定语从句well watch,在口语和非正式场合,为保持语言简洁,交流者会省略彼此所知或逻辑上可明确推断的内容。常见句型:It depends (on) who/ what/ how/ whether .当depend on后接疑问词或含疑问词的短语和从句时,口语中会省略介词on,以求话语简练。练一练那的看谁来做这个报告。_.I cant decide for now. _(这得取决于你老爸是否会同意。)2. I just want to laugh and not think too much. 我只想笑一笑,不想过度思考。本句中to laugh和not think too much均为动词不定式,后者在not和think之间省略了to.当多个不定式结构并列使用时,to出现在第一个结构中,后面的往往会省略。练一练她喜欢唱歌、跳舞、与朋友们外出消遣。 She likes _ her friends. 3. I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我更喜欢有优美歌词的音乐prefer 名词、动名词或动词不定式(更喜欢) I _. 我更喜欢那个白色的包。 Tony_at home on weekends.托尼更喜欢周末待在家。prefer (doing)A to (doing) B(比起B来更喜欢A)Linda _ . 比起梨来琳达更喜欢苹果。I _ . 比起看电视来我更喜欢看书。 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.(宁愿做而不做)我宁愿走路也不愿搭公共汽车。 I _ take a bus .她宁愿呆在家里也不出去. She _ go out.4. I suppose Ill just listen to this new CD I bought. 我想我会听我买的新光盘。 suppose (that)从句 (认为/猜想)I suppose she will be back next year. 我想明年她会回来的。若从句为否定句且主句主语是第一人称I时,应该否定前移(和think,believe用法一样)。I dont suppose / think he will go with us. 我想他不会和我们去的。本句式的疑问句的答语:Do you suppose he will agree? Yes, I suppose so. / No, I suppose not. be supposed to do sth.(被期望做某事/应该做某 =be expected to do / should do sth.)句子主语是人时,可以表示劝告,建议,义务,责任等。We are supposed to get there on time. 我们应该准时到达那里。(被要求)练一练To keep safe, everyone _ to wear a seat belt in the car.A. is supposedB. supposesC. supposedD. will supposeIn the United States, youre not supposed _with your hands.A. to eat B. eating C. eats D. ateI dont suppose anyone will volunteer, _?A. do IB. dont IC. will theyD. wont they5. While some people stick to only one kind of movie . 尽管有些人坚持只看一种类型的电影stick to 坚持;固守;遵守(及物型短语动词,名词/代词/动名词)When you start a job, you must stick to it. 一旦开始了一件工作, 你就得持之以恒。The government must stick to its promises. 政府必须坚守它自己的承诺。_ , and youll succeed with your hard work. 坚持梦想, 付出努力, 你就会成功的。6. When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up. 当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些能使我高兴起来的电影。down adj. 悲哀; 沮丧;情绪低落的(作表语形容词)cheer up(短语动词) vt. 使振奋/高兴;vi. 高兴起来_, he often listens to gentle music. 他心情沮丧时, 常听柔和的音乐。 _ ! Our troubles will soon be over. 振作起来! 我们的困难很快就会过去。 When I feel down, My parents always _ (总是鼓励我).
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