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傅丽红 Workroom of Confidential Sister (知心姐姐 工作室) Giving advice You should You could Youd better You can Why dont you In your daily life, you may have many problems and I want you to talk about your problem. 3a Read the letter to a newspaper advice column. Dear Mary, I have a problem, and I need your help. I always thought I was popular at school. But I just found out that my friends were planning a birthday party for my best friend, and they didnt invite me. Everyone else in my class was invited except me, and I dont know why. I cant think what I did wrong. Im very upset and dont know what to do. What do you think? Can you help me? Yours, Lonely Kid 我发现我的朋友们正在为我 的最好的朋友计划开生日Party。 我们班除了我之外所有的人都被邀请了 。 我想不出我什么地方做错了。 我很伤心,不知道该怎么办。 Suppose you are the confidential sister or brother (知心姐姐或是知心大 哥). Can you write a reply to the lonely kid. Please give your advice. 3b 3c Dear Lonely Kid, There are a lot of things you could do. You could _ _. Or maybe you should _ _. Good luck! Yours, Mary
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