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-What _ this dinosaur _ and _? - It _ fish and _ water. - Where _ these dinosaurs _? - They _ in a forest. P36 dideat drink atedrank did live lived Some dinosaurs had _. They _. Some did not have _. They _. 2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P37 wings flew in the sky wings walked on land Some dinosaurs had sharp teeth. They ate meat. Some did not have sharp teeth. They ate plants. 3. _ _ _ _ 4. _ _ _ _ P37 Some dinosaurs swam. They lived near lakes. Some did not swim. They lived in forests. Some dinosaurs were heavy. They ran slowly. Some were not heavy. They ran fast. P38 I made this dinosaur _. _. _. _. _. last week I used cardboard and paint It ate plants It had a horn on its nose It walked on four legs P38 2. I made this dinosaur _. _. _. _ _. _. yesterday I used wire, newspaper and paint It ate plants, too It had a long neck, short legs and red eyes It didnt run fast P38 3. _. _ _. _. _ _. _. I made this dinosaur last month I used wire, newspaper, cardboard and paint It had plates on its back and a strong tail It didnt have sharp teeth It didnt fly or swim P39 1. There were large eggs in a _ in the forest. 2. The mother dinosaur had sharp _ and _. 3. Tom _ fast but the mother dinosaur _ faster. 4. -This dinosaur wanted to _ Tom. -This dinosaur _ Tom nest teeth claws ran ran eat saved P40 1. A girl _ _ _ _ _ was near a lake. There was a nest on the ground with big eggs in it. There were about ten of them. The girl picked up one. 2. There was _ _ _ _ an angry mother bird behind the girl. The mother bird/She had a big body and sharp claws. The eggs were hers! P40 3. The girl _ _ _ _ put down the egg slowly and ran. The mother bird ran faster. She jumped on the girl. The girl was frightened. 4. Just then, _ _ _ _ a friendly fish saved the girl. It had a big head. She climbed on its back and they swam away.
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