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第五讲 习语与对偶句的处理 一、习语的翻译 汉语习语与中华民族的地理环境、历史 背景、风俗习惯等因素有着密切的联系,具 有显著的民族性。一般说来,汉语习语由成 语、俗语、谚语和歇后语组成。汉语的习语 多以四字组成,具有言简意赅、形象生动、 表现力强等特点;俗语和谚语通俗易懂,形 象简练,且有定式;歇后语由前后两部分构 成,前一部分为比喻,后一部分说明含义。 一般说来,汉语习语的翻译可以采用直译 法、借用法、意译法、直译兼意译、直译 加注法、省略法等。 (一)直译法 直译法是在不违背译文语言规范以及不引 起读者误解的情况下,在译文中保留原文 习语的形象、修辞和民族特色。 1、成语直译 (1) 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛 。 Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mt Tai or lighter than a feather *该译法形象鲜明,喻义明确。但是如果翻 译成insignificant or significant则索然无味 。 (2) “此事易如反掌,何必多议!” “Its as easy as turning over ones hand! Why so much talk!” (3)于是金荣忍气吞声,不多一会儿,也自睡 了! Jin Rong had to swallow his anger and hold his tongue, and very soon he turned in. (4)他这一去如石沉大海,再无消息。 He left like a stone dropped into the sea, and has never been heard of. Ex.1:口头翻译下列成语 1、蓬头垢面 2、求同存异 3、扑朔迷离4、朴实无华 5、遣词造句 6、能者多劳 7、画饼充饥 8、顺水推舟 9、扭亏增盈 10、 仁者见仁,智者见智 11、 宁为玉碎,不为瓦全 Ex.1: 1. with disheveled hair and dirty face 2. to seek common grounds while reserving difference 3. complicated and confusing 4. simple and unadorned 5. choice of words and building of sentences 6. The abler one is, the more one should do. 7. To draw cakes to allay hunger 8. to push the boat with current 9.to make up deficits and increase surplus 10. The donkey means one thing, and the driver another. /The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 11. Rather be a shattered vessel of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery./ Better a glorious death than a shameful life /Better death than dishonor. 2.俗语、谚语直译 (1)古人说得好:有钱能使鬼推磨,现在只要 你有钞票,保险路路通 Theres a lot of truth in the old saying: “if youve money you can even make the devil turn your mill”. Nowadays, so long as youve got money you can be sure every door will be open to you *译文保留了“鬼”“磨”的形象,同时与英语 习语Money makes the mare go的句型非常 相似,译文读者不难理解。 (2)中国有句俗语“不入虎穴,焉得虎子。”这 句话对于人们的实践是真理,对于认识论 也是真理。 There is an old Chinese saying, “how can one catch the tiger cubs without entering the tigers lair?” *如果用Nothing venture, nothing gain来翻译 ,一则平淡,二则有悖原文的风格。 (3)土帮土成墙,穷帮穷成王。 Earth sticks to earth makes a wall, poor men stick to poor men and together overthrow a kingdom. (4)十年树木,百年树人。 It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people. (5)路遥知马力,日久见人心。 A long road tests a horses strength and a long task proves a mans heart. Ex.2: 翻译下列俗语、谚语。 1、人多力量大,柴多火焰高。 2、若要人不知,除非几莫为。 3、画虎画皮难画骨。 4、良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 5、人为财死,鸟为食亡。 6、久病成医 7、饱汉不知饿汉饥 8、到什么山上唱什么歌 Ex.2: 1. More people produce greater strength, more logs make a bigger fire. 2. The only way to stop people from knowing is not to do it. 3. In drawing a tiger, you show its skin, but not its bones. 4. Frank advice is like herbal medicine, hard to take, but ultimately beneficial. 5. Men die for wealth, birds die for food. 6. Prolonged illness turns a patient into a doctor. 7. The well-fed dont know how the starved suffer. 8. Sing different songs on different mountains. 3.歇后语直译 (1)卖人参的听了,“哑巴见妈说不出的苦”。 When the ginseng-seller heard this, he was like a dumb man dreaming of his mother: he couldnt voice his distress. (2)再派人去,都不是瞎子点灯白费蜡吗? Sending someone else is like a blind man carrying a candle: a waste of wax! (3)老虎吃天,无从下口。 A tiger wanting to eat the sky- not knowing where to start. ( 二)借用法 汉语语言与文化的共通之处,使的汉译英 中,借用同义英语成语成为可能。一般说 来有下列几中情况: 1.汉英习语含义相同,形象一致时,可以借 用英语习语来翻译: (1)只有破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,或许有翻身 的一天。 All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day youll come on top. (2)你应该趁热打铁,把刚学的几首诗背下来。 You should strike the iron while its hot, just try to memorize the poems that have been newly taught to you. (3)“这实在是叫做天有不测风云,她的男 人是坚实人,谁知道年纪青青,就会断送在 伤寒上” “It was really a bolt from the blur. Her husband was so strong, nobody could have expected that he would die of typhoid fever” (4)甭担心,船到桥头自然直 Dont worry. Youll cross the bridge when you come to it. 2. 汉英习语形象不一致,但内涵相同时,也 可借用不具浓厚民族色彩的同义英语习语 来翻译。如: 突飞猛进 活蹦乱跳 患难与共 少年老成 无稽之谈 近墨者黑 by leaps and bounds alive and kicking to share weal and woe to have an old head on young shoulder cock-and- bull story He that lies down with dogs must rise with fleas. 3.有些汉语习语直译后雍长拖沓,辞不达意 。为了避免这些弊病,可借用比喻形象与 之大相径庭的同义英语习语来翻译。 (1)你不能因噎废食,从此出门只靠步行啊。 You could not cut off your nose to spite your face and forever travel on foot hereafter. * “因噎废食”本来可以翻译成“to stop eating for fear of choking”,但cut off your nose to spite your face 更清楚。 (2)这家企业已经到了山穷水尽的地步了。 This enterprise is now at the end of its tether. (3)难怪他数学那么好,他父母都是数学教 授。“龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠生儿打地洞 嘛”。 No wonder he is so good at maths his parents are professors of maths. “like father, like son,” indeed. Ex.3: 用借用法翻译下列习语 挥金如土水中捞月 一贫如洗贪得无厌 随波逐流抛砖引玉 半斤八两 脱胎换骨 小题大做指鹿为马 金蝉脱壳画蛇添足 上梁不正下梁歪 新官上人三把火 Ex.3: to spend money like water to fish in air as poor as church mouse greedy as a wolf to swim with the tide to throw a sprat to catch a whale six of one and half a dozen of the other to turn a new leaf to make mountain out of a molehills to talk black into white to throw sb off the scent to gild the lily Fish begins to stink at the head New brooms sweep clean. (三)意译法 当直译或借用法都行不通时,可以采用意 译法: 1.成语
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