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八年级上册英语第单元月考考试附答案9 / 9 作者: 日期:个人收集整理,勿做商业用途一单项选择.(每题1分,共计20分)() 1.The news made me _ .A. feel excitedB. feel excitingC. to feel excitedD.to feel exciting() 2.Its spring now, so we decide _ to the mountains.A. to goB. goingC. to goingD. go() 3. Look at my pen. Its newer than _.A.sheB.herC.shesD.hers() 4.Town Cinema is _to home than the other cinemas.A. closeB. closerC. closestD. the closest() 5. Can I ask you _ questions?A. someB.anyC.aD.few() 6.Can you finish the work with _ time and _ people?A. less, fewer B. lesser, fewC.fewer ,less D.little, fewer()7._ they are twins,_ they dont look the same.A.Though, butB.Though, C.But, D.Because, so()8.Tara sings _ than Lisa.A.loudlyB.loudC.loudlierD.more loudly()9.-Who is Lisa?- The one _ short black hair.A.inB.with C.haveD.has()10._ of Wang Leis parents are teachers.A.AllB.EveryC.BothD.Each()11.Lucy is the same _ her sister.A.toB.asC.withD.for()12.Lily is my friend.She is _ outgoing than me.A.muchB.a littleC.a little muchD.much more()13.A true friend can _ his happiness(幸福)and sadness(忧伤)with you.A.haveB.shareC.forgetD.make()14.Its very important _ us _learn English well.A.to, toB.for, forC.to , forD. for, to() 15. How do you _Sun Cinema?A. likeB. think ofC. think aboutD. like about()16. She is talentedmusic but I am goodsports.A.in, atB.at,inC.at,at D.in,in()17.Larry is different _ his classmates.A.forB.fromC.toD.on()18. _you dont give up(放弃),your dreams will cometrue.A. As long asB. As soon asC. As well as D.As often as()19. He did not write _,though(尽管)he had _.A. careful enough; enough timeB. carefully enough;enough timeC. enough careful;enough timeD.enough carefully; time enough()20. I felt _when I heard the _ news.A.exciting; excitedB. excited;excitingC. exciting; excitingD. excited; excited二、完形填空(每小题2分,共计20分)Last Sunday our school had a great21show. I thought Eliza was22of all. Shes23excellent piano player. My good friend Lily thought Steve and his dog24the funniest,because all the teachers and students couldnt stop25.Our English teacher thought Vera was26act in the talent show. Because few people could play the guitar up and down. After the program, Dennis performed a ball game, but I thought he was27of all. He was terrible! He kept28the balls. At last, our29sang a song. They were the loudest30sure.() 21.A.talentedB.talentC. talentsD.good()22.A.the bestB.bestC.the worstD.better() 23.A.aB.anC.theD.()24.A.areB.isC.amD.were()25.A.to laughB.laughedC.laughingD.laugh()26.A.the most creativeB.the creativestC.more creativeD.less creative() 27.A.the bestB.betterC.worseD.the worst()28.A.droppedB.dropC.dropedD.dropping() 29.A.math teacherB.English teachersC.Chinese teacherD.P.E teacher()30.A.inB.toC.ofD.for三、阅读理解(每题2分,共计30分)AJohn was ten years old and was a very lazy (懒的)boy. He had to go to school every day. He didnt like school and didnt want to do much work. His parents were doctors. They hoped that their son would become a doctor when he grew up. But one day John said to his mother, “When I finish school, I want to be a dustman(清洁工).”“A dustman?” his mother asked. She was very surprised. “Thats not a pleasant job. Why do you want to be a dustman?”“Because I only have to work one day a week,” John answered.“One day a week?” his mother asked. “What do you mean?”“Well,” John answered. “I know that the dustman only come to our house and work on Wednesday, because I only see her on that day.”31. John did not want to do much work at school because_.A. he was lazyB. he didnt like the teachersC. he was good at its lessonsD. his parents would help him32. Johns parents wanted him to become a doctor because.A. they are doctorsB. he is lazyC. its not busyD. they are busy33. John wanted to be a dustman
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