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六年级英语下册ModuleUnitShecouldntseeorhear教案外研版(三起)(新) 作者: 日期:2 Unit 2 She couldt see or hear.Teaching PlanTeaching materials:New Standard English, Book 8 Module7 Unit2 She couldt see or hear.Teaching Objectives:1、Be able to master words: born, as, became, letter, spell, herself, live The phrase: all over, role modle And the key words: could, couldnt 2、Be able to use the patterns “ could, couldnt” to describe ability.Be able to get the method of reading an English story and retell it.3、Lead the Ss to know something about Helen, and to cultivate them to learn from that famous lady.Teaching Important:Master these new words and the phrase. Be able to use the sentences with “could, couldnt”.Teaching difficulties:Retell the story.Teaching aids :Word cards, flash , computer, the CAI, Teaching steps:Step 1: Warming up and preparation:1. Greeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls.How are you ? 2. Guessing game (用探照灯让学生逐一看图片,然后回答问题.)课件出示动物图片:tiger, monkey, panda, cat, dog, bird, 练习运用-Can you see a? -Yes, I can. /No, I cant. 2. Lead inA. Show a photo of Yao Ming T: Look at this photo, who is he ?S: He is Yao Ming.T: He is Yao Ming, he is 35 years old. When was he born?(教授单词born)S:He was born in 1980.T:What can he do?(引导学生回答)S:He can play basketball. He can jump high. He can speak English.(此处用幕布逐渐出示问题和答案)What can you do?I can.What cant you do?I cant.(老师提问几位同学来回答。)B.Show a photo of Yao Ming, too. When he was a child.Q:As a small child,what could Yao Ming do? (学习单词as)(解释:在姚明小得时候,他能够做什么?) He could walk. He could see. He could hear.Q:As a small child,what couldnt Yao Ming do? He couldnt play basketball. He couldnt jump high. He couldnt speak English.(此处用幕布逐渐出示问题和答案)can-could(领读) cant-couldnt(领读)它们之间有什么关系(过去式)齐读句型,观察could 后的动词特征。Pairwork(教师先示范提问几位同学,小组活动时讲明要求)T: Lets do a pairwork, two students a pair, one ask, one answer, start.What could you do?I could.What couldnt you do?I couldnt.C.Use can,cant,could,couldnt, fill in the blanks.(用刮奖区覆盖答案,学生边答老师可以刮开答案.)3. Listen and chant.Look at the flash, then read after flash.(Pay attention to could,couldnt) Step 2: Presentation1、 出示两幅图,blind, deaf, 介绍在我们身边有很多身残志坚的人,引出Helen keller.2、 Introduce Helen Keller:T:There is a famous woman, she couldnt see, she couldnt hear, but she could speak, she could write, and she could even write many books, who is she?S: She is Helen Keller. (板书课题)Give some information about Helen Keller.(出示海伦凯勒的照片,同时出示资料链接,给学生自读时间,阅读有关海伦凯勒的简历。)Step3:Text learning.1、T: As a small child, Helen Keller became blind and deaf, she couldnt see or hear, but she learned to speak、read、and write , she wrote many books, and she went all over the world, (尝试在手上写字母,认读,让学生通过直观的感觉感受Helen 学习“说话”和“写字”的艰难。)T:I think Helen is much more greater, she is a role model for blind people and for you and me. Do you agree? (教授单词role modle)2、Listen and answer the questions: Where and when were Helen Keller born?She was born in the US in 1880.T: How did her teacher helped her?The teacher drew letters in her hand. (出示动词过去时drawdrew,学习单词letter。)What did she learned to do later? ( She learned to read, write and speak.)What did she do then? ( She wrote a book about herself and she travelled all over the world.)(学习herself, all over the world单词及短语)How old did she live to be?(She lived to be 87.) 3、Lets listen to the story about Helen.4、Read after tape.5、Fill in the blanks.(用刮奖刷来刮开答案,可以请几位同学上来刮奖。)Step 4: Practice:1、Retell the story.T: Do you think that Helen is your model?Lets tell the story to your friends!Here I have some pictures on the screen, and they will help you to tell the story. (出示重点信息等) (老师示范)Ask some students to tell the story. Step 5:Homework:1、Read the story. 2、Tell the story to your friends,your father and your mother.板书设计Module 8 Unit 1She couldt see or hear.bornaschildblinddeaflaterdrewlettersherselfall over the worldmodel Helen Keller was in America in 1880. the teacher in her hand. Wrote a book aboutTravelled 8
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